What’s Up With the Mail? – Blog – May 2024

“I wrote you a love letter, and I sent it snail mail. Love is forever, and that’s about how long it’ll take to get to you.”

― Jarod Kintz

This saga started on February 4, 2024 with five Valentines cards that I had carefully addressed, stamped and sealed with my old-fashioned wax seal. I handed them to the mailman directly. Two were on the way to my grandchildren, one to my youngest son and his wife, another to a friend who had recently lost her husband and one to my boyfriend. Two were handmade. Two had a five dollar bill inside. (I thought my grandchildren would have fun picking something out from “Meme”.) The cards were on their way to four different states. Three months later none of the cards have arrived.

A few weeks later, upon my morning walk through the neighborhood, I saw a woman leaning on the corner of her garage, partially hidden standing there on the side of her well groomed house and yard. Sizing me up, I presumed.  Tiny, petite and dressed in a loud colorful shirt and leggings, she came toward me when I waved and shouted “Hello”. Lit cigarette between her fingers, we started a conversation. She was a tough, determined, and what I would call a strong-willed New Yorker with a raspy smokers voice. My assessment, she was a no bullshit woman a few years older than myself. Our conversation circled around local and national politics, a failing very ill neighbor of mutual concern and then synchronicity led us to the USPS. She volunteered that another neighbor had also mailed “a stack” of Valentine Cards—none of those cards made it to their destination either! What gives?

Still irritated by the lost and missing Valentine cards, I flagged down a mail truck a few days later.  This time it was a contract postal worker—pretty rude actually and not the normal pleasant demeanor of the postal carrier I was used to. She claimed she knew nothing. 

A couple weeks later—I had a conversation with another new or substitute mail carrier in the neighborhood.  His name was Ricky. Very pleasant and somewhat enthusiastic, he assured me that my letters ‘were in the system’.  He explained about the huge sorting machine as big as a football field—“Fine” I thought. I can’t say I believed him. Not about the mail sorter as big as a football field—but that my hopelessly lost Valentine Cards were still in the system. 🤔  I thanked him for his time and he motored on to the next mail box.

Fast forward a couple more weeks . . . it was my younger sister’s birthday—and my youngest sons a few days after hers. Certainly my VD card experience had me a bit troubled and concerned. My sister’s envelope had a gift card inside. Would it make it to Portland safely? I decided NOT to include a check in my son’s card—I let the bank send it instead. I ended up mailing both with a tracking numbers—for a cool $9.85 each! You can imagine by this timestamp, the USPS is not on the top of my list of beloved government services. Actually, I’m not sure any of them are. It’s not the majority of dedicated employees—it’s the policies and politics that have filtered down to local services—or lack there of. I have my theories—but I digress. A simple first class stamp is not enough apparently to make sure an envelope reaches the destination. But, this tale gets even better . . . . 

What’s the bigger story? A postal employee relayed a story to me on that fateful morning run to my local Florida Post Office. She claimed in a conversation that morning that there had been three gun-point robberies on individual mail carriers the day before. Each location in a part of town that that shouldn’t have happened. We all know there are neighborhoods that are unfortunately more unsafe than others. But this was in the full light of day and what we call or assume are the “good neighborhoods”.  

The masked-gun-pointing thieves demanded the “arrow” key and the carrier’s cell phone. The cell phone—so the police couldn’t be called on a 911 number and the arrow or master key to access all locked mail boxes. She said that they had been doing something called “whitewashing checks” or changing the Pay to the Order of or dollar amounts. WTF? 

I posted this new information online in a substack on 3-29-24 as a question shortly after this very insightful conversation about this growing problem. Which btw, has been apparently under-the-radar for sometime now throughout the United States. It is a huge nationwide problem.

Please note the following comments. 

KJ’s comment: Last year in Castle Shannon, PA (suburb outside of Pittsburgh), thieves somehow removed the tops off the blue drive-thru mailboxes at about 2 a.m. located at the Castle Shannon post office.

Not an out of the way area either. Lots of traffic and a house right across the street.

Took forever for the local news to report the theft. Once people found out, they were scrambling to stop payment on checks and closing bank accounts.

The thieves wanted to “wash” the checks and use them again.

Now, I only deposit mail in the interior of the post office during normal working hours.  

TPTB don’t want us to use cash or checks.

Digital currency to track us…and cut us off if we “misbehave.”

L.M. wrote this: Wow. I have not heard about arrow keys being stolen around here (Southern California), but I do know that the post offices in the area lock the outside drop boxes down, when it is after hours. There is a place to drop your mail inside, but it has some sort of thing on it to prevent people from stealing the mail.

And, E. M. added this: A friend who’s husband is an artist mailed 50 packages of calendars early this year. Post Office said they lost them all. When the Post Office was shown the receipt’s from the transaction they said so and refused to take any responsibility. What’s up guys?

I responded to E. M. with the following: “A couple of years ago–I mailed another package. Priority Mail—freshly baked banana bread from Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Carlsbad, CA. Two-to-Three days, right? That’s why we pay an upcharge for this Priority service offered by the USPS and their expedited delivery of 2-3 days. Sadly, the banana bread sat somewhere because the tracking number never seemed to move beyond the Miami locale timeline. (It probably sat in Opa-Locka for three weeks!) I’m not sure it was ever delivered. If it was–it was way too late and moldy. I checked with the office assistant to Dr. Todd. She never remembers receiving it! I know it’s political. Even the workers will tell you that it’s not the same Postal Service it was even several years back. I say, “pre-CV19”  

I continued my reply to E.M. “I’m sorry about your friend’s calendars! A total waste!! And to add insult to injury the reply from the Post Office where I mailed the freshly baked banana bread: “It’s not guaranteed.” 😡 What a beautiful back-door out for NO RESPONSIBILITY! 

Another addition to my Substack request for comments came from “A.J.” He responded with his own story: I had a mailed check fished out of a street blue box in late 2019. Was cashed the next day after being washed and a new amount written on it. If for under about $2K, banks don’t do any investigation. Neither does P.O. Banks just use their “insurance” and pass that cost to their customers. Most police depts. do no work either for check fraud unless rises to a big felony amount and is part of a long running racket. I did all the gum shoe detective work gathering bank documents and video data to find out where, when and how. A bank manager told me the problem was everywhere but worse in poor neighborhoods.

About one year ago, the blue box fishing around me escalated so badly in even “good” neighborhoods many local P.O.s put warning tape and notes “Don’t use!” on its outdoor blue boxes for after hours service. And I got snail mail notices from USPS not to use their outdoor blue boxes when post offices are closed.

If you mail a check at a P.O. do it inside, never use street blue boxes, and use a gel pen which is a bit harder for thieves to wash. And watch your monthly bank statements like a hawk. I have no doubt this bankers gross lack of care is to make us use their credit and debit cards more and for us to rack up wire fees and credit interests payments.

The lack of care of the USPO is shocking. So sorry to learn about these gunpoint attacks on postal carriers.

S.P.H. insightful thought to A.J.’s story and our group discussion added: And to think, the USPS is handling thousands of vote by mail ballots. There is no chain of custody, no tracking, no guarantee.

Another friend in Washington state said mail robbers in the city of Tacoma had finally been arrested after months looting mailboxes with the said “Arrow key”. So.  It seems that this is truly a nation-wide issue, yet I haven’t heard or read anything. More Crickets.

