Road Trip: Mysteries, Paradoxes and Contradictions

The excitement stirs my soul when I begin a road trip. I am fortunate—I can do my work anywhere. A fall-winter adventure certainly has more challenges, but with astute judgment and a little planning, everything is possible. And, so it was that a text message set the course in motion for a road trip. It was my stepmother’s 80th birthday. I would say, a milestone in most families, and I was flattered to be extended an invitation. Each adventure is unique—the takeaways are never the same. I was on my way from Florida to the Northwest. Not exactly a drive across town.

When I’m on the road, I seek the quiet solitude of Nature. Mother Earth rejuvenates my Beingness. It is a bit more ‘work’ but I enjoy the camping and cabins provided in the modern—convenient campgrounds which I laughed at 40+ years ago. However, when I travel by myself, a family-friendly stop is a welcomed rest for the night.

My observation from this trip was very much a paradox or certainly contradiction. Let me explain. As I approached large cities like Phoenix, certainly just about all of California—Houston, San Antonino and Baton Rouge to name a few, I felt like I had been plunged into a virtual reality video game of “Speed Racer.” It was the anxious, frantic, wild energy that took the drivers in almost a deranged hyper-paced speed. Even the numerous fatalities and accidents along the way—didn’t have a sustained effect on speed or corybantic driving.

And yet, when I stopped for gas, a freeway rest stop, overnight respite, or a grocery store, folks were pleasant, cheerful and seemed to enjoy a break in the routine for a moment of conversation. On my way home, folks on the “other side of the gas pumps” seem to go out of their way to wish me a Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year.  And, in some of my conversations, others also noticed the speed and unrestraint by so many drivers on the freeway. What gives?

Because of the past lockdowns, were folks squeezing in family time? Because of the tremendous SADS were folks wanting to see family again? Even if those family and friends were not just across town, but in a neighboring state? Many of the drivers were totally bat-shit crazy, yet off the road, an atmosphere of connectedness seemed vibrant and alive; appreciative, in fact

On my last road trip two and a half years ago, there were a few who were angry at me for not participating in the mask, jab and social distancing madness. This time instead, those few welcomed the connection. The same ones who could not understand my past opposition. Go figure. It was like not remembering a dream upon waking because it had dissipated with the morning sunrise. That was a welcome surprise. Yet peoples’ driving behavior still made me ponder, why?

I thought about the T.V. programming and the fear installed overtime as the finger pushes the on-button for the remote so often and so routinely. There was certainly a brainwashing component to that not so innocent black box and data collection site. The stresses of everyday were there too. The constant reminders of multiple wars around the globe, the censorship, inflation every time one enters the grocery store, rumors of 15 minute cities, the fear of CBDC and loss of cash, the unfolding corruption within our own government, the bickering and the constant reprograming of the official state sponsored narrative were perhaps taking their toll? The list is long. Maybe folks were just sick and tired and didn’t really give a damn? 

And then it hit me. Could the highway be a place where, just like myself, one could experience a sense of freedom? Could it be that we have grown tired and weary of the constant ever increasing new laws, cameras, monitoring and regulations imposed on us? It felt eerily like a noose getting tighter around our metaphoric necks? It was hard to breathe at times. Or even, perhaps like a straight jacket in an insane asylum with no means to escape? Are we just sick and tired of the government and those that are imposing such measures—and those drivers were simply demonstrating their resistance against the new measures that surround and threaten our way of life, and freedom, everywhere we turn? Could it be, that we’ve all had just about enough CONTROL over our lives?  Are drivers showing their anger and frustration and demonstrating it in a very non-verbal way—the only way they really can? That they’ve had enough? I certainly have. What about you?

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; 

it must be demanded by the oppressed. 

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

About Cathrine Silver

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside. (Website) (Blog) (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

Farming, Food & Health; There is a link

My heart was singing this morning as I awoke. I must take a drive to Southwest Georgia and meet this “radical” farmer and his new ideas, now pushing 25 years in the making. It is simply that, his ideas, foresight and intuition about farming and cattle ranching+ are a return to the way things are meant to be—in my mind and thought process. We have a long way to go, like in many facets of modern life, but the shift is here and visible for those awakened souls seeking evidence.  But, his story reminds me of many other things that have captured the American people and the world by big money and those bent on domination and control.

I preordered the book, A Bold Return to Giving a Damn and just finished it an hour ago, now a week later.  I suggest you get a hold of a copy and read it for yourself. Will Harris, a Southwest Georgia farmer, is the story of a very brave and bold, awakened old soul returning to work with the natural cycles of the earth and its complexity, which few seem understand or care about. Rather than seeing Nature as the enemy, he nows sees Nature, his land and all his animals as something that works in a symbiosis or harmony for our benefit and Mother Earth’s as well. 

