Chemicals BAD

Blog September 2023

I took a deep sigh as I began to type. My next thought, how do we climb out of the cesspool of these predatory corporate commercial farming practices? They have seeped their way into every tiny crevice and just about every morsel of food consumed by us—AND deemed acceptable or “within normal limits”—AND ignored by the so-called medical professionals and “experts” of today? The policies are deteriorating our health. It’s David vs Goliath all over again. 

We must realize our strength in numbers and return our food to its humble nutritious origins. Do you think our cellular structure knows something innately? Is the precipice we have been looking at finally going to crumble? At the same time, more of us are able to recognize the new consciousness and a slow shift from corporate greediness to one of harmony with the earth and each other. We must make it our goal, to help each other with our wellness and the very basics that are necessary. The pesticides, the herbicides, the GMO’s and the destructive farming practices are making people sick.

Alright, let me back up. It’s a common theme—a giant messy food fight of sorts between us, the consumer and the agriculture corporatocracy. I was in North Florida last week and had a conversation with a gentleman and his wife on numerous topics of late. Yet, the one point I was not familiar with, was broadleaf herbicide was now being spread across fields of growing grass and future hay then fed to the animals. I was interested in using the horse manure and shavings for organic garden fertilizer like we did growing up, but he claimed it would kill a vegetable garden—and I thought, not to mention the horses or other animals who ate it too! Certainly a slow-kill agenda anyway—how long had they been doing this? Was it all by design?

When my friend Joy returned from visiting her folks in western New York, she was confused about the headaches, nausea and malaise she was feeling upon her arrival home to Florida. It turned out, pesticides had been sprayed by air on soy beans growing behind her parent’s house. AND, her 80+ year old father, unaware of just how toxic these chemicals were—had sprayed his apple tree next to the house for worms. He had then invited her to sit beside it and keep him company in the yard. She said no, and advised her father, who has lung damage—that he shouldn’t be there either! There were better, more natural substances to use on his apple tree and growing apples. (Neem oil or a pyrethrin base spray, btw, is a much better than what they push (Round-up) in Lowes, Home Depot or Ace Hardware.) Just saying.

So, everything that goes into the food chain is becoming more and more toxic to us. But, maybe that’s just part of the “slow-kill” plan for reducing humanity’s population and pushing us into a bug eating, chemically lab-grown fake food society? You know, to reduce the population of earth because of the hoax climate change and the not-so-great-reset by the Cabal? I’ll let you digest that thought while you ponder over chocolate covered cockroaches served at your next party—if you’re allowed. 🤮

The fight between Monsanto, which is now owned by the German corporate giant, Bayer, and consumer groups has been going on for years. Many of these chemicals are being banned out of other countries thankfully—but, ah, not so here in the USA! So, perhaps, it’s time to vote with our dollar! It worked wonders for Bud Light and Target—Southwoke and others. Can we please vote with our wallet and just stop buying things like Roundup? I know we can find alternative sources for our garden and products not grown with these chemicals—and the coming flood of things—like Apeele™? And, good grief, we have no idea what that really is! Please forward your thank you notes to Bill Gates!

I guess this growing awareness is just the beginning. And for those unaware—we must band together to create a coherent coalition—an alliance of agreement to just say, “No more”.

But, what are the alternatives you ask? 

A friend of mine, and let me say, genius in the truest sense, has developed several working theories regarding plant health and yield. The laser technology developed by him and his colleagues carries an electromagnetic resonance. This innovative technology enhances the bioavailability of nutritional molecules to their most natural form. The body recognizes, accepts, and assimilates the molecule more readily for greater impact on the body chemistry and well-being.  It’s like a perfect fitting key in a lock. This technology has been studied and used on seeds. This technology, combined with ingredients from his supplement line, tremendously enhanced growing plants in experiments done in Mexico on several hectares of land.  They are indeed new extraordinary ideas. And, these forward thinking ideas are producing yields up to 30% above normal farming production schedules and expectations. They also have a higher resistance to crop pests because of the health and vitality of the plants. So, we have alternatives coming.

Another idea, no matter who is growing our food—short or long term—organic or conventional is a very esoteric meta-physical suggestion for those who can understand and appreciate its merit. When we begin to speak and greet things before they enter our body we begin to “marry” our biology with spiritual truths and our cellular structure responds in a higher, new vibrational pattern. Our biology-mind begins the meld. Certainly food is included as we co-create our wellness and shake hands with the Creator inside.  

I am planning on attending one of the good Doctor’s lectures next month and hopefully will have more to say. But, it’s time to join the movement of supporting organizations which are resisting corporate take-overs. We must support local farmers and ideas that embrace campaigns towards replacing these old, now very toxic farming methods we have somehow embraced or tolerated the last 50-60 years. It’s time to meld with the partnership of Earth and welcome sustainable and regenerating ideas that support this revolution—this evolution in consciousness!  It is our lesson of courage, faith, and overcoming what seems impossible just as in the story of David and Goliath! 

I have included a couple links for more information on a variety of topics regarding this mission: To protect and advocate for consumers’ right to safe, healthful food and other consumer products, a just food and farming system and an environment rich in biodiversity and free of pollutants that will feed us into all the future

Check out: Organic Consumers Organization: 

or Food Tank Newsletter:

About the author:

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside. (Website) (Blog) (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

Turning Tides

The tides are turning . . . I heard in my head this morning wondering what direction my blog would take for August. The intense energies and planetary shifts continue to swirl around the earth like a cauldron cooking over that ever metaphoric burning fire—cleansing some and burning others like a hot poker; wake up—it’s time! You’re gonna get burned if you don’t open your eyes!

