The Eye of the Storm—The Transformation of Our World

Unusual times we are in—confusing—and misunderstood—we look for answers wherever we can find them. I offer a perspective you can adopt or reject in this blog. I find it gives me peace, hope and an outlook at our new beginnings as a global, national and personal capacity for growth and expansion.

I am in the Northwest for a visit. I grew up here. I enjoy the energy of the mountains, lakes, Puget Sound and forests as a reprieve from the tropical hot intense energy of South Florida; not good or bad, just different.

This year I chose to drive. I needed the solitude and an absence and break from the constant fear I felt from so many. An energy I cannot get behind. I also decided to camp my way here. It was the decision to make a simple connection back to the earth and to myself. Although, along the way, I had conversations with a number of others also escaping from the oppression of the news and fearful continuing messages pounding away designed to “keep us inline.” They too needed a break. I shared my perspective—and it seemed to bring some relief— common sense to the chaos we are in presently. A perspective not many had considered—so I share it with you today.

What if—just what if . . . we are in the midst of a “reboot”? What if this started over 30 years ago? What if we all agreed that we were going to the next step in our evolution as a human race? And, what if in order to do this we needed to clean house? And all those things that have been hidden behind the metaphorical closed doors, are now coming to the Light? We have been in the Procession of the Equinoxes. Procession in Latin means to “move forward.” So, the Procession of the Equinoxes means we are moving forward out of one older energy and into another, new.  (Seen as kind of a wobble in space and predicted by the ancients.) This new energy is a place humanity has never been before while on the earth and of course is a different part of space. It is sending us new “data” fed to the grids, based on intent and is birthing our higher consciousness or thinking. This new information is one of more benevolence, tolerance and respect: it is more loving and compassionate. We are moving into a mindset where we will finally begin to stop the abuses of Mother Earth and each other. Yes, it will take a while—but like the saying goes—by the ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, “A journey of a thousand miles starts beneath one’s feet.” 

We chose to be here. We are boots on the ground. We are in the test of energy. And we are being watched and are affecting the entire Universe(s) and cosmic sea. We are part of the divine creative source and along the way—we will begin to recognize our magnificence. What if . . . the souls who are leaving during this COVID event are also being reset and will be right back? We are eternal and forever—in both directions—not just one. I believe they will be recalibrated, revitalized, renewed and reset to the new vibration of the earth plane. What if they have chosen this for the greater good—for the whole?  Like passing the baton in a relay race, only in a circle of time? What if the fires, storms, and quakes as of late are part of this shift in consciousness, and will bring new perspective and priorities for what’s next in our lives? There is unrest, but it moves energy and creates change. What if this time is about asking critical questions and question all we thought to be true is true? Asking what we’ve been taught, or what we believe? Could it be bigger? Grander? And better than we ever imagined? Can it ultimately bring more joy? What if these times are to awaken the shepherd in all of us? What if these times are about taking our power back? What if these trying times leads us to our divine and magnificent roots? What if this is the greatest shift of Humanities existence so far? Can we imagine the possibilities of where we can go? 

How about a simple “YES? Our future and our reality are unfolding before our eyes. We participate every day. Remember you are Cosmos creating its own creative field and its own future with all you think, do and say—everyday. All correctly aligns and works with precision. What is your “What if?” Make it a good one! ❤️