Moving Beyond Fear

As I pulled into the parking lot of the strip mall along Commercial Blvd, I sensed an uneasiness.  I was surprised—even at myself.  I had come for Salsa lessons. Something, I had wanted to do for a long time. Why would something I had looked forward to suddenly bring me unrest?  I stopped and turned off the ignition to the car.  I took a deep breath, staring straight at the dance studio in front of me from my parking spot.  Silently asked myself—what was I afraid of?  Could it be going by myself?  After all, I had resisted movies alone. No, I reasoned.  I had traveled extensively by myself; even driven across the country.  I had not only survived my divorce ten years prior, but in fact, felt I had thrived—stepping into my purpose and feeling a sense of self empowerment;  intuitively knowing I had grown into a more authentic-ness of my being.  Out of college, I had been hired as a sales representative for Pfizer.  On more than one occasion, I had been reduced to tears by the arrogance and rudeness of the physicians I called on; yet I persisted and excelled. I had gone back to school in my 40’s with eighteen year old college kids and found camaraderie and pure enjoyment.  It was funny  to me though,  how little things can trigger our insecurities in spite of how right certain things felt.  I had “survived” transformation training even becoming one of the leaders—of sorts.  A captain on a variety of athletic teams in my formative years was also a strength I seemed to possess.  I tossed the fear aside, and opened the car door. I focused on what I wanted to accomplish and why I had come.

I have gone back four times now—and each time becomes more comfortable.  We are all beginners—learning something new—and for my part having fun.  I recognize faces—and the other students recognize me.  Will I become a serious dance student?  A new interest?  Perhaps.  Right now, I will continue but, I ask, what if I had not taken the first step?  What if I had backed out and driven away?  How many times have we all done this, because the unknown prevents us from something positive?  I write this only to encourage you and to say, we all have our moments where we are unsure about new adventures, new jobs—and new opportunities.  What would you do if you weren’t afraid? I encourage you to take the leap.  You’ll be glad you did!



“Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.” – Robert Tew

One Response

  1. Cathy,

    The quote at the end is a nice touch.


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