Why “all of a sudden” do we have such drastic problems with the United States Postal Service?  Is it to drive the fear and persuade us that digital is safer? (This is only the corrupt illusion for the Deep State players. And they are ALWAYS preaching and trying to convince us it’s for our safety!) Oh Please, don’t make me laugh!  Our non-traceable paper contents inside our envelopes are essentially private Vs. a totally trackable electronic hack or trace by the controlling powers, that comes with its own backdoor portals and continuous electronic digital tracking system to be used for social credits, food buying, travel privileges and access to your bank and money?  No, you say, that can’t happen? Ask Dr. Mercola or John Eastman or the Canadian Truckers! Heard about any data breaches lately AT&T ??? So.  

Are thugs being compensated in some underhanded way or hired by the DS? I ponder J.K.’s comment “where nobody saw anything.” Why? Are we be being set up for more election fraud as S.P.H. suggests?

This from a long retired postal worker and family of postal employees from Western New York State: Right you are. I’ve been retired many years now and back in my time there were things going on that weren’t right, but got swept under the rug. Under the Biden presidency, crime of all sorts is running rampant and no one cares. I am a Trump supporter. In spite of his personal quirks and his having to deal with Biden’s Dems., he had our country on the right track. There is no oversight within the different branches of our gov’t. Whether you do business on the computer or through the mail or by phone, you are open to hacking and thievery. Welcome to the 21st century where nothing and no one is safe. With AI coming into our lives more as time goes by, our situations could become worse. Life is a gamble, as the saying goes.

“You know something is wrong when the government declares opening someone else’s mail is a felony 

but your internet activity is fair game for data collecting.” 

E.A. Bucchianeri

These accounts are the some of the most recent hold-ups of lost, missing, & delayed mail. I’ve seen or heard nothing in the news. It happened to me personally as well as all these others. But there are just more crickets. I guess the mail is a lower priority than the chaos spinning around us all—all of the time these days. Or is it just more distraction—hoping we won’t notice? I have had more than one conversation with a Postal Employee. . . . but . . . the facts above certainly document a huge and growing problem that not only effects us all, but potentially has far reaching consequences that I see as the tip of a very dark iceberg.

Just be aware . . . 

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside.

www.Cathrinesilver.com (Website)

www.cathysilver.me (Blog)

cathysilverhealth@gmail.com (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending


Blog April 2024

Abraham-Hicks channeled years ago that we think we see the same things all living in the ‘same town’, a paraphrase of Esther’s channeling. I always knew that we as humans each have our own different perspectives on everything. That spectrum is endless. And, it is perhaps more evident now than ever before. Coming out of the last four years, the “plandemic”challenged us with so much propaganda, omissions, half truths, censorship, and blatant lies that are still being continually dumped on a naive, unawake public. The twists and turns on this road of Oz have been milestones and historical as this shift proceeds full speed ahead. At times it seems faster than the Dali, the cargo ship, that caused the destruction of the Baltimore Key bridge a few days ago. Often it feels slow. Just wait until historians look back two or three hundred years from the present moment. It’s all been so barbaric. Yikes. Buckle up, baby, and hold on tight! The ride isn’t over yet!

In order to create new systems moving away from our old, broken, eroded ways that “modern society” has developed over the last century, change is warranted. These “ways,” seemed to have been favored by hidden agendas and powerful interest groups, must be exposed.  We needed to see the corruption, dishonesty, and fraudulent conduct by these agencies, various corporations, charities, and individuals we have so innocently placed our trust in. Obviously, this trust is broken and we, as a society, are discovering and finally SEEING it everywhere we look. And, once you see it—you can’t “unsee” it—whatever “that” may be to you. Events, accidents or world-altering occurrences no longer look like simple accidents, but planned, pre-meditated sabotage or fear tactics. I believe COVID opened our eyes to all that we could not see, allowing, engaging and activating lightworkers in all our many forms and professions to stand for the truth. It seems we awakened and have stepped up to a soul calling—bringing forth the Truth for the world to see.  

I occasionally run into individuals who live in a bubble and are unaware of such activities. I wish I could live in that world assuming everything is ok. Some have referred this time as WWIII and the rules of engagement as undefined with much psy-op directly aimed at us daily.  I know at the energetic level everything is okay. Physical change follows the energetic. Shifts and change are difficult and certainly wearing. But many are still unaware of the poison in the jabs (aka vaccines/genetic modifications) or the resulting turbo sickness and early death among so many. They are still unable or unwilling to connect the dots. The border issue, homelessness, illegal voting rights, the justice system, and the chaos invading all across America, only to name a few. But, this blog isn’t about those issues. It’s critical that we understand that we have the power to see and expose these issues in order to make astute changes while ushering in higher consciousness which is leading the way. Light is winning. It has been since 2012!

LIGHT “is an energy created as a result of high consciousness—the metaphor of which is illumination.” Light can and does exist in a quantum state—meaning “all together without distance or instantaneous.” According to physicists, it is a massless particle and exists in another dimension outside of our time-space 3D/4D state.

Consciousness isn’t really about self-awareness. It has everything to do with physics, the energy of the Universes. We effect our world by sending this LIGHT because we all carry multidimensional properties within us, too.

I picture this multidimensional LIGHT as a vast network of mini-led lights all connected globally—and linked to me—to us—to the collective. When I or anyone send LIGHT, it is amplified by our intention and multiplied by multidimensional energies effecting the darkest, most evil on the planet for exposure and then advancement of humanity. In fact, I believe it is felt in all corners of the cosmos instantly because it takes place in a quantum state where space and time exist differently as they do here in our defined planet Earth. 

Esoterically, it is like this: When you’re ready, begin to develop your light and start the work. The work is a concentration of consciousness, or sending light to dark places. Don’t send your ideas or thoughts… just the light. The metaphor is that you’re illuminating dark places so that others may have free choice and see or discover hidden ideas that may contain solutions for some of the biggest problems on Earth. It’s not an evangelistic light; it’s a loving light of wisdom. It honors the free choice of all humanity, and it creates a more balanced place where everything available may be seen and evaluated. Notice any of that lately?

I know LIGHT has the upper hand and is working within and for us, because of the revealing nature of incomprehensible and previously impenetrable deceptions and secrets. So. Here is a call to action—send LIGHT. Continue to send LIGHT to the darkest places of the planet wherever they may be and we don’t have to know where.  We have the upper hand. It is standing before us on the multidimensional track that marries with our 3rd or 4th dimension that we exist in today. As the metaphorical snowball continues gathering steam rolling faster and faster down the mountain side—it is destroying narratives, changing ideas and beliefs, revealing “classified” secrets. At the same time, balancing and giving us wisdom in our quest for all that is unworthy and untrue. LIGHT is on our side. WE are the LIGHT.  We are the LIGHT of GOD—no matter what you believe the face of GOD looks like. LIGHT is here to stay. It gets stronger everyday. 

YOUR LIGHT will create great things for our future! 

Take a minute and SEND LIGHT. 

It’s what we were born to do!

About Cathrine Silver

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside.

www.Cathrinesilver.com (Website)

www.cathysilver.me (Blog)

cathysilverhealth@gmail.com (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

A Tribute to P.J.

It’s always a shock when someone you care about or love passes. It is no different if that someone is a beloved pet. So, I write this blog as a tribute—an honoring of a trusted friendship—companionship and the end of another turn on the cycle of Life. And, the Wheel continues to turn.

P.J. came to my house the end of 2011—beginning of 2012. Ultimately, she was supposed to belong to a housemate—however in the end—I saved her from a shelter—which in my mind meant—she would be euthanized. P.J. became mine. 

