The Sword and the Stone(s) – 2018 Update

IMG_8076 (1)This story sounds like a fairy tale and so is aptly named. And, like all good fairy tales, it begins with once upon a time.  It starts in Glastonbury, England—where the legend of King Arthur, The Knights of the Round Table and fair maidens lived—and like all galactic tales of long ago and far away, become real—just like the velveteen rabbit when infused with love and belief which circulates amongst many and brings life to days gone by, because there is truth in all things.  But this tale goes much further back in time—to what some consider a mythical island or lost continent known as Lemuria—the land of Mu. To some it truly is a fable, although to the Lemurians, and their descendants, very much real and alive—and part of our modern human lineage which took root more than 100,000 years ago and more so than many could possibly realize or for some, accept. And so, we begin, 26,000 years ago.

Once upon a time in the Land known as Lemuria,  a beautiful island  filled with lush gardens,  gorgeous flowers and abundance.  Now on the Island, there lived a great priest and scientist whose name was Yawee.  Unlike most inhabitants, who lived near the sea, Yawee lived high atop the mountain—the highest mountain on earth at the time.  The temperature was very cold and the air extremely thin, but he had ancient knowledge from his Star Mother which kept him warm for he was atop a big volcano. Runners would deliver necessary food and supplies, and special rocks provided the oxygen necessary, so he could do his work in the temple. He lived a very long time and brought extraordinary gifts to that civilization and to our civilization even this very day.  Back then, he was a good-natured soul with special powers. He was respected by all. When he materialized and was glimpsed by the Lemurians on those rare occasions during rejuvenation ceremonies, for the great teachers on the Island, it brought great joy to all who saw him.

There are many that believe time is a circle, but our lives are too short to realize or see this circle of time here on Earth—but alas it is true.  And, so we enter the present of 2018. Now, records upon the earth get lost and even our eternal records that we carry as humanity have been dormant—or asleep—yet they are awakening slowly. That invisible seed inside that looks for things that cannot be explained will amplify and enable even further our vast storage of multidimensional remembrance, and the time we lived and visited on the magical continent of Mu.  And since everyone of us is forever and eternal, those memories reside in perfection and harmony—waiting for the vibration and consciousness to rise and for the gifts they will bring.

In any fairytale, there is always a darkness and evil. And in this tale, we acknowledge humanity  brought it upon ourselves as the planet of free choice—our choice in consciousness, but hark, we have entered into the Grand Awakening. And there are those who are able to turn such alchemy into gold—the precious magnificence within and the Light of the Creator from the Great Central Sun.  As with all hero’s stories, there is struggle and ultimate triumph over such external threats. That is because we are able to find the strength inside ourselves and the greatest power of all—Love. We are battling the dark and the Light is winning.   The great Yawee had many tools at his disposal, and one of the tools was a sacred stone called Cintamani or Dragon Stone. Legend has it that it came to us from the Star System Sirius millions of years ago—bits reaching earth after a Galactic super-wave exploded—sending these gifts and their power to enhance the Light during this time when the gates open.

An old Tibetan prophecy passed down to us through the millennium proclaimed in a very regal declaration that “the king of the world will emerge with his army from his subterranean realms to defeat the forces of darkness and usher the coming of the Golden age.”  And, these stones, as legend has claimed, contain the highest vibration of all stones known; and valued as such. They are powerful and of pure Light and Yawee knew of their energy, and he knew they could not be misused . . . and so the time of darkness came and descended upon the planet.  It lasted for many thousands of years until the time and energy of vibration began to rise, causing the hidden Dragon Stones to be revealed.

Many secrets were held too, and kept safe until the Procession of the Equinox which would first awaken the old souls—the army of Light—everywhere upon the planet. For they too were hidden in their being—their knowledge, power and magnificence concealed within the depths of their Akashic records; and like blossoms on a tree, began to open one by one.  Yawee’s army sang tones of remembrance and the Light became stronger and more active.

And in the great awakening the stones came back to the original keeper—a man still known as Yawee by so many.  He recognized the stones and the energy they contained.  The stones were multidimensional and held much information—and their revelation was a remembrance of joy and celebration, because they had also waited “frozen in time”; they rejoiced at the tones sung too.  And, let the information ring. And, this Wizard knew the battle over darkness would prevail—the time had come; nothing would ever be the same!

And, as they were nudged by the invisible keepers, now was the time when the stones would awaken too, after all it was a test of energy on the Earth.  The Stones would connect to the crystalline grid—and portals of knowing and quantum time capsules put here as gifts of potential from our seed parents 400+ light years away and 200,000 years ago for this very “moment” in time.  They are still here today, protecting us as interdimensional protective Parents in our infancy upon this earth.

Perhaps, you too have heard of the Great Awakening as a Lightworker on the planet—the seeds that were sown centuries ago, but here now, as the way-showers—as the warriors of light—leading humanity into the new consciousness and the new paradigm unfolding before our eyes.  Angelic forces, divine pieces of the creative source and boots on the ground, using their light to disrupt the darkness, who we know prefers to hide and do their destruction through intimation, fear and control.

