Health Begins in our mind!


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What is health and wellness and where does it actually begin? As the month and designation of “Health and Wellness Month” unfolds it is important to have a new insight into the depth we call health—and ask the question “What can I do to create more wellness in my life?”

For most it seems, that elusive term somehow slips from our view, as our own power, innate wisdom and guidance is relinquished to the “men in white coats.”  However, just like freedom is all a state of mind–so is our health. There is no limited quality—nor is it only available to some—and not others.  We have not been handed “bad genes” as once believed by medicine, but instead have the power within our grasp.  It is our responsibility. And, it is ours for the allowance. We have the ability to heal ourselves of anything. We have to ask ourselves, what do I really want? Do we simply want relief or do we want to be healed and step into a life of true health and a life of wellness to accomplish what we came here for? Ready?

First we must declare that intention. I believe true health lies hidden in what has been called self-love, and it is a reflection of our balance or imbalance and all have access.  Those receptors, antennae or Wi-Fi signals within our cellular structure that “hear” every thought, know every intent, allowance and recognize the energy of love are listening. The good news is once we have the information and understanding we have the power to do something!

What you say, I am responsible for my own well-being? I am not a victim of genetics? Can you own that? Are you willing to “try this new belief on?”  Or does this statement make you angry or mad?  Perhaps it empowers you to do something different?  Are you willing to take action?  Now, we’re getting somewhere!

Cutting edge science is not only talking about this but has proof as well.  And, you won’t hear this from big pharma who wants you to believe otherwise and stay trapped in the downward spiral of drugs and more drugs, helpless to do anything for ourselves.

We are beings of light and have the power to change our reality to anything we choose; it is free for the asking! What a concept!

Let me offer you 10 suggestions to get you on the road to your life of wellness:

1.) Turn off the news on the T.V.  Why do you want to program yourself with fear–conflict and negativity? Instead, find a way to laugh–and experience everyday joy!  Feeling better already?

2.) Get outside. Feel the energy of Mother Earth. Go for a walk. Take off your shoes—go to the beach.  Plan a picnic. (Even if it is a simple sandwich & sitting quietly by yourself.) Open the windows, and let the Devas in!  Find something to celebrate!

3.) Eat well–the best you can afford. Eat your fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water.  (And, no ketchup does not count as a fruit or veggie.) The fresher the better. Frozen is better than canned. Choose things that need no label or have 5 ingredients or less. Plant a garden or simply put a few plants in pots. Herbs do well in small spaces and can be fun to grow and experiment with. I grow tomatoes in the winter (south Florida season) but have rosemary, basil, green onions, thyme, sage, chives and parsley which do quite well. Shop farmers markets for affordable organic.  STAY AWAY FROM GMO’s.  And, skip the orange juice—it has lots of sugar.  Instead opt for an orange instead.  Cut down or eliminate the dairy.

4.) Do not use a microwave. Microwaves change the polarity of food.  Go back to the stove!

5.) Exercise! Exercise relieves stress and stress kills!  This doesn’t mean you have to join a gym unless that suits you.  Think movement:  Dance, swimming, walking, bicycling, or tennis—just get your body moving!

6.) Meditate. If you don’t know how purchase a cd–or visit a nearby yoga class. These classes are for every age. Find one you like.  All are different—it depends on the instructor. Stress was designed for short periods–like getting chased by a tiger. When we are stressed our immune system stops working and we are more susceptible to pathogens–germs–disease. Give yourself permission to quite your mind. Fill it with positive thoughts, expectations and breath.  It is our connection to Spirit—God—or All That Is.

7.) Do you have toxic relationships in your life? If your relationships are filled with anger, or other negativity remove yourself. Instead choose relationships that are caring, loving and supportive. Choose to trust that you will create space for positive relationships if you clear out the old and give allowance for someone new.  Remember like attracts like.

8.) Get creative. Creativity can create your future: your wishes, desires, aspirations, and future. Having fun elevates your mood which is good for your health. Creativity can show up as writing, drawing, photography, and singing–all those wonderful right brain activities; choose one!

9.) Drop in to your heart–get out of your left brain for a second–and feel yourself in a perfect state of wellness, harmony and the feeling of love.  Then read the statement below every morning with intention and allowance!  Really feel it!