As with all pets, they speak to us without words.  P.J. opened doors and went where she pleased. She was verbal and insistent. She would stare at me in the kitchen until I acquiesced and poured her a little cup of half n’half. Once, sitting on my living room rug, she looked me right in the eyes, extended two front paws and proceeded to scratch the rug. Yep, we had our differences. Yet, she happily became an indoor-outdoor cat. Enjoying the sun—sleeping in the warm shade outside the sliding glass doors which surrounded my bedroom. There was something special about this damn cat. One of my nicknames for her was “Fire Tiger.”

One evening—a cool evening in Florida, I awoke to hear a crunch, crunch, crunch—sitting up in my bed, the moon light reflecting through the sliding glass doors, I saw an opossum contently eating PJ’s food. P.J. was sitting on the bed next to me. I looked over and said to her, “You opened the screen door and let the opossum in our room?” She stared blankly at me, turned, jumped off the bed walking past the cat-food eating opossum and right out the door, in a sense saying—“It’s your problem now”. “Thanks,” I thought to myself. Now what? That actually happened twice. I pulled off my comforter the second time and slept on the living room couch. In the morning—I blocked the screen door to keep her from opening it with her paw. After all, she never learned to close the door behind her. Priorities.

She enjoyed curling up beside me almost every night. She slept in the curve of my bent knees—thighs—and lower leg. At least until—three or four in the morning when she liked to go outside. I saw her again for breakfast—on the outside of the sliding glass door—meowing—and we started the routine over again. In and out. In and out. In and out. A cat’s life. As my good friend likes to remind me, “Dogs have owners, cats have staff.” They have a way of training everyone in the household. They are very persuasive. Meow.

Other things about cats—and P.J. was no acceptation, is they ALWAYS find the one person in the room who doesn’t particularly have a fondness for the feline species. Nothing personal. Guess who they head to first? Yep. Everytime! 

We moved about two years ago to a new neighborhood. She became friends with the neighbor—and she even had her own food bowl separate from the others. I was out of town, and he told me she would be waiting for him on his patio chair when he came outside to enjoy his morning coffee. Okay, it’s Florida remember and winter is the best time to enjoy coffee outside. He had 6 cats that he fed each morning. All were his except PJ. But, she made friends with them all and enjoyed sleeping in a cat shed that was safe and warm and organized for their comfort. Often times PJ disappeared for a night or two. Sleep over at Mikes! I had plenty of high quality food for her, but sometimes—she liked to eat “Burger King” as I called it, the mass marketed grocery store variety.

Towards the end, I gave her medication. She responded. I thought, we’re going to make it past this bump in the road. I cooked her wild caught salmon. I tracked down raw cows’ milk. I put Cat-Cal on her paw. It was a cat product full of minerals and nutrients. She began to jump up on the bed. I found her sleeping on my desk chair one day when I got back to the house. That made me smile and feel good. 

And then one day about a week later—she stopped eating. She went back to her hiding places—both under the bed and a small table that was dark and quiet, drinking only water. She kept wanting to go back outside. I finally agreed. She rested and slept in her favorite places outside my door—both in the sun and camouflaged in the garden. The last day she went to visit the neighbor. I looked for her—and Mike said, “She’s here”. She was on the grass and we picked her up. Placed her in the shed—in a place that was comfortable and warm. I spoke to her a bit more. She listened. Mike and I traded phone numbers. Thirty minutes later I got a call. She was gone. Mike said he would bury her right next to his young cat, “Little Red”, that had been hit by a passing car about a week before. I cried.

I know she will be back when the time is right. Sparky came back to Joy. Barney came back as Sasha. PJ will be back, too. In the meantime, I feel like she has let me know she is fine. I saw two curious things reading the news this past week. One said: PJMedia. The other, PJ liked your comment . . . Life is so much grander than we can imagine. 

I ask myself, “Is this the Universe getting me ready for What’s Next?” Time will tell. In the meantime, I say good-bye to a cat that made a big impact on me and all who knew her. I used to look right in her eyes and ask, “Who are you really? I know you’re not really a cat.” LOL 

And, so it is. Until we meet again. ❤️

Wonky Energy

Energy is everything and everything is Energy, right? And, it seems this new incoming energy burst has been on hyper-drive, infusing us, the planet and everything that we can’t see or touch.  Nevertheless, on some level, we’re certainly feeling it and affected by this intense new cosmic energy as we travel through space and into this new territory. My reaction and explanation is it’s all part of the shift in consciousness happening right before our eyes—that’s been happening—and is carrying us—humanity to new unfound places in our growth and ascension as “Beings of Light”. We’re being recalibrated constantly. We’re feeling it dramatically as of late!

So are you one that has been feeling “wonky”? Wonky, it seems, must be a new technical term, because so many people are using it. In fact, I looked it up. How about “off-center, askew, unsteady, wobbly or shaky”? I would even add dizzy—literally. And, tired. Are you in need of more sleep? Could it be the our biological, 3D bodies are undergoing an upgrade? Denial is futile.

We are not detached entities enclosed in our own case or cone of separation. We are entangled with everything. Native cultures understood our connection with the Earth’s field and energy. Nothing was separated. Every particle was part of the whole. They saw it in the trees, plants, animals, the sky and the whole of the earth often referred to as Pachamana.  If we understand that premise of connection, at the quantum particle level, we might even believe that we too are being affected, in a positive, life changing way.  Normally we pay no attention to the solar winds, the astrological transits and other geomagnetic information, unless you’re in these fields of study.  The Schumann Resonance, as it is known, measures waves of atoms in our planets atmosphere. This information “hurling” in from space, varies in its fluctuation and intensity. The earth is part of this complex arrangement in our solar system and Universe. We are a part of the earth, the solar system and Universe too. How can we not be affected?

I noticed a headline a few days ago about geo-magnetic storms. Are they really something to be feared or are they an inter-dimensional “language” of Love sent by our deep connection with the infinite Universe to which we intimately belong? Are these unrealized transits “speaking” to us? Are these radiating energies, part of the upgrade from space that we don’t understand? And unbeknownst to us, benevolent in humanity’s remodel and the key to our future ascension on the earth plane and ultimately peace on earth? 

Although I am not a physicist the concept of magnetics and consciousness are not lost on me. In fact, linked. So are the ideas of invisible energetic grids that hold, store and transmit information to us based on our intent and willingness to receive. This is, after all, the planet of free choice. Sometimes, we don’t know, what we don’t know. And, if our DNA mostly resides in a quantum state—these “new codes”—from the Creative Source could be the very mechanism to install our “new software”! These are not from man but from God. There is a huge difference. 

Have you checked the Schumann Resonance lately? The HeartMath Institute and the Global Coherence Initiative research team monitors these resonances occurring in the “plasma waves constantly circling the earth in the ionosphere”. Multiple daily readings are taken by their spectrogram instruments. These show activity occurring at the various resonant frequencies from 1 to 50 Hz. indicating the power, or intensity. These fluctuations are being studied presently but indications are they affect us all. But how? And, why? Or what for? Is it part of the connection to the unseen divine parts of ourselves? Or something Gregg Braden calls the “God Code”? You decide. Someday we’ll know for sure. 

What about Pluto’s transit into independent, scientific, humanitarian and community minded Aquarius? These so called “outer planets” have a direct relationship to the cosmos and to the collective consciousness of Earth. And therefore, us! It’s last appearance in this particular placement was 248 years ago. These were the times of the American, French and Haitian Revolutions and our fight for individual rights. It was a beginning period of enlightenment of sorts.  It seems apparent, astrologically at least, we’ve returned once again to a configuration which will give humanity another go at our own upward evolution. The other half of this rare astrological transit, as mentioned above, is Pluto. Pluto’s move into the energy of Aquarius is no joke. Pluto is known as the planet of death, rebirth and transformation, uncovering hidden truths. When it changes signs huge shifts occur. Notice any lately? It made its entrance on January 20, 2024. 

