Chemicals BAD

Blog September 2023

I took a deep sigh as I began to type. My next thought, how do we climb out of the cesspool of these predatory corporate commercial farming practices? They have seeped their way into every tiny crevice and just about every morsel of food consumed by us—AND deemed acceptable or “within normal limits”—AND ignored by the so-called medical professionals and “experts” of today? The policies are deteriorating our health. It’s David vs Goliath all over again. 

We must realize our strength in numbers and return our food to its humble nutritious origins. Do you think our cellular structure knows something innately? Is the precipice we have been looking at finally going to crumble? At the same time, more of us are able to recognize the new consciousness and a slow shift from corporate greediness to one of harmony with the earth and each other. We must make it our goal, to help each other with our wellness and the very basics that are necessary. The pesticides, the herbicides, the GMO’s and the destructive farming practices are making people sick.

Alright, let me back up. It’s a common theme—a giant messy food fight of sorts between us, the consumer and the agriculture corporatocracy. I was in North Florida last week and had a conversation with a gentleman and his wife on numerous topics of late. Yet, the one point I was not familiar with, was broadleaf herbicide was now being spread across fields of growing grass and future hay then fed to the animals. I was interested in using the horse manure and shavings for organic garden fertilizer like we did growing up, but he claimed it would kill a vegetable garden—and I thought, not to mention the horses or other animals who ate it too! Certainly a slow-kill agenda anyway—how long had they been doing this? Was it all by design?

When my friend Joy returned from visiting her folks in western New York, she was confused about the headaches, nausea and malaise she was feeling upon her arrival home to Florida. It turned out, pesticides had been sprayed by air on soy beans growing behind her parent’s house. AND, her 80+ year old father, unaware of just how toxic these chemicals were—had sprayed his apple tree next to the house for worms. He had then invited her to sit beside it and keep him company in the yard. She said no, and advised her father, who has lung damage—that he shouldn’t be there either! There were better, more natural substances to use on his apple tree and growing apples. (Neem oil or a pyrethrin base spray, btw, is a much better than what they push (Round-up) in Lowes, Home Depot or Ace Hardware.) Just saying.

So, everything that goes into the food chain is becoming more and more toxic to us. But, maybe that’s just part of the “slow-kill” plan for reducing humanity’s population and pushing us into a bug eating, chemically lab-grown fake food society? You know, to reduce the population of earth because of the hoax climate change and the not-so-great-reset by the Cabal? I’ll let you digest that thought while you ponder over chocolate covered cockroaches served at your next party—if you’re allowed. 🤮

The fight between Monsanto, which is now owned by the German corporate giant, Bayer, and consumer groups has been going on for years. Many of these chemicals are being banned out of other countries thankfully—but, ah, not so here in the USA! So, perhaps, it’s time to vote with our dollar! It worked wonders for Bud Light and Target—Southwoke and others. Can we please vote with our wallet and just stop buying things like Roundup? I know we can find alternative sources for our garden and products not grown with these chemicals—and the coming flood of things—like Apeele™? And, good grief, we have no idea what that really is! Please forward your thank you notes to Bill Gates!

I guess this growing awareness is just the beginning. And for those unaware—we must band together to create a coherent coalition—an alliance of agreement to just say, “No more”.

But, what are the alternatives you ask? 

A friend of mine, and let me say, genius in the truest sense, has developed several working theories regarding plant health and yield. The laser technology developed by him and his colleagues carries an electromagnetic resonance. This innovative technology enhances the bioavailability of nutritional molecules to their most natural form. The body recognizes, accepts, and assimilates the molecule more readily for greater impact on the body chemistry and well-being.  It’s like a perfect fitting key in a lock. This technology has been studied and used on seeds. This technology, combined with ingredients from his supplement line, tremendously enhanced growing plants in experiments done in Mexico on several hectares of land.  They are indeed new extraordinary ideas. And, these forward thinking ideas are producing yields up to 30% above normal farming production schedules and expectations. They also have a higher resistance to crop pests because of the health and vitality of the plants. So, we have alternatives coming.

Another idea, no matter who is growing our food—short or long term—organic or conventional is a very esoteric meta-physical suggestion for those who can understand and appreciate its merit. When we begin to speak and greet things before they enter our body we begin to “marry” our biology with spiritual truths and our cellular structure responds in a higher, new vibrational pattern. Our biology-mind begins the meld. Certainly food is included as we co-create our wellness and shake hands with the Creator inside.  

I am planning on attending one of the good Doctor’s lectures next month and hopefully will have more to say. But, it’s time to join the movement of supporting organizations which are resisting corporate take-overs. We must support local farmers and ideas that embrace campaigns towards replacing these old, now very toxic farming methods we have somehow embraced or tolerated the last 50-60 years. It’s time to meld with the partnership of Earth and welcome sustainable and regenerating ideas that support this revolution—this evolution in consciousness!  It is our lesson of courage, faith, and overcoming what seems impossible just as in the story of David and Goliath! 

I have included a couple links for more information on a variety of topics regarding this mission: To protect and advocate for consumers’ right to safe, healthful food and other consumer products, a just food and farming system and an environment rich in biodiversity and free of pollutants that will feed us into all the future

Check out: Organic Consumers Organization: 

or Food Tank Newsletter:

About the author:

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Shaman, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, and intuitive in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease through a process called biological decoding. She writes about relationships, spirituality, and loss and help others through theirs.  Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling and is a Shamanic practitioner.  She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside. (Website) (Blog) (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Cathy Silver, HC@CSilverWellness (Twitter)

Cathrine Silver (LinkedIn) 

Decoding Our Lives Podcast – Pending

GMO’s – Time to Take Action!

How Do GMO's affect our Health?I am passing this on because it is important that we all band together with the BIG GMO issue.  Politicians have been bought and paid for and whatever else goes on with big money, greed and power!  It is simply up to us.  Get informed–vote with your dollars–and tune into this upcoming Mini-Summit with John Robbins and Jeffrey Smith as they uncover the truths about GMO’s.  Here is what they have to say . . .

The scary truth about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is being deliberately kept from you…

Fact: Your food has been unnaturally changed. These changes have very SERIOUS consequences.

Your family’s health is at risk and you deserve the TRUTH…

Jeffrey and John and a whole host of others are going to share with you the true effects of genetically engineered food

on human health and the environment. You’re invited to join their panel of experts, researchers and activists

in an inspirational and free, 3-day GMO Summit October 25-27, 2013.

This is a virtual event you can enjoy at no cost from the comfort and convenience of your own home.
If you want to know the TRUTH about GMOs and the risks Monsanto, the government, their paid advisors and the media are deliberately hiding from you, then join in this unique, free summit.
The GMO Mini Summit is for you if:

You’re unsure what Genetically Modified Foods are and you’re worried you may have already been affected.
You’re frightened about GMOs and the future of our food.
While you prioritize your health, and are diligent about eating wisely, you’re still experiencing allergies, food sensitivities, weight or intestinal issues, and you wonder if GMO foods might be to blame. You’ve read articles and maybe even seen documentaries about GMOs, but you feel even more confused from all the conflicting evidence.
You do your best to eat unprocessed, organic food, but you’re not sure if you’re still unintentionally consuming GMOs.
You’d like to be able to explain GMOs to family and friends in a quick way anyone can understand.
You’re outraged at Monsanto’s irresponsible corporate behavior and want to know how to take action in a way that will make the biggest impact.
You’re on a budget or live where organic foods aren’t available, and would like to know how to avoid GMOs without necessarily having to buy “organic”. You want to know how to avoid GMO foods in grocery stores and restaurants.
You want to support labeling initiatives like Washington’s I-522, and you want to become better informed so you can be an effective spokesperson and advocate. You care about healthy food for a healthy and thriving planet.

Hosted by:
Jeffrey Smith is a leading consumer advocate promoting safe food and exposing the dangers of GMOs. He

is founder of the 250,000 member Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) and author of the international

bestseller, Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically

Engineered Foods You’re Eating.

His recently released, award-winning film, Genetic Roulette, has been seen by millions of people and

helped to empower concerned citizens worldwide. Jeffrey has counseled leaders from every continent,

lectured in 30 countries, and been a popular guest on programs like BBC, NPR, Fox News, and the Dr. Oz


John Robbins could have inherited the Baskin-Robbins empire. But he walked away from the money and

the power. Why? He simply didn’t want to devote his life to selling ice cream after realizing it makes people

unhealthy. So he decided to make a change.

Over the last 25 years, his books about healthy eating and healthy living (including bestsellers Diet for a

New America and The Food Revolution) have sold millions of copies and have been translated into more

than 30 languages. He is co-founder, with his son and colleague Ocean, of the 100,000+ member Food

Revolution Network.

Ocean Robbins was born in a log cabin built by his parents, and grew up eating food they grew on the land

together. At age 16, he co-founded Youth for Environmental Sanity (YES!), and went on to direct it for the

next 20 years.

Ocean’s work has taken him all over the world, where he has seen first-hand the powerful impact of the food

we eat – not just on our health, but on people and economies everywhere. He is co-author, with his dad,

John, of Voices of the Food Revolution, and CEO of the Food Revolution Network.

GMO Mini-Summit; Get Informed–Get Inspired–Take Action!

Register at :

Inspired Wellness from Within!


Get Informed . . .Get Inspired . . . Take Action!

Join for Mini-Summit and learn about GMO’s

6 Steps to Avoid GMO’s

Let us know what we are eating!

Let us know what we are eating!

I read this today, and I feel it extremely important to share!  Thank you Natural News!  This is valuable information for us all. GMO’s always begs the question: Is this the reason there are so many auto-immune diseases?  Cancer? Is our body seeing this modified food as foreign?  Is this part of the reason our sickness continues to grow?  You decide.  In the meantime, here are steps to avoid foods with GMO’s.  They are pretty much in everything, but this is a great way to limit them in what you eat! 

(NaturalNews) Awareness about the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food supply is at an all-time high throughout America, thanks in large part to the Proposition 37 ballot initiative in California. But many people are now asking the question, “If GMOs aren’t labeled, how can I know whether or not the foods I buy contain them?” To help you make the best effort at avoiding GMOs while shopping at the grocery store, here are six recommendations on what to look for and what to avoid.

1) Avoid purchasing foods that contain non-organic soy, corn, cottonseed or canola ingredients. Practically every processed food found in the “middle aisle” section of the grocery store contains some form of soy, corn, cottonseed, or canola, all crops of which are typically GMO if not certified organic. Everything from cookies and crackers to cereals and snack food items contain them, which means you will want to avoid them like the plague. Common ingredients to specifically watch out for include some of the more obvious ones like high-fructose corn syrup, soybean oil, and canola oil. But several others you will want to be aware of include soy lecithin, an emulsifier added to all sorts of foods, including “health” foods, as well as soy protein, textured vegetable protein, mixed tocopherols (vitamin E), and food starch. Unless certified organic, all of these ingredients are likely GMO.

2) If PLU code on fruits, vegetables starts with an “8,” avoid such produce. When shopping for fruits and vegetables, your first choice will want to be those labeled with a five-digit PLU that begins with a “9,” which indicates that it is certified organic. Produce items containing a four-digit PLU are considered “conventional,” which means they are not technically GMO, but may still contain pesticides and other toxic residues. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has created a helpful shopping guide for picking out safe produce. Produce items you will want to specifically and always avoid are those bearing a five-digit PLU beginning with the number “8,” as these are GMOs. The vast majority of non-organic papaya, as well as several varieties of non-organic zucchini and squash are also of GM origin, so you will want to specifically purchase organic varieties of these foods as well. Genetic manipulators are also now working on a GM apple that does not turn brown, so watch out for any apple that stays unnaturally white when sliced or bruised.

3) Unless added sugar is specifically identified as “cane,” it likely comes from GM sugar beets. At least 90 percent of the sugar beet crop grown in the U.S. is of GM origin, which means if any food product contains “sugar” or some other sugar derivative like glucose or sucrose, it is more than likely a GMO. Always look for “cane sugar,” or preferably “evaporated cane juice,” in order to avoid GM sugar. Raw agave nectar, pure stevia extract, and xylitol are also safe, non-GMO sugar and sugar substitutes.

4) If it contains artificial sweetener, it likely contains GMOs. The popular artificial sugar substitute aspartame, which goes by the trade names Equal, NutraSweet and AminoSweet, is produced using GM bacterial strains of E. coli, which means it, too, is a GMO. Anything containing aspartame is a no-no when it comes to food, and this useful Natural News infographic will help you discern many of the common food products that contain aspartame.

5) Watch out for ambiguous additives like xanthan gum, citric acid, maltodextrin, and other common GMO offenders. Many common food texturizing agents, flavor enhancers, thickeners, sweeteners, and fortifiers are also derived from GMOs. Some of the more common offenders include ingredients like xanthan gum, citric acid, maltodextrin, lactic acid, dextrose, caramel color, baking powder, malt syrup, modified food starch, mono and diglycerides, sorbitol, stearic acid, and triglycerides. The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) has created a helpful list of “invisible GM ingredients” that you can reference while shopping.

6) Avoid any dairy products that are non-organic, or that do not contain a “No rBGH” label. Unless a dairy product is specifically labeled as being certified organic, or as not containing the artificial growth hormone rBGH, which is sometimes labeled as rBST, it likely contains GMOs. Short for recombinant bovine growth hormone, rBGH is created using GMO E. coli just like aspartame, and is used in conventional cattle unless otherwise labeled. This means that all non-organic yogurt, cheese, butter, milk, and ice cream that does not specifically bear a “No rBGH” label of some sort is likely made with GMOs. Non-organic dairy cows are also likely fed GM feed, which means your best bet is to stick only with certified organic or non-GMO dairy products at all times. The Non-GMO Project has also developed a certification program by which food manufacturers can uniformly label food products not made with GMOs. Many food products now bear the Non-GMO Project “Verified” label, which will help give you peace of mind that the food you are buying is clean, safe, and free of GMOs. You can learn more about the Non-GMO project by visiting:

Organic Grapefruit
Organic Grapefruit

Genetic Roulette-The Gamble of our Lives

A Sobering look at deception and our growing illness. What are we EATING???

A Sobering look at deception and our growing illness. What are we EATING???

Please watch the following movie! It is sobering and eye-opening and we must be the change we want to see. We cannot afford not to watch and learn about the deception pushed upon us and served at every grocery store and restaurant across the country–that ends up on our plate–and in our body!

The documentary the summary states: “Experts expose the serious threats and how corporations like Monsanto hide the evidence.

NEVER-before-seen evidence points to genetically engineered foods as a major contributor to rising disease rates in the U.S. population, especially among children. Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, inflammatory diseases, infertility are just some of the problems implicated in humans, pets, livestock and Lab animals that eat genetically modified soybeans and corn.

Monsanto’s strong-arm tactics, the FDA fraudulent policies, and how the USDA ignores a growing health emergency area also laid bare.  This sometimes shocking film may change your diet, protect you and your family, and accelerate the consumer tipping point against genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) already underway. Don’t miss this film!”

Go to

Be Well–and Love and Light,