Just for grins, I googled Turning Tides and to my surprise found a song written in 2017 by an English group called Wildwood Kin. The lyrics include the lines “Why don’t we talk about it? We are fine, through all we say, There we will transfigure, We’ll no longer be enslaved.” 

Wow, was my reaction. It feels to me we are walking through the last years of this war on darkness as our collective Light increases allowing us to see what we couldn’t before. How long? No one can say. Higher consciousness exposes such things. The talking heads and puppets of the black hats continue to spout misinformation to the trusting, naÏve and unsuspecting. More C-v-d lies and propaganda; follow the money, please! That of course is followed by another scare of guessthepoxnow which continue to stoke the fires of fear and anxiety. Death and illness from the toxicity of this premeditated “bioweapon” aka a vaccine and fierce censorship have divided many family, friends and relationships.  Financial insecurities abound, trafficking secrets lurk, food scarcities are predicted from land grabs and food processing fires. Some farmers are fighting for their lives. And we’ve all felt the fuel extortion as gas prices at the pumps continue to make Billions for a few. These factors have only amplified our fears and anxieties.  Who knows what else the black hats will hurl across this battlefield next? But, as I heard in my head this morning—the tides are turning! And, yes they are!

Men and women of integrity are speaking out. If you are unfamiliar with names like Dr. Peter McCullough, Del Bigtree, Childrens Health Defense, Dr. Pierre Kory, Catherine Austin Fitts, America’s Front Line Doctors,  Dr. Robert Malone, Mattias Desmet or podcast personality Joe Rogan—find them. They are leading the charge. You of course won’t find them on Google, but DuckDuckGo, Rumble and Brave search engines give you another picture of the true carnage and body count.

And, lately, us unvaxed “villains” are finally being vindicated. An Australian journalist named Susan Dunham recently wrote “Only weeks ago, it was the admitted goal of our own leaders to make life unlivable for the unvaccinated. And as a deputized collective, we force-multiplied that pain, taking the fight into our families, friendships, and workplaces. Today, we face the hard truth that none of it was justified — and, in doing that, uncover a precious lesson.” 

Another piece published from a “well educated nurse”—named Christine addressed her letter to whom it may concern penned, “I have never seen a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues, and friends. I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school, or one that would allow a 12-year-old to override parental consent. I have never seen a vaccine like this one, which discriminates, divides and judges society. It does all those things except IMMUNIZE! If, fully vaccinated, we still need a booster dose, still need to get a negative test, still need to wear a mask and still wind up in the hospital, it is time for us to admit that we’ve been completely deceived.”

David “Avocado” Wolf posted an even more chilling thought, “If you understand what’s going on and didn’t take the poison, you have survived the greatest psychological warfare in human history. Do you realize how much time, resources, money and effort they put into this? They have tried to manipulate, brainwash, and force you. They have been attempting to scare you.  . . . make you feel guilty . . . bribe you with gifts, confuse you, to question your reality and also your sanity. Abandon your principles, morals and values . . . but wait, stop the presses.

Perhaps time has come to see the real villains for who they are—Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, WHO, and others who have premeditated this grand set-up and pandemic and have other plans in the pike to enslave us all, as suggested by Wildwood Kin. 

However—they are a few—and we are many. In ancient times it was written, “the meek will inherit the earth”. As a dear friend of mine says, “meek” was a poor choice for translation. For this powerful meek person is you—us! We are the most powerful on the planet. We choose to evaluate another with the criteria of Love, not wealth, position or situation. We are the ones who will change negative to positive—evil to kindness. We are the ones who have the power to heal individuals and groups and are changing the planet itself. We know that Love is the true source of power—and we create it. WE are the ones that warriors of darkness fear. Love is the “champion of the times.” It’s the bond of the Universe and power of the field. We must all shine our light as we are the one shifting this turning tide of global transformation, awareness and healing! Now, go shine your Light!

About Cathrine Silver

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside. (Website) (Blog) (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

Quantum Codes in the plants?

Several weeks ago I attended a group meditation.  It was powerful—and held on the sacred ground once occupied by the Seminole Indians.  The River that ran in backyard of the property and house brought its own unique energy to the land—as did the old growth trees and wildlife that lived around the water; there was a certain magic in the air.

As the women’s meditation started, there was nothing that seemed remarkable.  We, the group of women attending had each declared an intention—what did we want to get?  Most declarations were of a personal nature.  Mine however, was much more esoteric.  My belief, is that we are seeded from the stars.  We come full of potential and remembrance; stored within the quantumness of our DNA.  I wanted to access that knowledge. As the Master teacher and angelic presence has channeled to us many times, 2 + 2 = 4 only when the two is ready.

Was I ready?  My intention declared out loud, I believed much information lay waiting.  What exactly was I waiting for?  I could not say. Could I get in touch with such ancient and guarded secrets?  I asked silently, what would my answer be?

‘In the plants’ I heard.   What?  The codes are in the plants.  Confused—I answered through my third eye and thought about all the metaphysical/esoteric studies I had read and listened to for over a decade.  If our seed parents are here with us—that they could never ‘go home’—would it be possible that the codes were contained within the plants coming from the “dirt”—working in conjunction with Gaia—The Mother.  