It seems the potential for solar storms is now possible and they are currently being monitored by NASA. My understanding is this is how the Sun communicates with the Earth and sends us information. The electricians call it “inductance”. It is what we observe with the Northern Lights also known as the Aurora Borealis. These fantastic light displays are carried from the solar winds. This tremendous pressure compresses and the magnetic field transfers this energy/information to the earth where it is “downloaded” (my words) to the Earth Grids: Magnetic, Crystalline and Gaia. From there, to those that have given permission to our DNA. What a system! 

The magnetic grid was shifted years ago and is directly tied to our awakening spirituality. This magnetic realignment gave way for our shift assisted by many things including the Procession of the Equinoxes during this 36 year window. The Crystalline grid is a giver and receiver of information. This is the esoteric (spiritual) grid lays over the planet’s surface and remembers everything that Humans do and where they do it. Ever go into a battle field and feel deep that sadness? That’s the crystalline grid. Yet, the energy of humanity is affecting the vibrational level of the planet in actual time. It works with the vibration of Human consciousness, both in retaining and transmitting back to the Human DNA. It talks to Gaia, and the Gaia part talks to anything crystalline within the Earth’s crust. The Earth, aka Gaia, supports our well-being with a benevolent synergistic relationship. Ever met a crystal you didn’t like? Or the wonderful feeling of being out in Nature? Or the feeling you get when you hold a rose or pick a wildflower? Or eat organic, homegrown fruits and vegetables? The majority of us would be in agreement that these gifts from the earth support our health, happiness, comfort and vitality. After all, Gaia is the Garden of Eden. This Earth energy moves constantly, which we can’t see, yet affects us in many ways.

Most of us know how the full moon effects us. Just ask an ER nurse, paramedic, or a police officer. So how can we doubt that these new energies hurdling our way are not effecting us, too? I pose the question because I experienced a wave of what I believed to be cosmic energy last week. On a bright Wednesday morning, I woke up dizzy. It came in huge waves and lasted three days. Saturday morning, it was as if nothing had ever happened, and I was “good as new”. However, Facebook posts contained many asking the same, and my circle of friends, many of whom also reported feeling “off”, “dizzy” and just “not quite right”. 

We can’t separate ourselves from the whole of existence—nor should we want to. We are here as a collective—and by agreement—and apparently stood in line to “come in.” So, as we continue to push past this long dark era of low energy consciousness, we must celebrate the changes we experience—even unexpected bouts of dizziness or tiredness as our physicality readjusts to the new “wonky” energy.  And as, this planetary realignment, or new energy signature continues to shift and change—it brings us closer to true enlightenment and the new higher consciousness to which most of us have been working towards for many, many lifetimes. Unfortunately, there is no “fast forward button”, but we as humanity have elected this accelerated path—and for that there is cause for celebration! 

Road Trip: Mysteries, Paradoxes and Contradictions

The excitement stirs my soul when I begin a road trip. I am fortunate—I can do my work anywhere. A fall-winter adventure certainly has more challenges, but with astute judgment and a little planning, everything is possible. And, so it was that a text message set the course in motion for a road trip. It was my stepmother’s 80th birthday. I would say, a milestone in most families, and I was flattered to be extended an invitation. Each adventure is unique—the takeaways are never the same. I was on my way from Florida to the Northwest. Not exactly a drive across town.

When I’m on the road, I seek the quiet solitude of Nature. Mother Earth rejuvenates my Beingness. It is a bit more ‘work’ but I enjoy the camping and cabins provided in the modern—convenient campgrounds which I laughed at 40+ years ago. However, when I travel by myself, a family-friendly stop is a welcomed rest for the night.

My observation from this trip was very much a paradox or certainly contradiction. Let me explain. As I approached large cities like Phoenix, certainly just about all of California—Houston, San Antonino and Baton Rouge to name a few, I felt like I had been plunged into a virtual reality video game of “Speed Racer.” It was the anxious, frantic, wild energy that took the drivers in almost a deranged hyper-paced speed. Even the numerous fatalities and accidents along the way—didn’t have a sustained effect on speed or corybantic driving.

And yet, when I stopped for gas, a freeway rest stop, overnight respite, or a grocery store, folks were pleasant, cheerful and seemed to enjoy a break in the routine for a moment of conversation. On my way home, folks on the “other side of the gas pumps” seem to go out of their way to wish me a Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year.  And, in some of my conversations, others also noticed the speed and unrestraint by so many drivers on the freeway. What gives?

Because of the past lockdowns, were folks squeezing in family time? Because of the tremendous SADS were folks wanting to see family again? Even if those family and friends were not just across town, but in a neighboring state? Many of the drivers were totally bat-shit crazy, yet off the road, an atmosphere of connectedness seemed vibrant and alive; appreciative, in fact

On my last road trip two and a half years ago, there were a few who were angry at me for not participating in the mask, jab and social distancing madness. This time instead, those few welcomed the connection. The same ones who could not understand my past opposition. Go figure. It was like not remembering a dream upon waking because it had dissipated with the morning sunrise. That was a welcome surprise. Yet peoples’ driving behavior still made me ponder, why?

I thought about the T.V. programming and the fear installed overtime as the finger pushes the on-button for the remote so often and so routinely. There was certainly a brainwashing component to that not so innocent black box and data collection site. The stresses of everyday were there too. The constant reminders of multiple wars around the globe, the censorship, inflation every time one enters the grocery store, rumors of 15 minute cities, the fear of CBDC and loss of cash, the unfolding corruption within our own government, the bickering and the constant reprograming of the official state sponsored narrative were perhaps taking their toll? The list is long. Maybe folks were just sick and tired and didn’t really give a damn? 

And then it hit me. Could the highway be a place where, just like myself, one could experience a sense of freedom? Could it be that we have grown tired and weary of the constant ever increasing new laws, cameras, monitoring and regulations imposed on us? It felt eerily like a noose getting tighter around our metaphoric necks? It was hard to breathe at times. Or even, perhaps like a straight jacket in an insane asylum with no means to escape? Are we just sick and tired of the government and those that are imposing such measures—and those drivers were simply demonstrating their resistance against the new measures that surround and threaten our way of life, and freedom, everywhere we turn? Could it be, that we’ve all had just about enough CONTROL over our lives?  Are drivers showing their anger and frustration and demonstrating it in a very non-verbal way—the only way they really can? That they’ve had enough? I certainly have. What about you?

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; 

it must be demanded by the oppressed. 

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

About Cathrine Silver

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside.

www.Cathrinesilver.com (Website)

www.cathysilver.me (Blog)

cathysilverhealth@gmail.com (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

Breakfast at McDonald’s

I am not the author of this story. The author is unknown. I share this with my readers, because it is the small acts of kindness called compassionate action that changes who we are and our world. One person at a time. Wishing you a blessed holiday season.