It was his association with what he calls “the holistic farm” that I book marked. Admirably, he had the courage and chutzpah to step away from the industrialization of his farming operation, which he realized one fine day, was making him beholden to the big corporations and inhumane treatment of his cattle. This new found awareness sparked one afternoon while watching his cattle loaded onto the semi parked on his farm, that he realized he was only a cog in the wheel of our industrialized, captured food industry.  His ah ha moment?  That by participating as a cog in the mechanized wheel of BigAg was to prop up and hold the corporate bottom line while they gave us, the unsuspecting American public, an inferior, chemical laden product for grocery store cases to sell. Nothing else seemed to matter to the investors, Wall Street, the regulators and legislators who were bought and paid for by lobbyist and political donations.

Something had that familiar ring—it was the sick care policies that kept so many trapped in a system of its own giant mechanized wheel, where one way of thinking is pushed on everyone. And, you are threatened if you don’t comply. I don’t have to explain that, if you know what I mean! But, so many have no clue!

Our “Health care” system had been corrupted by the same forces. They benefited from selling the bad food, and benefit from polluted water, sprayed chem trails, processed food and the expensive bandaids that keep folks just well enough to keep working their 9 to 5 jobs. What a business model—making money on both ends and not giving a damn—just keep the money rolling in! Think about it, our “Healthcare” system has fallen down a deep dark hole. And, I don’t believe it is individual doctors and nurses per say, I believe it is the corporate money supporting grants and educating future providers into the funnel that brings big returns in the self-perpetuating cycle of chronic illness, drugs, surgery, etc..

Harris writes, “We put our attention on a single goal: making the whole process of producing food more efficient. And the way we did that was through the use of reductionist science, which broke down the holistic and complex systems of the natural world into smaller and smaller isolated parts that could be studied and mastered and improved by technology. This reductive approach was applied to everything—to the way we treat health and sickness for one thing—and it completely changed agriculture.”

This captured and normalized American way of life doesn’t allow for much diversion. One is seen as a rebel, an outlier or a trouble maker for not going along and embracing what the system of mechanized sick care allows for. One stop at the lab. After waiting—another quick visit at the doctors office—and 90% of the time, out the door with another prescription. My Mother-in-law had 19 different pills. Another friend of mine has even more! The system needs a good overhaul or a total makeover!

Many have lost touch or haven’t realized the intimate relationship with the Mother Earth. The Earth is its own soul group, a sentient consciousness of the planet and it is interwoven with our beingness as well. The core of the consciousness was created by the Pleiadians. It’s about the way we live. And, we must incorporate a greater understanding and belief that we are entangled. There is no separation between us and Mother Earth. Every indigenous tribe understands this sacred relationship.

So, what’s the difference between a healthy holistic farm and a healthy holistic human body? Not much. Probably only the chemicals we consciously or unconsciously (by mal-intented forces) consume. Every chemical, drug or fake food we eat creates a reaction in our body. It is our own cycle of birth, life and death. Isn’t it time to research what the ancients and indigenous knew and believed as truth?

Every antibiotic we take throws off the health of our gut—and makes the “bug” we’re trying to rid of more resistant next time around or for someone else. There is much overuse. Even what we generally think of as benign over the counter medications have their downside usually warning of kidney or liver damage if taken too often or for too many years. Every side effect, is an effect—and something else is usually added to combat those effects and unintended consequences. It’s a catch 22 in the allopathic—germ warfare, chronic winner take all view of the world.

Harris continued his reflection, “What I failed to understand, however, was that the technologies of reductionist science has an ugly underbelly. For each industrial tool I used, there was always a consequence—one that without fail was bad, always unintended, and always unnoticed until tomorrow or next week or next year or even next decade. I failed to see that the unnatural grain I fed the animals, trucked in from industrialized monocultural farms, required substantial amounts of petrochemicals to cultivate and transport, using up nonrenewable resources—and also created painful acidosis in the animals, unnecessarily causing suffering”. 

But, haven’t we used the same reductionists theory—tearing things apart that should be kept together? In heath and wellness, the food, water and air are major players, but so are stress, childhood traumas, and the separation of our physical body’s ills from our mind and spirit. We are living in an unbalanced state. As T. Harv Eckart used to say, “How we do anything, is how we do everything.” Modern life seems to be a series of pieces torn from our ancestral heritage twisting in the wind as the “experts” portend to tell us what we need and what we must do to be healthy. Yet, many, many of those so-called experts have missed the mark because they too are driven by corporate interests, big grants or a hefty paycheck. We don’t need to look very far back to see that at one time cocaine, tobacco and DDT were considered harmless. What about glyphosate today? We rarely get the truth anymore.

It’s time we discern for ourselves and use our god-given wisdom to decide what’s best for us. It’s time to back out of our destructive ways, and lean into the barrier of energy that breaks the old paradigm of consciousness and moves us toward a more enlightened era. By bringing the pieces of the puzzle in WHOLENESS, working with our smart bodies natural intelligence,—correcting what has led us astray from what we inherently already know. 