“Dear Cellular Structure,

I wish to have the attributes that I have earned in what I call my past that will enhance the ability for me to live my current life with more ease and grace.  I wish to recall those things that will allow me to live longer, do my work better, and give me peace over the things that I desire to do.  I wish to mine the Akash for this, which is in my personal DNA.”


10.) Get help if you need to.  This is not a sign of weakness but one of choice and power. Einstein noted years ago, that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results was the definition of insanity.  Get out of your own way.   Emotions and the mind play the biggest role in determining our state of wellness.  These beliefs that we carry are the only thing that is really “inherited”—and the biggest question is:  Are we ready to do something to change our outdated story—habits and belief system to one that serves us better?  I say YES!  What is it for you?

Health and wellness begins and ends with us.  There are no victims–only unawareness. Step into your innate power and light–own it. Pretend you are “air traffic control” give the new coordinates to those 50 trillion cells within your body–and see what positive changes begin to unfold. Take your INTENT and your alchemy to create the greatest happiness and state of wellness you have ever known!

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“Inspired wellness from Within”

Cathy Silver, HC


Cathy Silver is a practicing holistic health coach in the Ft. Lauderdale area.  She works with clients everyday and is dedicated to changing lives and helping others  step into their power to create wellness on every level.

Amazing Frozen Lemons!

fresh lemonsFirst bananas and now lemons–What a concept! Many professiona­ls in restaurants and eateries are using and consuming entire lemons and nothing is wasted. How? Simply . . . place the washed organic lemon in the freezer. Once the lemon is frozen, use your grater and shred the whole lemon—peel and all—and sprinkle it on top of foods.

I buy and use lemons to season chicken or tuna salad in place of salt. I also love them in water or tea. So after reading about this earlier in the week I tried grated lemon in tuna salad—someplace I normally add fresh lemon juice. This was easy and tasted great. Frozen grated lemons are also great and suggested to add into a vegetable salad, ice cream, soup, cereals, noodles, spaghetti, rice, fish dishes and more . . . the list is endless. Your foods will have a wonderful taste.

Even better, lemons peels or zest contain as much as 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice. Peels are also health rejuvenator in eradicating toxic elements in the body. Place your washed lemons in the freezer and grate when needed.

Consulting, Rebecca Wood she reveals the medicinal benefits in her book, The New whole Foods Encyclopedia, that citrus in general is a miraculous food. A cooling agent for our body—be it from a fever, physical exercise or hot flashes. But, did you know that citrus varieties contain 58 known anticancer agents? One article claimed Lemon (citrus) is an extraordinary product to kill cancer cells and claims to “be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy”. I guess the labs have jumped on to this news and are in the process of making a synthetic version. Personally, I’d trust Mother Nature—both energetically and the micro-nutrients which work in harmony with our system. Lemons constrict body tissue, they dry damp conditions, resolve stagnation, and dispel sputum. If your digestion is off, lemon stimulates the flow of saliva, easing the work of the liver. They help to alkalize the body and are helpful in high blood pressure—good for sunburn, insect bites, sore throats, hiccups and weight loss.

For a great Morning Elixir, to gently bring your energy up restoring balance and rehydrating your body without the jolt from caffeine, boil (on the stove) 1 cup of water. Add two Tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, and honey to taste. Cayenne to taste (optional)

This will help your body if it is feeling stiff—or your mind if it is feeling cloudy. It could be your liver is complaining it didn’t complete its middle of the night task of blood cleansing. Who knew this beautiful yellow fruit brought to us from India was such a world class seasoning ingredient—and so remarkable for our health!

Inspired Wellness from Within

Cathy, HC

lemon tree

The Power of Apple

The wondrous apple     Anxious to grab a morning walk before the temperatures rose to quickly, I snatched a crisp red organic apple out of my refrigerator drawer–a Gala to be precise.   Apples are one of my favorite fruits–conveniently packaged in a  portable size and sturdy enough to be carried almost anywhere.  They have the advantage so far–of making it through airport security; my yogurt was not so lucky!  As I munched through the house multitasking, my mind wandered just briefly about the iconic  platitude “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” 

This is one fruit that we apparently love.  Emerson called it “the American fruit.”  Those who keep track of such things estimate that we consume about 120 apples per year–per person.  And, did you know that the apple originated not far from the mythical Eden, in Almaty, Kazakhstan in Central Asia where wild apples still cover the foothills?   Most of ours don’t come that far, and although they grow in almost all states,  if you have ever driven through Yakima, Ellensburg or the Wenatchee Valley you would not need to be convinced  that most apples in the United States come out of Washington state where 12 billion apples are thinned and picked by hand.  That’s a lot of apples!