I had heard may times that Earth has a consciousness—and that she responds and reacts to us.  Most of our DNA resides in quantum state. Could our vibration, frequency, and intention activate such information for our biology too?  We are one with each other.  Our seed parents—still here in the Earth—feed us information when we are ready—through vibrational frequency and multidimensional codes contained within the plants?  How simple, right?  Nothing that could be synthesized, or created in the giant laboratories quite the way Mother Nature intended; modern chemistry naive in its thinking and understanding.  We had crossed the marker in 2012.  As our accession of human consciousness continues—we must have the correct codes—contained in our pure intention, activated at quantum level of potentials—when the Two (us) is ready. (And, by the way, the Two (2) is the duality number.  Human vs. Divine—Polarity)

I picture this information like some sort of computer code; but undetectable to our reasoning left brain linear-thinking mind. Unless, of course, we step out of what we “think we know.” Is this why the GMO movement is so dangerous?  The original codes are being removed.  Our cells are programed with and for original plant codes—information which we don’t yet understand—because they are quantum carried within the plants, invisible to our understanding and our true human nature; much bigger than we have any idea!  Is that why we are overfed and undernourished, out of balance (dis-ease)? Our bodies not receiving the right signals?

Then, I ran across this yesterday:  “Plants Are All Chemists . . . tirelessly assembling the molecules of the world.”  Was Gary Snyder’s quote conformation for what I had ‘learned’ that night?

You decide.  Use your discernment.  The answer is always within—so is the God particle.  Wisdom gleaned from ancient knowledge—carried with us today—released with intent: quantum codes within the plants waiting for us to acknowledge that we continue to play in fields we know very little about.  Not synthesized to one “chemical or substance” but the whole working together in a multi-dimensional way.

“Let me take you to the interior of the DNA itself and reveal to you the esoterics and the love that this process has within it.  For more than chemistry, this DNA event defines the core of sacred life, the love of God within the Universe, mixed with dimensional confluences and the joy of creation. DNA is the crossroads of God and man, the mixture of quantum and non-quantum, and it vibrates with the essence of the truth of the Universe.” ~Kryonth-39

“Inspired Wellness from Within”

Cathy Silver,


Holistic Health Counselor

Three Aspects of  Creating True Health and Wellness

Cathy-Silver-logo (2)

Last week I received several questions from a client regarding news blasts on the latest discovery about the fat gene—the best way to prevent cognitive function demise in the gym’s weight room—bottled water, pH and good and bad carbs.  Rather than go head to head with the single focused claims and promises, I wanted to address instead what I felt would be the most important areas concerning true health and wellness. Isn’t that after all, what we all want to know?  How can I create or maintain good health?

We are not merely mechanical objects and therefore any discussion must include physical, mental and spiritual aspects. This holistic or “whole body” philosophy is important as nothing can be separated—all aspects of ourselves are entangled on many levels in spite of what we “see” in the mirror.  I think realistically more and more health care professionals are coming to accept this reality, but the change is slow.  

The authors of the various articles I received, all addressed hot topics of concern today: obesity, water, carbs, cognitive function, pH.  Yes, these are all important pieces of the health puzzle. But, it’s kind of like subjects in school.  The emails all seem to be targeting and asking you to choose one thing; like choosing to study just one subject—math, english, history, art or shop. . . etc.   We would never do that to our kids—and the health industry shouldn’t do that to us either.  It’s the synergistic energy of everything working together.

On the physical,  I don’t believe anyone would  dispute that if you put sugary processed junk into your body—you create an imbalance.  And, no nutrition professional would dispute the importance of good carbs—which really translate to whole fruits and vegetables in your diet. (Fresh, organic and non-GMO being at the top.) The problem is the Standard American Diet is “SAD” and sorely lacking vegetables and fruits.  So bad in fact, experts are now counting ketchup in the vegetable count! Really!?? Highly processed cheap food is junk.  It really only “looks like food”. So much of it has been refined and modified from the original form; filled with words we cannot pronounce nor dare ask what they do.  Normally added for the benefit of the manufactures bottom line—certainly not ours!  This includes most fast food pick-ups and processed foods.  Microwave cooking destroys and changes the molecular structure of the food before we even eat it.  Mother Nature cannot be tricked! At some level our “Smart body” knows this.  Maybe that’s where some of the cravings come from—lack of nutrients—a starvation of sorts, being overfed and under nourished? But why would we choose such foods?  I’ve been witness to many who have stayed in my house!  Keywords: Pick and eat the best organic whole food available for your budget. One way is not necessarily better than another.  It depends on our individual genetic and akashic heritage. The watchword here being, bio-individual; there is no one diet for everyone! Select and eat organic whole foods which make you feel your best and look your best. 🙂

It’s hard to believe, but we are really walking columns of water with most people only drinking water when they take their medication.  Bottled water comes with it’s own inherent set of concerns.  Plastic or glass—with many brands, really just bottled “tap” water, not to mention the energy and consumption of energy it takes to get that bottle to the table.  (In my opinion, it would seem prudent to spend money on improving our local municipal water sources sans the chemicals and added extras like pharmaceuticals.)  There are solutions that help with both pH and hydration.  My client had purchased the Enagic Alkaline-ionizer, SD 501 years ago from me which makes Kangen water available 24/7 in your home. I believe it is one of the best decisions we can make to maintain our wellness.  I’m including a link to a demo, for those who are not familiar and a separate review about the pH discussion from a unbiased esoteric source. I carry my Kangen water  with me wherever I go—including on the plane!  TSA doesn’t like it, but I have a prescription and they must allow me carry it through security.  I feel great—and look much younger than many my age.