Did you know that according to Kryon, “Children on small farms aren’t allergic to milk? But children in urban areas often are? “The children in the areas that you call home are often allergic to many things.” Why the difference? “If you don’t honor the animals, you’re not going to get the nutrition! But this fact hasn’t been put together yet by those who are responsible for producing your food. In fact it sounds really silly to them. Here’s the premise: Those who want efficiency and try to create a factory-farm approach to food will put the cows so close together that they touch all the time—all their lives. They’re strapped in containers or small spaces and are milked and fed . . . and you wonder why you’re allergic to milk? But the farm that has one or two cows that are cared for correctly will create milk that your body see differently. This requires an inter dimensional realization that you and the earth and the cows are very connected. Your cellular structure knows the difference and reacts.” “The new energy is going to accelerate certain things like allergies to foods, unless you decide to change how foods are developed and collected and preserved.” But, it’s not just milk, it’s every processed food we consume.

The tie between what we eat, how it’s handled and raised and what chemicals it contains are critical for our well being. There are many levels to our food supply chain. Our modern way of thinking does not include this wisdom. We must become aware and revaluate our current way of doing things if we are to break the ties to what we’ve been led to believe is a healthy sustainable way to grow food and maintain our health and well being. We’ve got to dig ourselves out of the ditch that we’ve landed in. It seems only then, we will be have a truly healthy population that will be able to live twice or three times the lifespan we currently have now. And, one that will include vitality, passion and a zest we don’t see or have currently. Our food system is broken and it must be fixed or reworked with integrity for animals and humans alike.

As Carolyn Baker writes:With the mass movement of people from the land to cities, the sanctity of food was eclipsed by fascination with artificial, synthetic, and technologically-produced forms of food. No longer was it necessary to hunt or grow food because now it was delivered from short or long distances to nearby markets, and thus it seems that the sacredness of food decreased in proportion to the energy required to obtain it. 

Chief Seattle simply said it this way: “The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”

The wonderful thing about food is you get three votes a day. Every one of them has the potential to change the world.

~Michael Pollan~ (Website) (Blog) (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

Tipping Point

As I sit at my desk today, I wonder, if our constitution was written for now. I  also wondered if the jobs I’ve had or the places I’ve lived have been part of “the plan” all along. It seems like we’ve had a choice all along, but have we? Really? Maybe it’s the warm muggy, humid 88℉ day today here in the south of Florida? I have my door open, the breeze is strong and my refrigerator is defrosting. As the ice continues to melt, I listen to the drip, drip, drip into the rectangle metal sheet cake pan while the wind chimes ring from the gusts of wind outside my door. The sun is shining. The sky is still blue. The birds have been singing. I wonder are we finally reaching the tipping point to what’s next. I don’t mean slavery—I mean the road to freedom.

I think of the few astute souls in the medical profession and the attorneys among us who are filing lawsuits and fighting against this globalist dream of controlling the world. With a big sign of relief—and not exactly knowing what the near future holds, but certain, of a long fought battle, the victory will be ours. It is ours! I wonder if this is how the revolutionary rebels felt in the early days of the war of Independence? In the rumbling concerns of the Crown’s authority over colonists when they gathered in secret back room meetings to discuss their future, which became ours, similarities abound.

There can be no secrets when we can all talk to each other. Today, we have Rumble, BitChute and Telegram. There are many more. It gives us the ability to navigate around the radical censorship of big Tech colluding with Big Pharma, colluding with Big Government colluding with Big Media colluding with Big Central Banks. All bought and paid for by special interests. The Deep State believes their investment is solid. The pawns and captured officials don’t seem to realize they will be more worthless than an expired can of beans in your kitchen pantry when the mission is over. Greed is not cracked up what’s it’s seems to be. Neither is crime. And there is no honor among thieves.

Protests in France and the Netherlands continue, while Israel implodes. According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace over 400 significant anti-government protests have erupted worldwide in more than 132 different countries. ( Do the central bankers wring their hands with glee and anticipation or fear? It’s too soon to tell.  

I hate to break the news to the Deep State, but consciousness, enlightenment and intent by us will be their undoing—if you happen to be listening and reading, their plot is unraveling—and fast!  Maybe they know this and they jumped the gun? Throwing in a little woo-woo into this blog, we have help from our Star Mothers. The ones who seeded us and set things up. When you exist in an almost angelic state, and a god like entity, the potentials are quite clear. Humans still have a ways to go. But we have a victory song in our past, and we will sing that in our future, too. Remember, governments cannot rule when their populations have moved to another paradigm. When will they get the message? 

When we step out of a linear world and mindset, is it so far fetched to believe we set up the  potentials and circumstances in our lives, our future? This includes, the people who we would affect, and those who would affect us. Then the things that we hold from the past—and wisdom we carry begin to come into play, especially if time really is in a circle. Or are we playing in a hologram as physicists have suggested? And, when we touch one particle of the whole, the path comes into view? That would suggest things we cannot see. When we have the mind of God (when we’re not here) do we set up the blueprint and carry it forward with this multidimensional moving map? It seems more like a modern day video game, where we, as a global population, get to choose the ending. And every move creates another potential of endless possibilities. With that in mind, we seem to be part of a very fast moving map. Is this the precipice where we push the Cabal’s big plan off the edge of the map?