This is a good story and is true, please read it all the way through until the end! (After the story, there are some very interesting facts!):  I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my college degree.
 The last class I had to take was Sociology. The teacher was absolutely inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human being had been graced with.
 Her last project of the term was called, “Smile.”  The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document their reactions. I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So, I thought this would be a piece of cake, literally.  Soon after we were assigned the project, my husband, youngest son, and I went out to McDonald’s one crisp March morning.  It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son.
 We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did. I did not move an inch… an overwhelming feeling of panic welled up inside of me as I turned to see why they had moved.  As I turned around I smelled a horrible “dirty body” smell, and there
 standing behind me were two poor homeless men.  As I looked down at the short gentleman, close to me, he was “smiling”. His beautiful sky blue eyes were full of God’s Light as he searched for acceptance.
 He said, “Good day” as he counted the few coins he had been clutching.  The second man fumbled with his hands as he stood behind his friend. I realized the second man was mentally challenged and the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation.  I held my tears as I stood there with them.  The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted.
 He said, “Coffee is all Miss” because that was all they could afford. (If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy something. He just wanted to be warm).  Then I really felt it – the compulsion was so great I almost reached out and embraced the little man with the blue eyes. That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me, judging my every action.
 I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray.
 I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot. I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman’s cold hand. He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, “Thank you.” I leaned over, began to pat his hand and said, “I did not do this for you. God is here working through me to give you hope.”
 I started to cry as I walked away to join my husband and son. When I sat down my husband smiled at me and said, “That is why God gave you to me, Honey, to give me hope.” We held hands for a moment and at that time, we knew that only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give. We are not church goers, but we are believers. That day showed me the pure Light of God’s sweet love.  I returned to college, on the last evening of class, with this story in hand.
 I turned in “my project” and the instructor read it. Then she looked up at me and said, “Can I share this?” I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class. She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings and being part of God share this need to heal people and to be healed. In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald’s, my son, instructor, and every soul that shared the classroom on
 the last night I spent as a college student.
 I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn:  UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. Much love and compassion is sent to each and every person who may read this and learn how to LOVE PEOPLE AND USE THINGS – NOT LOVE THINGS AND USE PEOPLE. There is an Angel sent to watch over you.

About Cathrine Silver

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside.

www.Cathrinesilver.com (Website)

www.cathysilver.me (Blog)

cathysilverhealth@gmail.com (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

Farming, Food & Health; There is a link

My heart was singing this morning as I awoke. I must take a drive to Southwest Georgia and meet this “radical” farmer and his new ideas, now pushing 25 years in the making. It is simply that, his ideas, foresight and intuition about farming and cattle ranching+ are a return to the way things are meant to be—in my mind and thought process. We have a long way to go, like in many facets of modern life, but the shift is here and visible for those awakened souls seeking evidence.  But, his story reminds me of many other things that have captured the American people and the world by big money and those bent on domination and control.

I preordered the book, A Bold Return to Giving a Damn and just finished it an hour ago, now a week later.  I suggest you get a hold of a copy and read it for yourself. Will Harris, a Southwest Georgia farmer, is the story of a very brave and bold, awakened old soul returning to work with the natural cycles of the earth and its complexity, which few seem understand or care about. Rather than seeing Nature as the enemy, he nows sees Nature, his land and all his animals as something that works in a symbiosis or harmony for our benefit and Mother Earth’s as well. 

It was his association with what he calls “the holistic farm” that I book marked. Admirably, he had the courage and chutzpah to step away from the industrialization of his farming operation, which he realized one fine day, was making him beholden to the big corporations and inhumane treatment of his cattle. This new found awareness sparked one afternoon while watching his cattle loaded onto the semi parked on his farm, that he realized he was only a cog in the wheel of our industrialized, captured food industry.  His ah ha moment?  That by participating as a cog in the mechanized wheel of BigAg was to prop up and hold the corporate bottom line while they gave us, the unsuspecting American public, an inferior, chemical laden product for grocery store cases to sell. Nothing else seemed to matter to the investors, Wall Street, the regulators and legislators who were bought and paid for by lobbyist and political donations.

Something had that familiar ring—it was the sick care policies that kept so many trapped in a system of its own giant mechanized wheel, where one way of thinking is pushed on everyone. And, you are threatened if you don’t comply. I don’t have to explain that, if you know what I mean! But, so many have no clue!

Our “Health care” system had been corrupted by the same forces. They benefited from selling the bad food, and benefit from polluted water, sprayed chem trails, processed food and the expensive bandaids that keep folks just well enough to keep working their 9 to 5 jobs. What a business model—making money on both ends and not giving a damn—just keep the money rolling in! Think about it, our “Healthcare” system has fallen down a deep dark hole. And, I don’t believe it is individual doctors and nurses per say, I believe it is the corporate money supporting grants and educating future providers into the funnel that brings big returns in the self-perpetuating cycle of chronic illness, drugs, surgery, etc..

Harris writes, “We put our attention on a single goal: making the whole process of producing food more efficient. And the way we did that was through the use of reductionist science, which broke down the holistic and complex systems of the natural world into smaller and smaller isolated parts that could be studied and mastered and improved by technology. This reductive approach was applied to everything—to the way we treat health and sickness for one thing—and it completely changed agriculture.”

This captured and normalized American way of life doesn’t allow for much diversion. One is seen as a rebel, an outlier or a trouble maker for not going along and embracing what the system of mechanized sick care allows for. One stop at the lab. After waiting—another quick visit at the doctors office—and 90% of the time, out the door with another prescription. My Mother-in-law had 19 different pills. Another friend of mine has even more! The system needs a good overhaul or a total makeover!

Many have lost touch or haven’t realized the intimate relationship with the Mother Earth. The Earth is its own soul group, a sentient consciousness of the planet and it is interwoven with our beingness as well. The core of the consciousness was created by the Pleiadians. It’s about the way we live. And, we must incorporate a greater understanding and belief that we are entangled. There is no separation between us and Mother Earth. Every indigenous tribe understands this sacred relationship.

So, what’s the difference between a healthy holistic farm and a healthy holistic human body? Not much. Probably only the chemicals we consciously or unconsciously (by mal-intented forces) consume. Every chemical, drug or fake food we eat creates a reaction in our body. It is our own cycle of birth, life and death. Isn’t it time to research what the ancients and indigenous knew and believed as truth?

Every antibiotic we take throws off the health of our gut—and makes the “bug” we’re trying to rid of more resistant next time around or for someone else. There is much overuse. Even what we generally think of as benign over the counter medications have their downside usually warning of kidney or liver damage if taken too often or for too many years. Every side effect, is an effect—and something else is usually added to combat those effects and unintended consequences. It’s a catch 22 in the allopathic—germ warfare, chronic winner take all view of the world.

Harris continued his reflection, “What I failed to understand, however, was that the technologies of reductionist science has an ugly underbelly. For each industrial tool I used, there was always a consequence—one that without fail was bad, always unintended, and always unnoticed until tomorrow or next week or next year or even next decade. I failed to see that the unnatural grain I fed the animals, trucked in from industrialized monocultural farms, required substantial amounts of petrochemicals to cultivate and transport, using up nonrenewable resources—and also created painful acidosis in the animals, unnecessarily causing suffering”. 

But, haven’t we used the same reductionists theory—tearing things apart that should be kept together? In heath and wellness, the food, water and air are major players, but so are stress, childhood traumas, and the separation of our physical body’s ills from our mind and spirit. We are living in an unbalanced state. As T. Harv Eckart used to say, “How we do anything, is how we do everything.” Modern life seems to be a series of pieces torn from our ancestral heritage twisting in the wind as the “experts” portend to tell us what we need and what we must do to be healthy. Yet, many, many of those so-called experts have missed the mark because they too are driven by corporate interests, big grants or a hefty paycheck. We don’t need to look very far back to see that at one time cocaine, tobacco and DDT were considered harmless. What about glyphosate today? We rarely get the truth anymore.

It’s time we discern for ourselves and use our god-given wisdom to decide what’s best for us. It’s time to back out of our destructive ways, and lean into the barrier of energy that breaks the old paradigm of consciousness and moves us toward a more enlightened era. By bringing the pieces of the puzzle in WHOLENESS, working with our smart bodies natural intelligence,—correcting what has led us astray from what we inherently already know. 