Yawee, leads us all in the Light Language and tones directly channeled to him through his ancient Pleiadian Mother, and assisted by the Magnetic Master, we are guided as these tones of this ancient language fill the room and filter out to the multiverses and galaxies in a magical multi-dimensional way. And the stones?

They were there to amplify the energy connecting to the crystalline, magnetic and Gaia grids—just like the philosopher’s stone symbolizing the alchemy and humanity’s enlightenment of the Magnum Opus or “Great Work.”  The stone of darkness past—the sword—the magic inside each human and the 24 pairs of chromosomes and our DNA all from the stars—and the sword—peace on Earth unfolding before our eyes.

This is the hero’s journey within us all—the tools given to us right on time—and 26,000 years later they have come back to Yawee to help amplify and strengthen the old souls’ mission as we awaken—strengthened by our inner guidance, here to change outdated belief systems, and once again return to the Garden of Eden and a metaphor for life on Earth.

That’s what happens, when we realize we each have God inside—and yes, we all can be wizards of Light!  This tale will continue to unfold for it is not yet finished—but the magic has only just begun, and this fifth Civilization will one day go on and seed another—just the way it has been for billions of years before—and we will one day look back and mark this as a new beginning—as we each pull the sword from the stone today during this extraordinary and exceptional turing point which began in 2012.

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Happy Thanksgiving: Celebrating the Seasons of Life!

The Sun Coming Up

The Sun Coming Up – Thanksgiving Morning 2014

The sun came up over my backyard white weather-worn board on board fence welcoming the day.  A cool 55 and breezy for those of us in the Broward-Dade locale. Today is Thanksgiving. Traditionally a holiday of family, food and lol–football. For many a tradition that includes Macy’s parade, whether viewing from the living room television screen or huddled on the street watching large balloon characters & turkeys tethered by ropes, colorful marching bands in their best regalia, high kicking Rockettes and ornate elaborate extravagant floats, all symbols of things we have grown up with and love. Tradition. It is all around us. We love it. We live by it, and we look forward to ‘ours’ each year. Right? But what happens when we don’t fit in to the likeness or painted image imprinted in our minds-eye?

If change is the “new normal” and it’s affecting all parts of our lives, then I guess we should expect our holidays to take on a new look and feel. However most of us have strong resistance to change. The memorable Norman Rockwell painting has all but vanished in most nuclear families. We live and work in all parts of the globe; not everyone can always “get home.” Family dynamics change through divorce, death, marriages or downsizing. Sometimes the next in-line no longer desires to carry on the family tradition, refusing to pick up where Mom left off.

Cheers, Friends, Seinfeld, Mash  sitcoms or the Star Trek series Next Generation helped visibility demonstrate family doesn’t necessarily stay confined to those in our biological circles.  As dysfunctional as the characters were at times, they cared about each other in times of need; mimicking life? Far truer and closer to our reality than we probably realize.  If, TV parrots life: Modern Family represents a new example, would you not agree?  Holidays, like life, evolve the way our life does. It may begin the years we’re in the dorm at school, in a particular neighborhood,  or within a close circle of friends.  Life just happens. The evolution is simply where we are in the moment writing our script in own personal movie–or sitcom. My own life and family looked very different 15 years–or even 30 years ago than today, and completely different than growing up.  I would say in a much better, and healthier view of the world.

I am meeting friends at one of my favorite restaurants, in walking distance from my home, near the ocean. I will talk to my boys–now 26 and almost 30 on the phone who live thousands of miles from each other, and from Florida. I will make a call to Seattle and talk to my parents, divorced, but still living and touch bases with my siblings. I will send and receive Thanksgiving texts and talk some more on the phone, and visit nearby friends, but mostly I will enjoy the day. I refuse to dwell in ‘what could or should have been’ and simply enjoy the moment and company of others–laughing, sharing stories and having gratitude for today.  Creating new traditions again. It is a no-muss, no-fuss kind of year. What is important is embracing our life NOW and enjoying what is.

We are always at choice point. I encourage you to create something new and different. Reach out to someone less fortunate. Play golf, do something that you enjoy. Perhaps, take in a movie. Each Holiday has looked very different in the last 10 years and I am okay with that–in fact embracing what comes in an adventurous–let it unfold kind of way; expectations gone.  Be mindful, our holidays and our tradition can always look a number of ways. Be happy where you are right now, evolve the way your life evolves. Next year will be different.  When the artist begins with the blank canvas he or she is in the process of creation. Be the artist.   Choose the colors you love.  Paint your portrait with any colors; joy is all that is required.  Use pastels, watercolors or oil. Use your fingers, sponges or a brush. Metaphors for the seasons of our life. Create something beautiful with what you have today.  I plan to and so can you!  Happy Thanksgiving to all!