Cognitive function is so important and exercise is brings oxygen to the brain and relieves stress.  Do what you enjoy—and exercise daily.  Releasing stress, toxins and endorphins are all beneficial.  At the same time, improving muscle tone and creating an over-all feeling of happiness and optimal health are benefits.  Just do something you love. If you love your workout—you will make it a life long habit and not a passing phase.  For some that may be yoga or pilates.  For others it may be a swim everyday.  For others, it is the weight routine and the gym workout.  Nothing is better for me than going for a walk or taking my bike for a ride in the fresh air and sunshine.  Body types are different and so are the exercise routines and their appeals—not one recipe for all.  As you know, the important thing is do something you enjoy. (smiling) And, as a side bar, high frequency sound therapy is now being researched for Alzheimer’s  disease.  New medical break-throughs are on their way . . . stay tuned . . . and it will be different that we imagined!

There are two pieces missing, and maybe the contributors have written about them in the past? They are the mental and spiritual aspects to creating health. Neither of these authors address the mind-body connection, but “no disease can appear without the active participation of the brain.” Emotional imbalances in our life lead to lack of internal harmony.   Unresolved trauma’s underlie all conditions, diseases and stresses—and have greater influence than we could ever imagine or give them credit for. It is our message from us to us that we have “this” condition.  Everything from ingrown toenails to arrhythmias has an unresolved emotional component.  Louise Hay talked about fear and anger in her book years ago—so the concept is not new in this country.  In fact, “Modern research is confirming what the Chinese have always understood: So much of all illness begins in the mind,” In the final years of the twentieth century, we are finally beginning to accept the long held truth that body and mind are not only connected, they literally talk to each other all the time, in an ongoing dialogue that dramatically influences your health and well-being.” This balance is reflected both internally as well as externally. The internal environment represents itself as our emotions, trauma’s, thoughts and our responses to them.  The external environment includes our lifestyle, our nutrition, our movement (exercise) our relationships, etc.

Let’s go back to the obesity/fat gene query from my client.  Are overweight individuals eating and choosing sugary, processed, foods in a quest or yearning for the unresolved trauma of childhood or unresolved emotional conflicts within the clan? Somehow trying to full the void to love?  We all know times when we eat or drink too much. Why? Is the reason to distract or used as a means of soothing ourself—or somehow as a way of receiving the love we desire because we are lonely or upset about something in our life.  After all, being nursed by our mother is our earliest form of receiving love.  But, what happens if we don’t receive that?   The physical body is designed to heal itself, but unable when the mind-set that created the condition (our story) is untouched. What is the message from you to you? After all, obesity is usually recognized as a form of protection—“excess fat that my body puts between my inner being and my outer surroundings indicates that I unconsciously seek and want to isolate myself, either through my communication with the outer world or because there is an imprisoned emotion or feeling ‘isolated’ in me that I don’t want to see.” . . . I want so much to love people, but I am so afraid!  Am I protecting myself from assault, remarks, criticism, or uncomfortable situations, notable those involving my sexuality?”  Earthly nourishment also represents emotional nourishment . . . am I filling that inner void?

This emotional mental aspects help bring awareness to some of the missing link.  In fact, Bio Decoders help you investigate and discover the conflicts that generated stress, leading to pain and illness. They assist in providing a deeper understanding of how and why people become ill, and how the programs of illness can be decoded and released from the subconscious mind, where the illness was programmed and stored.  Dr. Claude Sabbah contributed more than 40 years experience and expertise puts it this way:  “Love is the true healer in the work that we do to resolve the conflicts giving rise to the onset of disease.

The spiritual component is the easiest, and yet the hardest.  For belief and intent are at the basis now for healing.  In today’s energy and shift, the same remedy or process, for all but only a few are healed.  The future of healing yourself is here, but it’s never been as profound as it is today.  “The consciousness of belief is needed for what you have in the next step of self healing.”   Self-healing, self-awareness, affirmations; anything you’re trying to accomplish right now—even synchronicity—you have got to align yourself with pure intent and believe it before it will happen.

Here is a simple affirmation, (below) Start with this—you can make up your own, but begin with the “I AM”.  This is powerful stuff to create well-being. Look into the mirror and say:


These are the aspects of creating true and lasting health and wellness. It is up to us—and it won’t come in the form of a pill.  We are bigger than we have any idea, with multi-dimensional parts; all parts must be included as we continue to move further into the new human consciousness.

“Inspired wellness from Within”

Love and Light,

Cathy Silver, HC, AADP

Biological Decoding, Family Constellations,

Hypnosis, Nutrition, Spiritual Guidance & Counseling

Oh, and the cognitive unresolved conflicts associated with Alzheimer’s Disease have to do with the “unconscious desire to terminate my life, to leave the world once and for all or to escape my reality, due to a chronic incapacity to accept or to face and deal with this reality and certain situations in life because I am afraid and am finding it painful to live.  I therefore make myself insensitive to my surroundings and to my inner emotions. ‘I numb myself’, I become ‘Light-headed’, and life then seems easier and death more acceptable . . . ” Want to know more?  Email me at

These were several questions asked and  posted on the Kryon Website from Lee Carroll.  I re-post them here as an unbiased source around the sometimes controversial and hotly debated topic of pH.  You decide for yourself . . . If you are interested after reading this . . . go to If you are still interested, email me at for more information or to order a machine for your home and family.  The health of you and your loved ones is priceless.