Did you know that according to Kryon, “Children on small farms aren’t allergic to milk? But children in urban areas often are? “The children in the areas that you call home are often allergic to many things.” Why the difference? “If you don’t honor the animals, you’re not going to get the nutrition! But this fact hasn’t been put together yet by those who are responsible for producing your food. In fact it sounds really silly to them. Here’s the premise: Those who want efficiency and try to create a factory-farm approach to food will put the cows so close together that they touch all the time—all their lives. They’re strapped in containers or small spaces and are milked and fed . . . and you wonder why you’re allergic to milk? But the farm that has one or two cows that are cared for correctly will create milk that your body see differently. This requires an inter dimensional realization that you and the earth and the cows are very connected. Your cellular structure knows the difference and reacts.” “The new energy is going to accelerate certain things like allergies to foods, unless you decide to change how foods are developed and collected and preserved.” But, it’s not just milk, it’s every processed food we consume.

The tie between what we eat, how it’s handled and raised and what chemicals it contains are critical for our well being. There are many levels to our food supply chain. Our modern way of thinking does not include this wisdom. We must become aware and revaluate our current way of doing things if we are to break the ties to what we’ve been led to believe is a healthy sustainable way to grow food and maintain our health and well being. We’ve got to dig ourselves out of the ditch that we’ve landed in. It seems only then, we will be have a truly healthy population that will be able to live twice or three times the lifespan we currently have now. And, one that will include vitality, passion and a zest we don’t see or have currently. Our food system is broken and it must be fixed or reworked with integrity for animals and humans alike.

As Carolyn Baker writes:With the mass movement of people from the land to cities, the sanctity of food was eclipsed by fascination with artificial, synthetic, and technologically-produced forms of food. No longer was it necessary to hunt or grow food because now it was delivered from short or long distances to nearby markets, and thus it seems that the sacredness of food decreased in proportion to the energy required to obtain it. 

Chief Seattle simply said it this way: “The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”

The wonderful thing about food is you get three votes a day. Every one of them has the potential to change the world.

~Michael Pollan~

www.Cathrinesilver.com (Website)

www.cathysilver.me (Blog)

cathysilverhealth@gmail.com (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

What Are We Doing To Our Food?

For decades I have been what many consider a “foodie”. But, this was who I was long before the term became “a thing”. I began my young adulthood subscribing to Gourmet Magazine—and saved every issue for five years. After having my two boys, I decided that the new publications, Eating Well and Cooking Light may be better choices. (There was no internet at the time.) And although the bulk of my beloved Gourmet magazines were discarded many years ago, a few saved favorite recipes still make their appearance from time to time today.  My interest in food, nutrition and well-being shows itself in my monthly newsletter—encouraging folks to get back into the kitchen. After all, among many benefits, that is where the love is procured. There is energy in what we make and eat. Good ingredients are key, and we control what ingredients our meals contain. None of those unpronounceable “ingredients”, thank you! So is the attitude in our meal preparation; that’s an imbued energy too. Make it Love, not anger or resentment! 

The food we eat, and the nutrition we need are pillars and a significant, often overlooked, foundation to our well-being. Unfortunately, it’s continued deceit over the last 50+ years is evident today. It’s projected to get worse, unless we stand together, and resist this craziness and continued dissolution of live-sustaining REAL food.

I am a graduate of the Institute of Integrated Nutrition. I enrolled in a Culinary Instructors Training program back in 2014. Diane Carlson, my instructor—announced rather abruptly one afternoon, “You clearly have a relationship with food.” I smiled. Yes I do. Yet, it goes beyond the meals I prepare. I know it is tied directly to our health and well-being, something that allopathic medicine is just beginning to admit and recognize.  It is clearly another piece of the wellness puzzle, and one perhaps that is denied by many. Food is more than just fuel! Sadly, we have to be more and more mindful of what we buy, eat and consume. We must check labels and be extremely vigilant. If you haven’t noticed—the rules and regulations enacted, that are supposed to protect us from harmful substances, by our government have eroded and are no longer there. Not really. Its become a shell game of pretend, influenced by lobbyists, and the corporate agriculture door between them and government and vise-versa.

It seems the end game is to actually make us unhealthy—because an unhealthy population falls to their knees and is easier to control in all aspects of daily life. Game over. It also feeds the Big Pharma Mafia.

Belonging to this elite control group is, Henry Kissinger, still alive today. He noted in his 1973 address a particularly chilling thought: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world”

Since then the United States has been on track to deliberately destroy family farming in the US and abroad. This has led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations. US export strategy in the 1970s was to further control food supplies. In fact, I recently spoke to a young farmer in Virginia. He is a third or 4th generation apple farmer, and said, “they can’t even pay the land taxes—that their Apples sit in warehouses—unsold—from last year.” I feel a deeper darker story there . . . Yet, I digress. 

In recent off-mainstream news, if you follow such things, businessman and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is reported to be the largest private owner of agriculture in the USA, owning some 270+ million acres. He is also highly invested in fake lab grown meat and chicken. Why? What’s the recent interest in farming Bill? Another new initiative of the Biden Regime is called 30 x 30. This move is designed to control 30% of the (farming) land by 2030. Why? What’s the bigger plan unfolding? After the last three years, it can’t be good!

Remember, this is the same group who are also pushing us that we will enjoy eating bugs. I understand they are slowly being added to packaged ingredients—and will be integrated into our food supply. I write this, not to alarm you—but to be mindful of another agenda and to take active steps on what you eat and purchase. And, read labels! These folks are profit driven, and when we vote with our dollar—it creates a huge impact in their corporate decisions. I needn’t remind you of Bud Light. The awareness and Light we create is what can put a huge wedge into the forward progressing Trojan horse and the dark’s warped agendas. Connecting the dots is important no matter how we currently feel. Or what we don’t really want to see.

The holistic way of life considers not only the spiritual, mental-emotional but physical aspects of our life.  All these areas are necessary to maintain and create vitality. Our innate wisdom and cellular structure knows what we are eating! It can’t be fooled.

Here are a few things to examine for yourselves: 

  • Fluoride is a neurotoxin, and according to Toby Rogers, America began adding it to our cities water supply in 1945. When you look at a bottle of water, you’ll see “freshwater source” written across the bottle with beautiful mountains and pristine rivers in the background. But the truth is nearly 64% of bottled water sold in the U.S is filtered tap water, according to a 2018 report from the advocacy group Food & Water Watch.10  I purchased a Kangen alkaline machine in 2009. You may consider the same. 
  • I had many a housemates that consistently microwaved their dinners. Not only is this highly processed food detrimental to our health, but whatever nutritional value might have remained—the microwaves changed the molecular structure of their food as it heated “from the inside out”. So, why have they pushed and placed a microwave in just about EVERY kitchen in America? Mine, only served as a “bread box’ and kept food safe from wandering ants and BIG wandering cockroaches. Remember, I live in Florida. And we seem to be unable to keep the “wildlife” outside. It is what it is!
  • Round-up is another bad one. By 2007, it had become the most used herbicide in the United States. An estimated 1.4 billion pounds of Roundup are used in more than 160 countries each year. Roundup and its key ingredient, glyphosate, have been linked to several types of cancer, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), b-cell lymphoma and leukemia. Internal Monsanto documents, whose parent company is now Bayer,  also demonstrate repeated attempts, some successful, to manipulate published scientific studies and media reports in favor of glyphosate safety. Seems like we’ve seen this strategy before! Can you say Co-vid? Yet the US government continues to allow this to be sprayed on the food we eat. (And, don’t even get me started on the horrific GMO’s. I never knew anyone allergic to wheat growing up! It’s another “new” thing!) To be helpful, I’ve listed the dirty dozen—and the Clean 15. Produce that should be organic to eat (but still washed) because in order to move them across state lines, they have to be sprayed with—pesticides. But less. The clean 15 you pretty much peel or grows underground.
  • Dirty Dozen: Strawberries, Spinach, Kale, collard and mustard greens, peaches, pears, nectarines, apples, grapes, bell and hot peppers, cherries, blueberries and green beans. 
  • The clean 15 are: Avocados, sweet corn (75% is GMO), pineapples, onions, papayas, sweet peas, asparagus, Honeydew melons, Kiwi, cabbage, mushrooms, mangos, sweet potatoes, watermelon, carrots.  