The term “Critical Mass” was not even a concept until 1947, but times in history have certainly demonstrated critical mass—named, labeled or not. But we have had tipping points. I believe we are reaching critical mass now and on the verge of yet another tipping point for humanity. Just for curiosity, I looked up tipping points in history. Mastery of Fire was listed as the first. Okay. Certainly controlling fire was important.The Death of Christ was a big one. The Fall of the Roman Empire seems monumental. Gunpowder. Penicillin. Nuclear fusion and the moon landing to name a couple listed on Quora. The birth of the USA was propelled forward by the political protests of the American colonists. It was a tipping point, too. The Colonists were frustrated, angry and had no representation over the Crown’s taxation. This tyranny led to the fight for independence. Hum? Something about that sounds familiar.

It seems like we’re close to that now, once again. Instead of the Crown of old, it is the WEF and self-designated private “elite” club. Although, the Crown probably is still in deep! (Maybe that’s the real riff between William and Harry?) Many are awakening to the horrors and lies we have experienced the last three years. Lately, we are seeing first hand where this path is leading as the captured government banking pawns will pick and choose who to save and who not to. (Get past the ads and listen to what Yellen had to say regarding banks!

As darkness falls, the wind continues to blows through my wind chimes. Maybe ringing a solution out of time and space? Just like our tipping point I was reminded of the 100th monkey effect and the metronome experiment. 

This is directly from Stillness in the Storm, An Agent of Conscious Evolution: 

“In 1952, on the island of Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant.

“An 18-month-old female named Imo found she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way and they taught their mothers too.

“This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys before the eyes of the scientists.

“Between 1952 and 1958 all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable.

Only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes.

“Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes — the exact number is not known.

“Let us suppose that when the sun rose one morning there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their sweet potatoes.

“Let’s further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes.

“Then it happened!

“By that evening almost everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them.

“The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough!

“But notice.

“A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was that the habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea 

“Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes.” Mic drop.

In another fascinating example below, the metronomes all synchronized in unison. I’m certainly not suggesting humanity will completely harmonize together by tomorrow. But, when enough of us reach a tipping point—does it or will it affect the whole in a quantum leap sort of way? Just like the Japanese Koshima Monkeys and the metronomes? 


At the level of our innate wisdom, I know we have seen “the future”. We must see ourselves as victors in the fight of Light and Dark. We have our shift in consciousness on our side, a true milestone for us! I’m hoping we reach our 100th Monkey in the near future, because then, my friends, their days are really numbered. It’s like our founders saw this circle in time and wrote it in our Constitution  . . . our will, our need for freedom, and our strength to stand up for what’s right!

The whole world doesn’t have to shift, just a percentage of us becoming aware is enough to get to the tipping point of awareness and elevated consciousness. So just like what happened during the Revolution, with the monkeys, with the metronomes, when that percentage is reached, everything shifts or changes.

Tomorrow is another day. Become aware. Participate in sharing stories. Make comments to posts. Pray for peace. Inspire others. We have taken a jump in Consciousness and there’s no going back now. After all, we are on the road to our freedom. And, WE are the tipping point.

About Cathrine Silver

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside. (Website) (Blog) (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

An invitation to Send Light!

I connect with many people these days—some clients—some family—some friends (Some are silver and the others are gold) and so many are struggling and challenged by their health or a loved one’s health. Some are tested by failed relationships. Some, grabbling with grief and shock over someone’s passing. Other’s have financial worries. The personal stresses are horrendous at times. I know it is all part of the shift of the world we are in—but the facts remain.

The last few years brought fear to so many.  No matter where you stand on the whole Co-id scandal—families are divided and sudden death has somehow been normalized; frightening and shocking. The darkness seems everywhere and it is in our face locally and globally. Yet in order to create change—and new systems that work for All—we must uncover what has been hidden. Everyone is participating, aware or not. . . .

There is power in numbers, so I write this blog to ask your participation to send Light out into the Universe for the Highest and Most Benevolent Good. Light is defined by the loving angelic Kryon simply as “an energy created as a result of high consciousness”. The metaphor is illumination. You may call it prayer—or energy, words matter little. But, thoughts are powerful ideas and consciousness can shift and heal. It aids to heal both physical and emotional traumas. It lessens worry and fear. It assists in bringing balance—and gives answers to those seeking for their questions, problems and blocks—and peace.

In a multidimensional world to which we belong, All is known by Spirit.  Please join me in the energy and pure intention of High Conscious and Illumination to send energy to the darkest places that need Light, and all those who seek healing—as we approach this giving season of Light & Love. 

Many blessings to you and your family, tribe and the strangers who call out for help both here at home and around the world! Thank you for your moment of heart-felt Love as it builds and gives strength to those who need it most.

About Cathrine Silver

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside. (Website) (Blog) (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending


img_2845It had already been a few weeks of significant change and major life events for me as a boarded another flight out of Ft. Lauderdale ten days ago. I was headed for Boston’s Logan International; my youngest son David, was getting married to a beautiful young woman named Hannah. They had fallen in love seven years prior while they were both in college.  Now they were marking the beginning of yet another cycle in their relationship; a vow to each other and commitment to their future together.

Weeks before, I had celebrated my Mother’s 85th birthday with my siblings and their families on the cool Pacific Ocean in the picturesque town of Cannon Beach, Oregon.  Thirteen days later my Mother would pass unexpectedly in her sleep; a surprise to all. She, on the soul level, was complete.  The end of another cycle; her transition was proof as shocking and surreal as it seemed to us, upon receiving the heartbreaking phone call.  We were all together again. This time at her memorial service appropriately held in the First Hill neighborhood at the historic Trinity Episcopal Parish in Seattle.  This was a place of memories; she had been married there—so had my brother.  She had held a similar service where we sat upon her own Mother’s passing—my grandmother and my namesake; I remember that, so many years ago.   History on many levels as I learned that her Father had helped to found the still beautiful old English Gothic Revival landmark; milestones. . . .

At my son’s wedding, I would be seeing my ex-husband and his new wife. He was a reminder of another milestone: my painful divorce in 2006. I would be saying hello to my aging ex-mother-in-law, seeing my happy, energetic red-headed two-year old grandson, my oldest son Joshua and his wife Jessica, and meeting Hannah’s parents and sisters for the first time.

I had vowed to myself to show up powerful, balanced, peaceful and loving.  I felt, I had fulfilled that promise—to myself:  for me that was another milestone and cycle that was complete.  I had been working towards that resolution for the last ten years.  It was the mastery inside that I strove for daily, and my compassion and evenness was proof that day.  These events, coming like hard packed snowballs, one after another, certainly acted as good barometers for not only myself—but can be markers, for all of us—on how far we’ve come, or how much work on ourselves we have left to do. No denial or illusion would mask any remaining sorrow, grief, anger or emotional hurt which remained.

Milestones— those major events in our lives are happening all the time to everyone.  They are defined as a “significant event or stage in the life, progress, development, or life of a person, or of a nation.”  We often think of birth, death, divorce, and marriage as the biggest and I believe they serve as our greatest teachers in life.

Each and every one of those events could have been a traumatic emotional sand trap; life’s hazards of sorts; “Watch Out!” However, in the center of any storm, you can stand as the unmoved mover and reside at the place of stillness within.  What comes to mind as I write this blog, is the merry-go-rounds they had in parks when I grew up.  You could more easily stand the ride if you could get to the middle of the quickly moving circular metal platform—a brightly painted spinning disc with welded grab bars called fun!   On the outer edges the ride was definitely more dizzying and much harder to hang on.  Isn’t life like that too?  How easy or difficult is it to get to the center of ourselves—our eternal core of strength when there is so much change happening so quickly? This can be dizzying too. The core of internal strength, please remember, is that which we carry inside ourselves.  It is in everyone. It is that piece of the divine that so many dismiss as separate, and external from our very being.  But, acknowledging this I AM strength is a gift we can access at any time; it’s there for the asking.

And then I wonder and ask, do we need to be more like the leaf on the river, always being guided around the rocks and undercurrents? When we are able to trust this always spinning revolution and know that our lives are co-created by our complete and whole beingness including that God-part within; we are like the leaf.   Or are we barely hanging on for dear life, dizzy, shaken, and too weak and unable to stand upright?

I have come to believe the Wheel of Fortune—represents the wheel of life.  It is a powerful metaphor for our lives; our milestones.  It continually moves—up and down.  It is our job to stand in the center.  At the highest level, writes Pamela Eakins, the wheel is seen as “the wheel of consciousness and a wheel of evolving destiny.”  She continues, “The Wheel of Fortune is seen as a path that brings individuality into alignment with the movement of the Cosmos.”

When necessary these past weeks, I felt strong.  I felt compassion.  I have allowed myself to be vulnerable.  I have been loving. I am at peace.  I felt like I have stood at the center of the wheel. I feel like I am in alignment with the Universe.  I have pulled on this strength within and I invite you to do the same.

“As the world turns,

so do I.

When I change for the good,

I can touch the sky.”

Wings of Change

Inspired Wellness Within

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP

Breakfast at McDonald’s

Christmas in Florida This is a wonderful true story about compassion and light–something we can all  apply in our lives.  For me recently, it was a young girl who didn’t have enough money for her groceries.  She needed 90 cents.  I gave her five. For this story it was McDonald’s.  Acts of compassion and kindness are always in season.  
“My last project for sociology while completing my college degree was called, “Smile.”  The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document their reactions. I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So, I thought this would be a piece of cake, literally.  Soon after we were assigned the project, my husband, youngest son, and I went out to McDonald’s one crisp March morning.  It was just our way of sharing special playtime with our son. . .