~Cathrine  Silver, HC, AADP 

P.S. I have owned my SD501 machine by Enagic since 2009!

QUESTION (26): Dear Kryon, my first questions are regarding stabilized oxygen water. Is it really of any value other than to the people selling it? Is it a good idea to pH-balance our water before we drink it? What is the best water accessible to us, in general?

My second question: I’m extremely confused regarding what foods to eat and whether pH balancing is really all I’ve heard it is. Would you expound on this?

I guess my most profound question (to me, anyway) is, through the power of intent and melding with our total self, is any of this really necessary?

ANSWER: The answer to these questions are quite logical, but they don’t conform to a simple answer.

Three years ago we told you that there would be more water products coming your way than ever before. The reason? Because your heath workers would begin to understand how important this basic sustenance is for you, and the beginning of the “secrets” of real biological balance would begin to be found. We told you that you’d discover that what you had felt was needed and healthy would end up looking like the dark ages of knowledge. In other words, you’d say, “How could we have ever believed this would be good for us?”

Now all this is at your doorstep. There are many waters available, and the first thing you do is ask, “Which one is right?” What if most are right? Why do you wish to limit your options to just one? Yes, the pH balance will be new information that will be controversial, then be validated over time by the health of the individuals who drink it. The process is still not fully understood, since your health industry still gives no credibility at all to the body’s intelligent structure. That is to say that the body isn’t just a chemical machine that reacts. It’s a creative machine that actually calls upon processes that are beyond chemistry, and which change portions of your DNA that speak to all cellular structure, and which create new paradigms of reality for you . . . immune setups, and longevity schemes that you haven’t discovered yet.

Are some just making money from this new fad? Yes. So what do you do? The answer is obvious: Try samples of what is offered and decide for yourself. Don’t weigh what others say or experience as your guide, since many of these new products aren’t generic to all biology. This means that they will affect some more than others. This is knowledge we brought to you many years ago. Throw away the idea that all biology is the same, and that a cure is a cure is a cure. It’s not, and you’re going to begin to see far more individuality within medicine and health substances.

The same is true with food, and there will be many discoveries there as well. But through all of this, we’ve also given you information that says that above all, the power of your consciousness can change both food and water. You can balance both to allow for everything you need. You can even change matter, and create a situation where ingesting food or water that might make another sick will actually nourish you. This is the promise for those who wish to examine this issue and take it all the way.

So, greet the food and don’t worry about it. Change it to match your own biological structure. This is actually very old spiritual information, lost along the way of modern civilization.”


Hillcrest Farmers Market; The New Paradigm Unfolding?

Hillcrest street musicianThe Hillcrest Farmers market in San Diego is walking distance from my friend JulieAnn’s apartment. I was on the West Coast for the Biological Decoding conference in La Jolla but free for the weekend, and I decided to walk over and participate in the local Sunday ritual.  My first observation was this Farmers market seemed to be a hustle and bustle of community; village-like in feel and energy.  Aside from the customary assortment of beautiful freshly picked organic vegetables and fruits, were vendors selling hot and prepared food from around the globe. There were talented craftsmen and jewelry artisans, soap makers and entrepreneurs selling unique wares.  I saw–kitchen towels on flour sacks, handcrafted calendars and paintings–plants to eat, and flowers to grow and the heard melodious musician’s note enhancing the fair-like ambiance with song and note floating up through the crowded market street which had been assembled early that morning. An instant city of tents placed above the usually recognizable  yellow & white painted traffic and parking lines transformed into this temporary village on Normal street; ironically, feeling anything but normal.  I walked through the maze and frenzy of orange and white blinking traffic barricades flowing new directions over the asphalt normally reserved only for cars. Interrupted by the iconic traffic cops maintaining order, blowing their whistles and waving their arms, keeping harmony with the crowds of pedestrians and redirected autos. The kind of scene you would expect Harrison Ford to materialize and saunter through in true Indiana style. (Smiling)

The hopes of finding Julieann’s friend led me down to explore this energetic neighborhood farmers market; a market in which Maria, a editor and producer from LA,  sells her vintage typewriter creations on the weekends for fun. “I get to see the light of day,” she joked.

I spent a few hours there, and what struck me most was the comradery; vendors really supportive of each other. The flour sack kitchen towel guy John knew my new friend Maria who sells the old-vintage typewriter jewelry and walked me right to her booth. Wow! Maria introduced me to the woman on her right who manufactures her own skin care line and to Josette, around the corner who sells beautiful succulent wreaths and arrangements. Josette’s brother Louie, a craftsman himself who designs and builds wood furniture, also cooks and bakes and shares his goodies with his surrounding tent neighbors.  (Cookie recipe forthcoming.)

Such a sense of community I noted, as I wandered down the side walk ready to indulge and sample flavors of the worldly cuisine that awaited. Crossing the street I headed in a southerly direction, actually looking for a close ATM and then lunch, when I heard a comment about the Buddha shirt I had picked to wear for the day. Soon, I was in a discussion with a guy named Robert who offered me a glass of his friend’s tea. It was made with aloe, rosemary, fresh stevia leaves, bougainvillea blossoms, & mint. I’m still not sure what the name of it is, but well worth the trip over to the Market if you live in the  San Diego area.  Have a glass of her whole-made from scratch tea and her delicious home-cooked cuisine!  (Her picture is below.)