Our food is being altered and becoming unrecognizable to our cells. The Pesticides are toxic to our system. Farms lands are being captured. Bottom line is we need to pay attention to the continuing changing world around us. As one who appreciates our real food grown—with integrity and the inherent nutrition that comes with Mother Nature’s divine wisdom.  It is necessary and important to be aware of continued threats to our food and our food supply and to our farmers. Vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from what we have grown over the course of our history has provided us with life. 

We as a society and civilization cannot let the controlling government powers—the private sector technocracies —and the skewed visions of the Klaus Schwab’s WEF, his followers and the Bill Gate’s multiple “non-profits” and charities of the world take our freedom— snatch our farm lands, and choke us all with their version of so-called food. We in the United States must continue to resist the Monsanto/Bayer—Roundup invasion that so many countries are beginning to refuse. We must respect our Earth and the life giving energy she gives us, which sustains our life and well-being. 

We must grow and enjoy wholesome food which becomes our nutrition and our life force energy. We must support each other in true health and not one bolstered by dozens of pharmaceuticals just to remain “alive”. I for one believe we must have access to good wholesome food, grown in healthy soil, under the sun and sky. We all need that relationship to be reestablished as a key ingredient to good health, vitality and well-being. I leave you with this thought:

“For thousands of years, these foods (re: allergies to seeds, grains, legumes, eggs, and dairy.) have worked for humanity. In these cases you speak about, the main culprit continues to be the way in which these foods are collected and processed. You won’t find these allergies in third-world countries, and you won’t find them within the children who work on farms, where they eat the foods directly. There will eventually have to come a day when you relax some of your efficiency attributes and go back to the way food was meant to be collected and eaten. And yes… there are effects from how the dairy animals are treated, too. Going back to some basics will help, and so will eliminating some of the procedures that supposedly create a “safer food.” These procedures have instead made them begin to look like foreign food to the Human body.” Kryon

Below are some links for your continued reading and research.

Watch the full video: https://theepochtimes.com/epochtv/the-global-war-on-farmers-and-push-to-eat-the-bugs-facts-matter-5416519?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=wideawake_media&src_src=partner&src_cmp=wideawake_media




About Cathrine Silver
Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.
Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling. Cathrine is Shamanic practitioner and ordained minister. She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside.

www.Cathrinesilver.com (Website)
www.cathysilver.me (Blog)
cathysilverhealth@gmail.com (email)
Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)
Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)
Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 
Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

Chemicals BAD

Blog September 2023

I took a deep sigh as I began to type. My next thought, how do we climb out of the cesspool of these predatory corporate commercial farming practices? They have seeped their way into every tiny crevice and just about every morsel of food consumed by us—AND deemed acceptable or “within normal limits”—AND ignored by the so-called medical professionals and “experts” of today? The policies are deteriorating our health. It’s David vs Goliath all over again. 

We must realize our strength in numbers and return our food to its humble nutritious origins. Do you think our cellular structure knows something innately? Is the precipice we have been looking at finally going to crumble? At the same time, more of us are able to recognize the new consciousness and a slow shift from corporate greediness to one of harmony with the earth and each other. We must make it our goal, to help each other with our wellness and the very basics that are necessary. The pesticides, the herbicides, the GMO’s and the destructive farming practices are making people sick.

Alright, let me back up. It’s a common theme—a giant messy food fight of sorts between us, the consumer and the agriculture corporatocracy. I was in North Florida last week and had a conversation with a gentleman and his wife on numerous topics of late. Yet, the one point I was not familiar with, was broadleaf herbicide was now being spread across fields of growing grass and future hay then fed to the animals. I was interested in using the horse manure and shavings for organic garden fertilizer like we did growing up, but he claimed it would kill a vegetable garden—and I thought, not to mention the horses or other animals who ate it too! Certainly a slow-kill agenda anyway—how long had they been doing this? Was it all by design?

When my friend Joy returned from visiting her folks in western New York, she was confused about the headaches, nausea and malaise she was feeling upon her arrival home to Florida. It turned out, pesticides had been sprayed by air on soy beans growing behind her parent’s house. AND, her 80+ year old father, unaware of just how toxic these chemicals were—had sprayed his apple tree next to the house for worms. He had then invited her to sit beside it and keep him company in the yard. She said no, and advised her father, who has lung damage—that he shouldn’t be there either! There were better, more natural substances to use on his apple tree and growing apples. (Neem oil or a pyrethrin base spray, btw, is a much better than what they push (Round-up) in Lowes, Home Depot or Ace Hardware.) Just saying.

So, everything that goes into the food chain is becoming more and more toxic to us. But, maybe that’s just part of the “slow-kill” plan for reducing humanity’s population and pushing us into a bug eating, chemically lab-grown fake food society? You know, to reduce the population of earth because of the hoax climate change and the not-so-great-reset by the Cabal? I’ll let you digest that thought while you ponder over chocolate covered cockroaches served at your next party—if you’re allowed. 🤮

The fight between Monsanto, which is now owned by the German corporate giant, Bayer, and consumer groups has been going on for years. Many of these chemicals are being banned out of other countries thankfully—but, ah, not so here in the USA! So, perhaps, it’s time to vote with our dollar! It worked wonders for Bud Light and Target—Southwoke and others. Can we please vote with our wallet and just stop buying things like Roundup? I know we can find alternative sources for our garden and products not grown with these chemicals—and the coming flood of things—like Apeele™? And, good grief, we have no idea what that really is! Please forward your thank you notes to Bill Gates!

I guess this growing awareness is just the beginning. And for those unaware—we must band together to create a coherent coalition—an alliance of agreement to just say, “No more”.

But, what are the alternatives you ask? 

A friend of mine, and let me say, genius in the truest sense, has developed several working theories regarding plant health and yield. The laser technology developed by him and his colleagues carries an electromagnetic resonance. This innovative technology enhances the bioavailability of nutritional molecules to their most natural form. The body recognizes, accepts, and assimilates the molecule more readily for greater impact on the body chemistry and well-being.  It’s like a perfect fitting key in a lock. This technology has been studied and used on seeds. This technology, combined with ingredients from his supplement line, tremendously enhanced growing plants in experiments done in Mexico on several hectares of land.  They are indeed new extraordinary ideas. And, these forward thinking ideas are producing yields up to 30% above normal farming production schedules and expectations. They also have a higher resistance to crop pests because of the health and vitality of the plants. So, we have alternatives coming.

Another idea, no matter who is growing our food—short or long term—organic or conventional is a very esoteric meta-physical suggestion for those who can understand and appreciate its merit. When we begin to speak and greet things before they enter our body we begin to “marry” our biology with spiritual truths and our cellular structure responds in a higher, new vibrational pattern. Our biology-mind begins the meld. Certainly food is included as we co-create our wellness and shake hands with the Creator inside.  