We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did. I did not move an inch… an overwhelming feeling of panic welled up inside of me as I turned to see why they had moved.  As I turned around I smelled a horrible “dirty body” smell, and there  standing behind me were two poor homeless men.  As I looked down at the short gentleman, close to me, he was “smiling”. His beautiful sky blue eyes were full of God’s Light as he searched for acceptance.He said, “Good day” as he counted the few coins he had been clutching.  The second man fumbled with his hands as he stood behind his friend. I realized the second man was mentally challenged and the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation.  I held my tears as I stood there with them.  The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted.He said, “Coffee is all Miss” because that was all they could afford. (If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy something. He just wanted to be warm).  Then I really felt it – the compulsion was so great I almost reached out and embraced the little man with the blue eyes. That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me, judging my every action.I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray.I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot. I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman’s cold hand. He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, “Thank you.” I leaned over, began to pat his hand and said, “I did not do this for you. God is here working through me to give you hope.”I started to cry as I walked away to join my husband and son. When I sat down my husband smiled at me and said, “That is why God gave you to me, Honey, to give me hope.” We held hands for a moment and at that time, we knew that only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give. We are not church goers, but we are believers. That day showed me the pure Light of God’s sweet love.  I returned to college, on the last evening of class, with this story in hand.I turned in “my project” and the instructor read it. Then she looked up at me and said, “Can I share this?” I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class. She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings and being part of God share this need to heal people and to be healed. In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald’s, my son, instructor, and every soul that shared the classroom on the last night I spent as a college student.

I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn:  UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. Much love and compassion is sent to each and every person who may read this and learn how to LOVE PEOPLE AND USE THINGS – NOT LOVE THINGS AND USE PEOPLE. . .

. . . And, There is an Angel sent to watch over you too!”

“Inspired Wellness from Within”

Cathy Silver, HC, AADP

Please visit:

Christmas in Florida 2

Getting Out of the Drama and Stepping Into the Compassion. We Enhance Our Everyday Well-Being When We Are Compassionate.


Last night while working with a client the topic of compassion arose.  My client was having trouble at work with a co-worker who in fact was very close to her at one time; I would add almost sisters. They had been through a lot together. Tonight, she wished her dead, out of her life and did not want to be partcompassion of hers.  I asked her several questions, and then lay down on the floor as if dead.  Now, what would you say to her?  How would you feel if she died tonight?  What unspoken thoughts would you have left to say?

It is so easy for us to point our finger at another, but what really does it say about us?  What is it within us that triggers our anger? Or fear?  And, why?  We had been working on this for a while, but today she made a choice to extend the olive branch out of love.  I suggested over a cup of coffee—but that was her decision and gift to herself.  It was her choice to create peace, joy and happiness in her life, I could not do that for her.  It takes so much more energy and angst to be hateful rather than loving towards another.  And on a global scale, how can we have world peace, when we cannot even get along with family, friends and co-workers—let alone others  who live on the other side of the world?  It must however start with us–and the personal dramas that are ridiculous.

This morning I received a phone call.  “Cathy, that one-act of kindness changed my life yesterday.  She and I are friends again.  My boss told me how much I mean to our company and what a great sales person I am.  I received an email about what a great job I had done in a volunteer position, and another friend stopped by with a movie and popcorn. I am seeing how everything is related.”  It was as if this one change on my part opened my heart and the gates in many parts of my life shifted all at once; conformation from the Universe?  You decide!

Compassion is an interesting word is it not?  I ask you to step away from the older definition of deep sympathy and sorrow and to one that is more expansive.  Perhaps a newer definition may include something like, “seeing the love in another and like a mirror it reflects back at us or stepping up to extend a hand or ear to another knowing that yes, we all face challenges and one day—you or I may need just the same compassion for something we are going through?  It is life and part of our journey, after all.”  None of us get out of here unscathed. (Smiling)

As the consciousness shifts there will be less survival tendencies and more reaching out to help our fellow human and ironically just like my client, will create healing and shifts that will reverberate in your own life and in others you touch along the way—seen or unseen.

Albert Einstein once wrote, “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Can you step out of your self-imposed prison? Can you come from a place of compassion? Peace in the world begins with us, one person at a time.  Who in your life is waiting for an olive branch from you?  And, if you cannot go to compassion, can you take the first step to neutrality?  Sometimes, we need to re-write what we think we know and believe.  Remember, whatever we believe is true.

“Inspired Wellness form within”

Cathy Silver, BA, HC, AADP

Certified Holistic Health Coach – How can I help you?


Metaphors, Signs & Symbols: The Language of Spirit

Snake MedicineSpirit has  talked to us in metaphors, symbols, signs and parables since the beginning of time, and throughout our history. Have you noticed thought blocks and answers that appear so fast, they couldn’t have come from the synapses of your brain; a knowing? This happens to all of us but often we don’t take the time to listen during the course of our busy task-filled days. And if we do,  we are “outvoted” by the left side of our brain, or others around us telling us it isn’t so and, may even use the word crazy or ridiculous. (Smiling)

Some of us are not even aware that the possibility exists—messages delivered in this way. I know this was new for me– some years ago.  However, I reasoned not why, but why not?  This is the honored “third” language; the language or communication of spirit. We are all given the opportunity to talk to God, Spirit, Source or All That Is and they to us. It is a two way communication, but it’s not linear and it’s not in the spoken word.  But, the question is, do we listen?

Today as I walked the familiar route on the beautiful and still not too hot morning,  I rounded the corner and headed south on the newly renovated and landscaped sidewalk.  I paused to adjust my ear buds and a large black snake slithered across the sidewalk about 20 feet ahead of me. I stopped. I watched fascinated—as he disappeared into the small neatly trimmed hedge. Hum. All the times I had walked this walk, I had never seen a snake. In fact, I hadn’t even seen one in my yard. It reminded me of the small garner snakes of the Northwest, but much larger. Not at all startled, I continued on my way.

It wasn’t until hours later that it suddenly dawned on me—was this a message that I had almost overlooked?

There are many resources for animal totems, and we all have our favorite sources—no matter what subject. Animal Speak by Ted Andrew has always been mine regarding this subject. According to Ted, the cornerstone of snake “medicine” or totem means: Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation and Wisdom.

He notes that the snake has always been a symbol of death and rebirth and snake medicine people are those that move between the realms of life and death for healing and for enlightenment. “Snakes are symbols of change and healing. They have speed and agility, so those who have snakes come into their life will usually find the changes and shifts occur quickly and are soon recognized and defined. When snake comes into your life you can look for a rebirth into new powers of creativity and wisdom.”

Messages from our Animals

The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small

Now, what makes this so significant for me, is this comes on the heels of birthing a retreat called SOUL to SOUL—for people who have lost a loved one—and want to connect with them—on the Otherside of the veil. This retreat is about Healing & Growing . . . Love & Purpose.

More to come . . . but it seems I have the green light from Spirit! Now, what animal has shown up in your life—and what is its message to you?

“Inspired Wellness from Within”

Cathy Silver, HC

Anti-Aging and Healthful Benefits of Sex

Beautiful-Women-Over-502As two-50 something women, sex doesn’t particularly occupy headline news, but this weekend it became the topic du jour in a two hour phone conversation.   Products of our upbringing ‘Miss Manners Greenwich’ and ‘What would the neighbors think Seattle’ usually focus on other mind-bending metaphysical topics with the enthusiasm of professional power shoppers; esoteric inmost circles. (Smiling) I have been stretched over the years from not being able to mention S-E-X to conceding that, not only do I enjoy sex, but miss it when my life does not include such intimacy.

The WHO (World Health Organization) defines health as the complete mental, physical and social well-being and not just the absence of dis-ease and infirmity.  So, I guess that includes a healthy social life and good sex?  Nice to hear as the 60’s sexual revolution has long since passed, but paved the way for a more open point  of view,  changing belief and way-of-being in most contemporary circles.

Meaningful and loving sex actually helps to balance our body and can be a significant spiritual bridge and bonding between two souls.  Perhaps that is why, with the right partner, it feels so good—and satisfying—an acknowledgement from our higher-self, and simple nod of approval.  And, could this be some sort of unseen melding of our energies at the quantum and interdimensional space, outside of our time as we know and acknowledge.

Medical science may not be ready for spiritual bonding and quantum physics as it relates to sex, but what they do know is it makes your skin healthy and helps to keep us young.  According to naturopath Natasha Turner, N.D sex is anti-aging, immune-boosting and stress-reducing.  She reports:

1. It’s a natural pain reliever: Sex causes increased production of oxytocin, which is often referred to as the “love hormone”.  Before orgasm, oxytocin, released from the brain, surges up to five times the normal level. This increase then leads to the release of endorphins, our natural pain-killing hormones.

2. It’s a stress reliever: The endorphins released during sexual intercourse and orgasms are natural mood-boosters and stress relievers. Regular sex can also boost your self-esteem and increase intimacy between partners.

3. It boosts immunity: Endorphins released during intimacy have been found to stimulate immune system cells that fight disease.

4. It’s good for your heart: Intercourse, depending on your level of enthusiasm, can be considered aerobic exercise, burning up to 200 calories per session. Among other benefits, women who engage in regular sexual activity with their partners have higher levels of estrogen, which protects against heart disease. Research has found that men who have sex two times per week have fewer heart attacks than those who do not. The hormones released during sex cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, and it engages almost every muscle in the body. After sex, blood vessels dilate and blood pressure is then reduced. This change in blood vessel constriction may also help with tension headaches.

5. It turns back the clock: A 2002 report from a large British population of men said researchers found a 50 percent reduction in overall mortality in the group of men who said they had the most orgasms. The Journal of the American Medical Association has also reported that “high ejaculation frequency was related to decreased risk of total prostate cancer.” Having regular orgasms can increase your life span. Every time you reach orgasm, the hormone DHEA increases in response to sexual excitement and orgasm. DHEA can boost your immune system, improve cognition, keep skin healthy, and even work as an antidepressant. Therefore, the added health benefit is that you will feel—and look—younger, longer.

6. It gives you a glow: The glow of good sex is real. Women who have more sex have higher levels of estrogen, which is essential to enjoying healthier, smoother skin. This increase in estrogen also helps to protect us from heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease.  . It also promotes the production of collagen, which keeps the skin supple and gives you a healthy glow.

If your hormones have waned, and there is “no desire”, replacement bio-identical creams are an option to consider and will put you back in the game—helping that vibrant sexy woman to emerge once again.  The supplement DHEA, building block for cell regeneration, sex hormone function and cortisol-level balancing is also very helpful in some cases.   Gematria products are particularly powerful, and I have used them personally.  Of particular interest for me is their anti-aging line. Check out:  It is always wise to consult with your physician or qualified medical professional before taking these or any other supplements.

“Inspired Wellness from Within”

Cathy Silver, HC

Yes to You! 2

Certified Holistic Health Coach

6 Steps to Avoid GMO’s

Let us know what we are eating!

Let us know what we are eating!

I read this today, and I feel it extremely important to share!  Thank you Natural News!  This is valuable information for us all. GMO’s always begs the question: Is this the reason there are so many auto-immune diseases?  Cancer? Is our body seeing this modified food as foreign?  Is this part of the reason our sickness continues to grow?  You decide.  In the meantime, here are steps to avoid foods with GMO’s.  They are pretty much in everything, but this is a great way to limit them in what you eat! 

(NaturalNews) Awareness about the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food supply is at an all-time high throughout America, thanks in large part to the Proposition 37 ballot initiative in California. But many people are now asking the question, “If GMOs aren’t labeled, how can I know whether or not the foods I buy contain them?” To help you make the best effort at avoiding GMOs while shopping at the grocery store, here are six recommendations on what to look for and what to avoid.

1) Avoid purchasing foods that contain non-organic soy, corn, cottonseed or canola ingredients. Practically every processed food found in the “middle aisle” section of the grocery store contains some form of soy, corn, cottonseed, or canola, all crops of which are typically GMO if not certified organic. Everything from cookies and crackers to cereals and snack food items contain them, which means you will want to avoid them like the plague. Common ingredients to specifically watch out for include some of the more obvious ones like high-fructose corn syrup, soybean oil, and canola oil. But several others you will want to be aware of include soy lecithin, an emulsifier added to all sorts of foods, including “health” foods, as well as soy protein, textured vegetable protein, mixed tocopherols (vitamin E), and food starch. Unless certified organic, all of these ingredients are likely GMO.

2) If PLU code on fruits, vegetables starts with an “8,” avoid such produce. When shopping for fruits and vegetables, your first choice will want to be those labeled with a five-digit PLU that begins with a “9,” which indicates that it is certified organic. Produce items containing a four-digit PLU are considered “conventional,” which means they are not technically GMO, but may still contain pesticides and other toxic residues. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has created a helpful shopping guide for picking out safe produce. Produce items you will want to specifically and always avoid are those bearing a five-digit PLU beginning with the number “8,” as these are GMOs. The vast majority of non-organic papaya, as well as several varieties of non-organic zucchini and squash are also of GM origin, so you will want to specifically purchase organic varieties of these foods as well. Genetic manipulators are also now working on a GM apple that does not turn brown, so watch out for any apple that stays unnaturally white when sliced or bruised.

3) Unless added sugar is specifically identified as “cane,” it likely comes from GM sugar beets. At least 90 percent of the sugar beet crop grown in the U.S. is of GM origin, which means if any food product contains “sugar” or some other sugar derivative like glucose or sucrose, it is more than likely a GMO. Always look for “cane sugar,” or preferably “evaporated cane juice,” in order to avoid GM sugar. Raw agave nectar, pure stevia extract, and xylitol are also safe, non-GMO sugar and sugar substitutes.

4) If it contains artificial sweetener, it likely contains GMOs. The popular artificial sugar substitute aspartame, which goes by the trade names Equal, NutraSweet and AminoSweet, is produced using GM bacterial strains of E. coli, which means it, too, is a GMO. Anything containing aspartame is a no-no when it comes to food, and this useful Natural News infographic will help you discern many of the common food products that contain aspartame.

5) Watch out for ambiguous additives like xanthan gum, citric acid, maltodextrin, and other common GMO offenders. Many common food texturizing agents, flavor enhancers, thickeners, sweeteners, and fortifiers are also derived from GMOs. Some of the more common offenders include ingredients like xanthan gum, citric acid, maltodextrin, lactic acid, dextrose, caramel color, baking powder, malt syrup, modified food starch, mono and diglycerides, sorbitol, stearic acid, and triglycerides. The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) has created a helpful list of “invisible GM ingredients” that you can reference while shopping.

6) Avoid any dairy products that are non-organic, or that do not contain a “No rBGH” label. Unless a dairy product is specifically labeled as being certified organic, or as not containing the artificial growth hormone rBGH, which is sometimes labeled as rBST, it likely contains GMOs. Short for recombinant bovine growth hormone, rBGH is created using GMO E. coli just like aspartame, and is used in conventional cattle unless otherwise labeled. This means that all non-organic yogurt, cheese, butter, milk, and ice cream that does not specifically bear a “No rBGH” label of some sort is likely made with GMOs. Non-organic dairy cows are also likely fed GM feed, which means your best bet is to stick only with certified organic or non-GMO dairy products at all times. The Non-GMO Project has also developed a certification program by which food manufacturers can uniformly label food products not made with GMOs. Many food products now bear the Non-GMO Project “Verified” label, which will help give you peace of mind that the food you are buying is clean, safe, and free of GMOs. You can learn more about the Non-GMO project by visiting:

Organic Grapefruit
Organic Grapefruit