Synchronicity—Following the Flow of Life


I like to think of synchronicity as the alignment of the universe and cosmic energies that support us on an unseen or invisible dimension—something that nudges us to the right place at the right time.  Some may call it lucky—others may call it chance—but I like to think of it as the magic that happens when we allow ourselves to be guided in what seems to make no sense.

I know that happened in Jacksonville this past weekend.  Even getting out of town was synchronic.  Picking up shelves, a quick bite to eat and a friend stopping to get some of my alkaline water.  All matched up with perfection.  And, with all that going on I didn’t forget to pack my tooth brush or other essentials for the overnight excursion.

While talking to another friend, I’ll call him Craig, he commented at our spiritual group meeting the other night—the same had brought him to the meeting.  He said he kept trying to push that intuitive knowing to one side.  Making excuses about how he didn’t have time to run by the bookstore.  Finally, he acquiesced and met Joanne, who told him all about the very meeting and group he had be yearning for.

My ex-husband would occasionally give me strange looks as I announced something very out of left brain sequence or logic.  “How do you come up with these things, he would ask?”  They just “pop” into my head I would respond with a smile.  To him they seemed just too strange and out of this world to his analytical way of thinking.  In fact, the world is much more aligned with his rational viewpoint than my ‘navigational’ way.

Perhaps, it is that we have discounted that irrational knowing is too far out of the box.  Perhaps, not understanding that, shall we say, the Cosmic choreography of our life-long dance in human form is guided by the potentials.  When we make a move—the map changes—as well as the new potentials to create the magic we know and call synchronicity.

Do what you want with this information.  Call it crazy —or call it egocentric—or give it a try.  Listen to the small “voice” inside and begin to trust that everything really is in order—it is only too vast for us to understand its meaning and movement.  It is a gift that everyone has, but only you can “unwrap” the box and give it a try.  What freedom to know that we always have help.  But, we must stop all the chatter—for just a moment—and listen!


Maybe this was the message Rocky and Bullwinkle wanted us to know so long ago, when at the end of the 30 minute segment—Eenie meenie chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak. Are they friendly spirits? Just listen.

“Inspired Wellness from Within”

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP

“Cathy has a passion for breaking the unhealthy patterns that are overlooked and underestimated by western medicine. In partnering with her clients to promote their wellbeing, she’s had major success in decoding the biology (hidden blocks, buried feelings, etc.) that negatively impact their pain, illness, grief and overall discontent in the human journey. Clients are astonished by her knack to mine underground emotions and the root causes behind physical distress through her innate intuitive ability, problem solving and integrity; and it has earned her the nickname “Wellness Warrior” by some longstanding clients.  Cathy provides an ever-growing supply of resources, practices and modalities in helping her clients achieve their wellness goals.”

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