I am planning on attending one of the good Doctor’s lectures next month and hopefully will have more to say. But, it’s time to join the movement of supporting organizations which are resisting corporate take-overs. We must support local farmers and ideas that embrace campaigns towards replacing these old, now very toxic farming methods we have somehow embraced or tolerated the last 50-60 years. It’s time to meld with the partnership of Earth and welcome sustainable and regenerating ideas that support this revolution—this evolution in consciousness!  It is our lesson of courage, faith, and overcoming what seems impossible just as in the story of David and Goliath! 

I have included a couple links for more information on a variety of topics regarding this mission: To protect and advocate for consumers’ right to safe, healthful food and other consumer products, a just food and farming system and an environment rich in biodiversity and free of pollutants that will feed us into all the future

Check out: Organic Consumers Organization: https://organicconsumers.org/ 

or Food Tank Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3EdsOyK

About the author:

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside.

www.Cathrinesilver.com (Website)

www.cathysilver.me (Blog)

cathysilverhealth@gmail.com (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

Peace on Earth – Putting the Black Hats Out of Business

It dawned on me a few days ago that the goal of Peace on Earth is more than just regaining our Freedom and the Uniting of Humanity, it’s actually putting a “Closed for Business” sign on the door marked “Perpetual Wars” every time the Cabal or The Committee needs a cash infusion at the tax-payers’ ATM. 

I recently caught a clip of Ice Tea’s interview on ‘Piers Morgan Uncensored’. Ice Tea’s comment sums it up succinctly and it bears repeating, “ . . . Kinda like the war Machine (he said, referring to the Pharmaceutical Industry) If you make the bullets and the bandaids you always want to be in War because it’s profitable.” I think more and more of us would agree with that statement and are seeing through this immense dark business plan as of late. They take what they want. Remember 99% of us are expendable through the instigators’ lens of this perpetual-never-ending War machine. However, this war machine has a multitude of faces. It is utterly a battle of Light against Dark and we are fighting on many fronts—bombardments are dropping all around us—daily! But, at least many of us are able to see the shocking and constant barrage for what it is!

As more and more of us feel differently and get “the call”—new ideas and thoughts arise. We are more compassionate with ourselves and to each other. We are also more confident and boldly choose to stand up to these dark inhuman ideas and shout, “No more!”  We are able to see the impossible and birth new ideas/solutions to problems that we felt were insurmountable or unsolvable. When we pull the curtain back, we see this indication. It is an elevational rise in our consciousness and our awareness.  It certainly is an indicator of our progressive evolution and our Light. We must dance in the rain together!

Just recently, I found a transcription from the writings of Kryon. I was looking for something else, but it jumped off the page. It is from a channeling given in Jacksonville, Florida in 2011: 

“I speak perhaps in terms that are metaphoric, so let’s clear it. My partner’s saying, “Say it again, clearer.” This planet is headed for the same place the Pleiadian planet made it. This is the fifth try, and it’s working. You have free choice to do anything you want with it. When the Soviet Union fell over, and when the other things that you see started to fail, that used to then promote that dark energy, including what you call the Illuminati. They’re not here. Oh, they’re lurking, but they’re not controlling anymore. The Internet would never have happened, had you not had this enlightened place to put it, where everyone could talk to everyone – enhancing and accelerating this light of yours.” 

Although we are still embroiled in the engagement over lies, propaganda, and censorship termed “misinformation”, it became increasingly blatant with COVID. Their blindness and arrogance by which the Dark Playbook operates, led us to inspect everything under the rug with such tenacity that our civilization has landed on the table for thorough investigation. Hurray! Everything is now being exposed for what it truly has been for decades.  We’re engaged in a giant tug-of-war. Nothing can be hidden much longer as brave whistleblowers continue to come forward everywhere and disclose the truth. Who could have predicted Musk would step up and buy Twitter last year? (And then clean house of all the former FBI agents blocking tweets the government disagreed with.) That the movie, Sound of Freedom, would be #1 at the box office (despite multiple sabotage attempts) or that Hunter Biden’s noose (laptop) would continue to tighten around his neck leading directly to our President aka “The big Guy’s” or “The Resident”. Let’s hope his political life is now on life-support! Can you say Blackmail? Bribery? Treason?  I’ll leave it there. But, the dominos are falling, and fast.

The Light of consciousness is the intangible puzzle piece which gives us the opportunity to see through this thinly veiled master plan. Fueled by the Light which took the upper hand in 2012, we are fighting injustices. We can no longer condone country against country creating endless wars or our own government’s War Machine officially or unofficially goading others around the world, assassinating or ousting individuals who stand in the way or somehow support a violent top-down society. We have lost freedoms under the disguised deception of “safety and security”—somehow believing this benefits the greater common good rather than see it for the false-flag it truly is, the lethal power-grab. 

This has only benefited the Committee’s never-ending war machine which goes by many names. The revealing and proof coming to the light is the extensive invasive cancer called political corruption. This infiltration fostered long-term, high level planning and goes several levels above our “elected” politicians. We are realizing they are simply stooges for the invisible unelected parallel government who controls the chess pieces on the world game board. It is appalling, dangerous and evil. Look more closely if need be on platforms that still permit the First Amendment to exist. 

We essentially operate an Uniparty in the United States and it’s totally visible today. But as Dylan sang in the 60’s, “Times are a Changin”. And, we will sing the praises of Victory when we achieve the destruction and demolition of their global power. Outside the MSM, (Main Stream Media) professionals in all walks of life are revealing horrors that have been concealed for so long surrounding the Drugs/Pharmaceuticals/Vaccines/Sexual Mutilation of Minors/ Loss of Medical Freedom, (both legal and illegal), the Arms Sales/Bio-Weapons/War, Money Laundering, Central/Big Banks/CBDC/Planned inflation, Corrupt Politicians/Corrupt Government Employees. And, of course, most obvious, the Legacy Media/Social Media Platforms are in collusion, doing our governments bidding for the Committee. The newly released Sound of Freedom movie has helped to revealed an underworld of Trafficking Children. The next step is revealing Organ Harvesting, the Breeding of Children and the hideous elixir they call Adrenochrome.  How did we not know

We must recognize that we are all part of the same human family. Our Countries, our religion, the color of our skin, our gender, who we voted for— whether we are vegans, vegetarian or meat eaters matters little if we are all part of One God—the Creative source which resides inside us all. When we stand together, we are strong. It seems like every time they “separate” us, they win. Now is the time to see above the ploys and not be swallowed up by the lies and propaganda being spewed everywhere we look when it goes against the “official narrative”. Do not be fooled. Use your discernment. Begin to think with a critical eye. Ask yourself: Does it pass the smell test?

In a time before time—this happened other places too, we can be sure. Victory songs were created in the galaxy far far away when their populations overcame their own historical period of darkness, their own barbaric history. As we stand together—we will create Peace on Earth! And, isn’t it about time? Let’s put the “Closed for Business” sign on all these destructive enterprises that do not serve our Human Family of Light. As we visualize Peace on Earth and what it can be—we change Blackness to Light, Darkness to White.

“The Line it is Drawn

The Curse it is Cast

The Slow One Now Will Later Be Fast

As the Present Now Will Later Be Past

The Order is Rapidly Fadin’

And the First One Now Will Later Be Last

For the Times They Are a Changin’”

Bob Dylan, 1964

Musician, Singer-Song Writer

About Cathrine Silver

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside.

www.Cathrinesilver.com (Website)

www.cathysilver.me (Blog)

cathysilverhealth@gmail.com (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending