Awakening to Biological Decoding

Let me make a bold statement:  All disease is emotional.  Dr. R. G. Hamer, MD, establishes the existence of biological laws that operate at 100% without exception: The disease is the translation of a conflict in the individual’s biology.  John Hopkins trained Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, MD simply says it this way, “If the mind doth bend, disease can end.”

Cancer, breast cancer for example, specifically, has it’s roots from a strong feeling of inner guilt  towards oneself or several of one’s children—anger and rejection are amplified, and “my” emotion will be ‘evacuated’  through “my” breasts, which will become a symbol of “my” ‘failure.’

Diabetes, is linked to sugar.  Sugar is linked to love, tenderness, and affections.  Diabetes reflects various feelings of inner sadness.  This love sickness is a sure lack of love.  “One controls their environment and those around me, because of previous wounds. I am experiencing an emotional abstinence,” if diabetes could talk.

Or heart— cardiac problems symbolize love, peace, and the love of life.  Heart problems often originate from a loss of love, from sadness, or from a resurgence of deep emotions, even after several years.  All secret, impossible loves, family love cheapened by conflicts will “attack” my heart.

Weight—especially excess that one unconsciously seeks to isolate oneself either through communications with the outer world or because there is an imprisoned emotion or feeling ‘isolated’ in me that I don’t want to see.  “Through my obesity, I am seeking a form of protection that I continually accumulate in my inner thoughts.  There is a gulf between me and the outer world.  I want so much to love and approach the people I love, but I am so afraid.”  With all the diet books on the market, we should be a slim and trim society, but something is in our way of that desired reality.

And btw, much to my amazement, it is important to add, that this separation between our emotional state of well-being and our physical disease began in the seventeenth century. According to John Hopkins researcher Candice Pert, PhD in her book Molecules of Emotion, René Descartes—a philosopher and founding father of modern medicine and the Pope made a “turf deal.”   According to Pert,  in order to acquire the bodies he needed for dissection, Descartes agreed he wouldn’t have anything to do with the soul, the mind—or the emotions—apparently under exclusive jurisdiction of the church at the time.

Modern research is confirming what the Chinese have always understood: “So much of the illness begins in the mind,” Said the Yellow Emperor, Huang Di centuries ago.  With many modern pioneers such as Louise Hay, Deb Shapiro, Jacques Martel, Claude Sabbah, MD, Dr. Hammer, Bruce Lipton, MD and dozens of others today. What has been separation which “could never overlap, creating the unbalanced situation that is mainstream science and medicine we know today.” It finally appears that the gap is coming to a close and we are coming full circle to once again recognize there can be no separation between our physical, emotional/mind and soul in our lives and well-being.  True wellness comes from within.IMG_7401

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