I know these local markets happen all across the United States, and it is well worth taking a few minutes to visit these hard working heart-felt folks wherever they live.  I was going to include web addresses, but many of the artist don’t have them.  So, if you’re in the neighborhood–pop over and say hello.  Enjoy all the market has to offer–and support the artists who live doing what they love.  Isn’t this a great example for us all!  “Do what you love or find a way to love what you do.”  These artists and farmers and cooks do this everyweek–supporting each other in all they do!  Do you find support where you work and live?  If not, why not?  Have the courage to step out and be the authentic you. I’m sorry I didn’t take more pictures, but I’ll let you fill in the blanks with your own imagination of how the world can be when we all work together and do what we love.

“Inspired Wellness from Within”

Cathrine Silver, Certified Holistic Health Coach

Wonderful tea and food from this beautiful woman!

Wonderful tea and food from this beautiful woman!

Baby Zucchini Sauté with Mint

Beautiful baby zucchini at the farmers market

Beautiful baby zucchini

This is a great tasting easy to prepare recipe I made in San Diego for a dinner one night. I really enjoyed how the lemon and garlic added so much  flavor to the sometimes blandish green squash.  Zucchini is a summer squash according to Rebecca Wood and the medicinal benefits support the stomach, spleen, large intestine and liver.  Zucchini is easy to digest and contain anticancer properties and carotenes. This is a “keeper” for many dinners to come!  Enjoy.  

                                      ‘Inspired Wellness from Within’ –Cathy Silver, HC

Total: 20 minutes
10 servings

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, (orange flavor if you have it in your pantry)
1-3 large garlic cloves, very finely chopped
3 pounds baby zucchini, trimmed and halved lengthwise
Sea Salt and freshly ground pepper
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup chopped mint

In a large skillet, heat the olive oil.  Add the chopped garlic and cook over moderate heat stirring until it is fragrant but not browned, about 30 seconds. Add the baby zucchini halves, season with salt and pepper and cook over moderately high heat, stirring occasionally, until crisp tender, about 8 minutes.  Add the fresh lemon juice and transfer the zucchini to a serving plate. Sprinkle the zucchini with the chopped mint and serve.
Adapted from Katie Lee Food & Wine

Be mindful unless you’re buying yellow summer squash at the farmers market, the odds are that it has been genetically modified (GM).  In a store, if possible, purchase certified organic or squash that are labeled non-GMO.  To a lesser extent commercial zucchini squash may be GM too!

Zucchini ready to serve

Zucchini ready to serve

Health Begins in our mind!


Cathrine_Silver_Logo 2 final
What is health and wellness and where does it actually begin? As the month and designation of “Health and Wellness Month” unfolds it is important to have a new insight into the depth we call health—and ask the question “What can I do to create more wellness in my life?”

For most it seems, that elusive term somehow slips from our view, as our own power, innate wisdom and guidance is relinquished to the “men in white coats.”  However, just like freedom is all a state of mind–so is our health. There is no limited quality—nor is it only available to some—and not others.  We have not been handed “bad genes” as once believed by medicine, but instead have the power within our grasp.  It is our responsibility. And, it is ours for the allowance. We have the ability to heal ourselves of anything. We have to ask ourselves, what do I really want? Do we simply want relief or do we want to be healed and step into a life of true health and a life of wellness to accomplish what we came here for? Ready?

First we must declare that intention. I believe true health lies hidden in what has been called self-love, and it is a reflection of our balance or imbalance and all have access.  Those receptors, antennae or Wi-Fi signals within our cellular structure that “hear” every thought, know every intent, allowance and recognize the energy of love are listening. The good news is once we have the information and understanding we have the power to do something!

What you say, I am responsible for my own well-being? I am not a victim of genetics? Can you own that? Are you willing to “try this new belief on?”  Or does this statement make you angry or mad?  Perhaps it empowers you to do something different?  Are you willing to take action?  Now, we’re getting somewhere!

Cutting edge science is not only talking about this but has proof as well.  And, you won’t hear this from big pharma who wants you to believe otherwise and stay trapped in the downward spiral of drugs and more drugs, helpless to do anything for ourselves.

We are beings of light and have the power to change our reality to anything we choose; it is free for the asking! What a concept!

Let me offer you 10 suggestions to get you on the road to your life of wellness:

1.) Turn off the news on the T.V.  Why do you want to program yourself with fear–conflict and negativity? Instead, find a way to laugh–and experience everyday joy!  Feeling better already?

2.) Get outside. Feel the energy of Mother Earth. Go for a walk. Take off your shoes—go to the beach.  Plan a picnic. (Even if it is a simple sandwich & sitting quietly by yourself.) Open the windows, and let the Devas in!  Find something to celebrate!

3.) Eat well–the best you can afford. Eat your fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water.  (And, no ketchup does not count as a fruit or veggie.) The fresher the better. Frozen is better than canned. Choose things that need no label or have 5 ingredients or less. Plant a garden or simply put a few plants in pots. Herbs do well in small spaces and can be fun to grow and experiment with. I grow tomatoes in the winter (south Florida season) but have rosemary, basil, green onions, thyme, sage, chives and parsley which do quite well. Shop farmers markets for affordable organic.  STAY AWAY FROM GMO’s.  And, skip the orange juice—it has lots of sugar.  Instead opt for an orange instead.  Cut down or eliminate the dairy.

4.) Do not use a microwave. Microwaves change the polarity of food.  Go back to the stove!

5.) Exercise! Exercise relieves stress and stress kills!  This doesn’t mean you have to join a gym unless that suits you.  Think movement:  Dance, swimming, walking, bicycling, or tennis—just get your body moving!

6.) Meditate. If you don’t know how purchase a cd–or visit a nearby yoga class. These classes are for every age. Find one you like.  All are different—it depends on the instructor. Stress was designed for short periods–like getting chased by a tiger. When we are stressed our immune system stops working and we are more susceptible to pathogens–germs–disease. Give yourself permission to quite your mind. Fill it with positive thoughts, expectations and breath.  It is our connection to Spirit—God—or All That Is.

7.) Do you have toxic relationships in your life? If your relationships are filled with anger, or other negativity remove yourself. Instead choose relationships that are caring, loving and supportive. Choose to trust that you will create space for positive relationships if you clear out the old and give allowance for someone new.  Remember like attracts like.

8.) Get creative. Creativity can create your future: your wishes, desires, aspirations, and future. Having fun elevates your mood which is good for your health. Creativity can show up as writing, drawing, photography, and singing–all those wonderful right brain activities; choose one!

9.) Drop in to your heart–get out of your left brain for a second–and feel yourself in a perfect state of wellness, harmony and the feeling of love.  Then read the statement below every morning with intention and allowance!  Really feel it!

“Dear Cellular Structure,

I wish to have the attributes that I have earned in what I call my past that will enhance the ability for me to live my current life with more ease and grace.  I wish to recall those things that will allow me to live longer, do my work better, and give me peace over the things that I desire to do.  I wish to mine the Akash for this, which is in my personal DNA.”


10.) Get help if you need to.  This is not a sign of weakness but one of choice and power. Einstein noted years ago, that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results was the definition of insanity.  Get out of your own way.   Emotions and the mind play the biggest role in determining our state of wellness.  These beliefs that we carry are the only thing that is really “inherited”—and the biggest question is:  Are we ready to do something to change our outdated story—habits and belief system to one that serves us better?  I say YES!  What is it for you?

Health and wellness begins and ends with us.  There are no victims–only unawareness. Step into your innate power and light–own it. Pretend you are “air traffic control” give the new coordinates to those 50 trillion cells within your body–and see what positive changes begin to unfold. Take your INTENT and your alchemy to create the greatest happiness and state of wellness you have ever known!

If you would like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter, go to:

“Inspired wellness from Within”

Cathy Silver, HC


Cathy Silver is a practicing holistic health coach in the Ft. Lauderdale area.  She works with clients everyday and is dedicated to changing lives and helping others  step into their power to create wellness on every level.

Amazing Frozen Lemons!

fresh lemonsFirst bananas and now lemons–What a concept! Many professiona­ls in restaurants and eateries are using and consuming entire lemons and nothing is wasted. How? Simply . . . place the washed organic lemon in the freezer. Once the lemon is frozen, use your grater and shred the whole lemon—peel and all—and sprinkle it on top of foods.

I buy and use lemons to season chicken or tuna salad in place of salt. I also love them in water or tea. So after reading about this earlier in the week I tried grated lemon in tuna salad—someplace I normally add fresh lemon juice. This was easy and tasted great. Frozen grated lemons are also great and suggested to add into a vegetable salad, ice cream, soup, cereals, noodles, spaghetti, rice, fish dishes and more . . . the list is endless. Your foods will have a wonderful taste.

Even better, lemons peels or zest contain as much as 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice. Peels are also health rejuvenator in eradicating toxic elements in the body. Place your washed lemons in the freezer and grate when needed.

Consulting, Rebecca Wood she reveals the medicinal benefits in her book, The New whole Foods Encyclopedia, that citrus in general is a miraculous food. A cooling agent for our body—be it from a fever, physical exercise or hot flashes. But, did you know that citrus varieties contain 58 known anticancer agents? One article claimed Lemon (citrus) is an extraordinary product to kill cancer cells and claims to “be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy”. I guess the labs have jumped on to this news and are in the process of making a synthetic version. Personally, I’d trust Mother Nature—both energetically and the micro-nutrients which work in harmony with our system. Lemons constrict body tissue, they dry damp conditions, resolve stagnation, and dispel sputum. If your digestion is off, lemon stimulates the flow of saliva, easing the work of the liver. They help to alkalize the body and are helpful in high blood pressure—good for sunburn, insect bites, sore throats, hiccups and weight loss.

For a great Morning Elixir, to gently bring your energy up restoring balance and rehydrating your body without the jolt from caffeine, boil (on the stove) 1 cup of water. Add two Tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, and honey to taste. Cayenne to taste (optional)

This will help your body if it is feeling stiff—or your mind if it is feeling cloudy. It could be your liver is complaining it didn’t complete its middle of the night task of blood cleansing. Who knew this beautiful yellow fruit brought to us from India was such a world class seasoning ingredient—and so remarkable for our health!

Inspired Wellness from Within

Cathy, HC

lemon tree

The Power of Apple

The wondrous apple     Anxious to grab a morning walk before the temperatures rose to quickly, I snatched a crisp red organic apple out of my refrigerator drawer–a Gala to be precise.   Apples are one of my favorite fruits–conveniently packaged in a  portable size and sturdy enough to be carried almost anywhere.  They have the advantage so far–of making it through airport security; my yogurt was not so lucky!  As I munched through the house multitasking, my mind wandered just briefly about the iconic  platitude “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” 

This is one fruit that we apparently love.  Emerson called it “the American fruit.”  Those who keep track of such things estimate that we consume about 120 apples per year–per person.  And, did you know that the apple originated not far from the mythical Eden, in Almaty, Kazakhstan in Central Asia where wild apples still cover the foothills?   Most of ours don’t come that far, and although they grow in almost all states,  if you have ever driven through Yakima, Ellensburg or the Wenatchee Valley you would not need to be convinced  that most apples in the United States come out of Washington state where 12 billion apples are thinned and picked by hand.  That’s a lot of apples!

No one is better suited than Rebecca Wood, author of The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia to detail the medicinal benefits of apples.  According to her expertise, apples are a cooling food–and both a yin & chi tonic that treat the heart, lungs, large intestines, stomach and spleen.  They invigorate and promote vital energy and help dispel toxins.  Apples contain something called Malic and tartaric acids which inhibit fermentation in the stomach making apples easier to assimilate than most other fruits.

They are moistening and so reduce thirst, reduce fever, and ease dry hot lungs.  In addition, apples, especially green, help to cleanse the liver and gallbladder and help to soften gallstones.  Rebecca recommends giving grated raw apples to children to reduce their fever. To ease a dry cough her recommendation is to steam apples with honey until they’re soft and eat–to eliminate phlegm from the lungs, prepare apples with agar.

Apples are a rich source of pectin and so can lower cholesterol, promote beneficial intestinal flora, and support normal colon function.  They’re high in quercetin and other flavonoid antioxidants that help protect against heart disease, cancer and asthma.  They are also an excellent low-calorie source of fiber and vitamin C–and other nutrients.

When we look back not too far in our own history, I ask: Did our love affair with this American fruit begin here with the  myth and legend of John Chapman–a.k.a. Johnny Appleseed.  An interesting character,  he traveled the vast unsettled territories of our new country with his bag of seeds planting trees: a unspoken message– perhaps one that we should heed more closely today?  Is there a synergy between man and the apple or apple and man?   You know kind of like the squirrel and the acorn? Once thing is sure our love affair with the apple is far from over and it seems with out a doubt  is good for our system of creating health within.   For me it can certainly be taken out of “bible lore” and brought into the our  daily ritual–for snacks, salads, dried, cooked, –juiced or cider.  Whether we call them Braeburn or golden, Granny Smith or McIntosh the message is clear–an apple a day really should keep the doctor away.

“Inspired Wellness from Within”

Cathy Silver, HC





Spring + Easy to Make Green Shake to Detox Your Body!

Green ShakeAh, spring! This season brings increasing daylight, warming temperatures, and the rebirth of flora and fauna.   Take a moment to walk outside and notice the green plants growing in your garden. The three months of the spring season bring about the revitalization of all things in nature; usually increased rain water, waking from hibernation and the spring equinox next week: Gaia’s announcement that we have come to the season of birth.  Without our awareness—and sometimes unnoticed, nature shows us this every spring—the announcement from those small crocuses, bright happy daffodils and yellow forsythias which blossom without fail.  The swelling vibrant and bursting energy that moves the sap and forces the buds to open and bloom may be our calling and awakening from winter as well.  That burst of energy to clean, change our diet or other small rejuvenations; unseen energy that surges through body, mind and spirit that so often goes unnoticed or at least, unspoken.  Watch what greens begin to appear in the grocery stores or farmers’ markets.  Is this too a sign from nature, a calling of sorts to detox our bodies after our heavier winter fare? Alkaline food detoxes our body —leafy greens, sprouts, berries, cherries, asparagus, grapefruits, lemons, spinach or dandelion greens available now for your choosing.  See what local leafy greens appear in your neighborhood market, and how you might prepare them tonight? Or, are you more of a ‘blender chef’? See the green shake recipe below.  You might also try sipping hot water every day for two weeks.  The hot water will dilate, hydrate and begin to detoxify your tissues and encourage your lymph system to move sort of like the sap. (Smiling) Ancient cultures have lived within the harmony of natural cycles.   A balance of yin and yang promotes health and harmony.  Understanding this balance within your body is key. Happy spring!

Green Drink

Delicious Green Shake!

  • In Vitamix, place all ingredients, blend and enjoy the benefits of health and vitality!

2-3 generous handfuls of baby organic spinach

2-4 leaves of organic kale.  (I use the leaves and save the big stems for my green juice.)

A big handful of fresh organic sunflower sprouts

1 ripe avocado scooped and placed in blender (The seed has more phytonutrients than the actual ‘fruit’-feel free to add it to your shake.  The Vitamix will easily incorporate it right into the shake!)

1 ripe banana (Option: I like to freeze mine and just break them into 2-3 pieces.  Peel before freezing and put them into a zip lock bag.)

1-2 scoops of “live” organic powdered greens such as Green Organics

Optional scoop of organic protein powder such as Green Organics “Smooth Vitality”

Udo’s Oil  3-6-9  or Flax oil to taste

(A few frozen strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or even a lemon can be added for a bit of sweetness or more flavor—as in the case of lemon.  Other veggies that can be added to the shake are cucumber, celery, asparagus, ginger, garlic.  Be creative—but try to keep the shake mostly green and mostly veggies! J )

4+ cups Kangen water 9.5 or pH preference


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