No one is better suited than Rebecca Wood, author of The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia to detail the medicinal benefits of apples.  According to her expertise, apples are a cooling food–and both a yin & chi tonic that treat the heart, lungs, large intestines, stomach and spleen.  They invigorate and promote vital energy and help dispel toxins.  Apples contain something called Malic and tartaric acids which inhibit fermentation in the stomach making apples easier to assimilate than most other fruits.

They are moistening and so reduce thirst, reduce fever, and ease dry hot lungs.  In addition, apples, especially green, help to cleanse the liver and gallbladder and help to soften gallstones.  Rebecca recommends giving grated raw apples to children to reduce their fever. To ease a dry cough her recommendation is to steam apples with honey until they’re soft and eat–to eliminate phlegm from the lungs, prepare apples with agar.

Apples are a rich source of pectin and so can lower cholesterol, promote beneficial intestinal flora, and support normal colon function.  They’re high in quercetin and other flavonoid antioxidants that help protect against heart disease, cancer and asthma.  They are also an excellent low-calorie source of fiber and vitamin C–and other nutrients.

When we look back not too far in our own history, I ask: Did our love affair with this American fruit begin here with the  myth and legend of John Chapman–a.k.a. Johnny Appleseed.  An interesting character,  he traveled the vast unsettled territories of our new country with his bag of seeds planting trees: a unspoken message– perhaps one that we should heed more closely today?  Is there a synergy between man and the apple or apple and man?   You know kind of like the squirrel and the acorn? Once thing is sure our love affair with the apple is far from over and it seems with out a doubt  is good for our system of creating health within.   For me it can certainly be taken out of “bible lore” and brought into the our  daily ritual–for snacks, salads, dried, cooked, –juiced or cider.  Whether we call them Braeburn or golden, Granny Smith or McIntosh the message is clear–an apple a day really should keep the doctor away.

“Inspired Wellness from Within”

Cathy Silver, HC





Spring + Easy to Make Green Shake to Detox Your Body!

Green ShakeAh, spring! This season brings increasing daylight, warming temperatures, and the rebirth of flora and fauna.   Take a moment to walk outside and notice the green plants growing in your garden. The three months of the spring season bring about the revitalization of all things in nature; usually increased rain water, waking from hibernation and the spring equinox next week: Gaia’s announcement that we have come to the season of birth.  Without our awareness—and sometimes unnoticed, nature shows us this every spring—the announcement from those small crocuses, bright happy daffodils and yellow forsythias which blossom without fail.  The swelling vibrant and bursting energy that moves the sap and forces the buds to open and bloom may be our calling and awakening from winter as well.  That burst of energy to clean, change our diet or other small rejuvenations; unseen energy that surges through body, mind and spirit that so often goes unnoticed or at least, unspoken.  Watch what greens begin to appear in the grocery stores or farmers’ markets.  Is this too a sign from nature, a calling of sorts to detox our bodies after our heavier winter fare? Alkaline food detoxes our body —leafy greens, sprouts, berries, cherries, asparagus, grapefruits, lemons, spinach or dandelion greens available now for your choosing.  See what local leafy greens appear in your neighborhood market, and how you might prepare them tonight? Or, are you more of a ‘blender chef’? See the green shake recipe below.  You might also try sipping hot water every day for two weeks.  The hot water will dilate, hydrate and begin to detoxify your tissues and encourage your lymph system to move sort of like the sap. (Smiling) Ancient cultures have lived within the harmony of natural cycles.   A balance of yin and yang promotes health and harmony.  Understanding this balance within your body is key. Happy spring!

Green Drink

Delicious Green Shake!

  • In Vitamix, place all ingredients, blend and enjoy the benefits of health and vitality!

2-3 generous handfuls of baby organic spinach

2-4 leaves of organic kale.  (I use the leaves and save the big stems for my green juice.)

A big handful of fresh organic sunflower sprouts

1 ripe avocado scooped and placed in blender (The seed has more phytonutrients than the actual ‘fruit’-feel free to add it to your shake.  The Vitamix will easily incorporate it right into the shake!)

1 ripe banana (Option: I like to freeze mine and just break them into 2-3 pieces.  Peel before freezing and put them into a zip lock bag.)

1-2 scoops of “live” organic powdered greens such as Green Organics

Optional scoop of organic protein powder such as Green Organics “Smooth Vitality”

Udo’s Oil  3-6-9  or Flax oil to taste

(A few frozen strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or even a lemon can be added for a bit of sweetness or more flavor—as in the case of lemon.  Other veggies that can be added to the shake are cucumber, celery, asparagus, ginger, garlic.  Be creative—but try to keep the shake mostly green and mostly veggies! J )

4+ cups Kangen water 9.5 or pH preference


Clinical studies show that proper nutrition reduces oxidative stress, positively impacts markers of systemic inflammation, helps support a healthy immune system, helps protect DNA, and promotes Cardiovascular wellness.  Visit:

Moving into a New Energy – 2014

2014 Happy New Year

The past year of recalibration has concluded and we continue to slide quickly into 2014. Is it astute to ask:  What is the flavor to come?  A “seven-year” in the eyes of numerology means–one of divinity, perfection and wholeness.  So what does that really mean?I can’t say exactly how your world or for that matter my year will unfold, but what I am sure of, is, it all begins with intention. A declaration to ourselves and to the Universe that lovingly supports our growth and enlightenment–unfolding before our eyes–seen or unseen, our actions will support this unfoldment.
What about a year where we create wellness, vitality and a body of health?  And if so, what changes does that mean for you? I say it’s possible to use our intuition, not our intellect, on what our body needs–more greens, veggies, fresh fruit or water perhaps? A morning meditation? Or do we need more movement in our life such as a new exercise routine; something we love to do! What about healthy relationships and a career of passion?

Emotions are something we cannot afford to ignore!  Can we admit and recognize deep pains stuffed and stored in the recesses of our being, begging to be released once-and-for-all? We are supported on many layers–each building upon another by the larger intelligence to which we are all deeply connected. Our challenges differ slightly for each of us. But if we adopt a “whatever it takes attitude” to walk through our fears and trust what lies ahead on the other side will be a life of joy, compassion, acceptance, tolerance and our integrity for ourselves.  Truly able to be free and to celebrate us–our shining perfection– flaws and all!  Make your list with heartfelt intent and the synchronicity will follow. To a  Happy Healthy year of Wellness; let it begin now!

“Inspired Wellness from Within”.

Love and Light,

Cathy Silver, HC AADP
Wellness Warrior
Energies of Healing, LLC
 P.S. Call or email me if you need support on your NEW Resolutions!

Cathrine_Silver_Logo-final 3

Gaia’s Abundance ▪ What’s Fresh in the Market Right Now?

Brussels SproutsFall brings its bounty; there are many vegetables and fruits that we typically consider “fall”. We all know pumpkins ripen around Halloween, but what about pomegranates, or a new variety of winter squash? This year I began to notice, and try some new varieties, a medley I typically haven’t  prepared in the past.  Acorn squash is one example, as I’ve always been more of a sweet potato gal.  I wondered, though, if Mother Nature provided this harvest, what are the benefits of eating such things as:  acorn squash, chestnuts, cranberries, or Brussels sprouts? And, do these vegetables prepare us for the winter?  I whipped out my Whole Foods Encyclopedia by Rebecca Wood and share what I discovered.  I hope this will encourage you to try something new!

Acorn Squash started this whole discourse. LOL.   Squash is considered a chi tonic* and a warming food that is medicinal to the spleen, stomach, large intestine and lungs.  It improves energy and blood circulation. Winter squash is exceptionally high in complex carbohydrates (A good thing for keeping the glycemic index stable.) and is medicinal for diabetics and those with digestive problems.  Squash provide vitamins A and C, potassium and magnesium.  It is an excellent source of pre-vitamin A and often carotenoids and therefore has anticarcinogenic properties.

I experienced hot chestnuts while visiting NYC many years ago from a street vendor.  I didn’t know if I liked them at first, because of the texture, but it happened to be cold and blustery and after a few, I decided I did in fact appreciate their uniqueness to my palate.  I now look forward to their appearance in the stores.  They are easily and quickly boiled—sliced with X’s and “roasted” in the oven.  They happen to be a chi and yang tonic** and the chestnuts nurture the kidneys, stomach and spleen.  Rebecca describes them as sweet like fruit, but unlike fruit, it warms and builds, rather than cools and cleanses.  They are a good ‘convalescing food and they have an astringing nature that controls diarrhea, coughing, whooping cough and rheumatism’.

I have already made my first batch of cranberry sauce this year—one of my favorite condiments.  Cranberries are actually native to North America and a welcome sight when I see them in the store.  They are a cold food and dispel heat and damp.  They act upon the bladder, kidney and large intestine.  They are rich in polyphenol antioxidants and appear to benefit the immune and cardiovascular system. They have anticancer properties and have a chemical compound called proanthocyanidins which help inhibit bacteria in the bladder, urinary tract and teeth.  Cranberry consumption also reduces some types of kidney stones.  Who knew?

Brussels sprouts seem to be a controversial food; they are either loved or hated!  But, given the evidence and benefits to the body, perhaps they are worth taking another look—and taste.  They happen to be a warming food that helps disperse cold.  They support the stomach and large intestine function and mildly stimulate the liver out of stagnancy.  They are an excellent source of folic acid, vitamins C and K and beta-carotene.  Nutritionally and energetically, they’re similar to cabbage and contain numerous glucosinolates, which are cancer fighting phytochemicals.  At their prime need only to be seasoned with butter and salt or with extra virgin olive oil and lemon after they have been blanched or steamed.

And, last but not least are Pomegranates, not typically something I buy often. But I was recently a host-family to a student who grew up in Iran.  She showed me how they ate them and I watched her squeeze the rind and turn this fruit into fresh ruby red juice—I was amazed!  Pomegranates are a yin tonic*** that disperses heat and treats the bladder, spleen, stomach, liver and large intestine.  They promote the production of red blood cells, expel tape worms, strengthen the bladder and gums and soothe ulcers in the mouth and throat. Rebecca also states that they have punicalagins (the tannins in the pomegranates) have free radical activity and therefore treat heart disease and help protect against cancer.  Clinical data shows the effectiveness of pomegranates in treating breast, lung, and prostate cancer.  They also help with the assimilation of fats, protein and carbohydrates.

*Chi Tonic: Improves and maintains the quality and quantity of available energy in the body.
**Yang Tonic: Maintains and improves our ability to generate warmth and stimulate our system.
***Yin Tonic: Complementary to yang in Chinese philosophy. Yin is the female element and associated with moon, night, damp, cold, interior and decending.

“Inspired Wellness from Within“--Cathy Silver, HC and Wellness Warrior

Acorn Squash

6 Steps to Avoid GMO’s

Let us know what we are eating!

Let us know what we are eating!

I read this today, and I feel it extremely important to share!  Thank you Natural News!  This is valuable information for us all. GMO’s always begs the question: Is this the reason there are so many auto-immune diseases?  Cancer? Is our body seeing this modified food as foreign?  Is this part of the reason our sickness continues to grow?  You decide.  In the meantime, here are steps to avoid foods with GMO’s.  They are pretty much in everything, but this is a great way to limit them in what you eat! 

(NaturalNews) Awareness about the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food supply is at an all-time high throughout America, thanks in large part to the Proposition 37 ballot initiative in California. But many people are now asking the question, “If GMOs aren’t labeled, how can I know whether or not the foods I buy contain them?” To help you make the best effort at avoiding GMOs while shopping at the grocery store, here are six recommendations on what to look for and what to avoid.

1) Avoid purchasing foods that contain non-organic soy, corn, cottonseed or canola ingredients. Practically every processed food found in the “middle aisle” section of the grocery store contains some form of soy, corn, cottonseed, or canola, all crops of which are typically GMO if not certified organic. Everything from cookies and crackers to cereals and snack food items contain them, which means you will want to avoid them like the plague. Common ingredients to specifically watch out for include some of the more obvious ones like high-fructose corn syrup, soybean oil, and canola oil. But several others you will want to be aware of include soy lecithin, an emulsifier added to all sorts of foods, including “health” foods, as well as soy protein, textured vegetable protein, mixed tocopherols (vitamin E), and food starch. Unless certified organic, all of these ingredients are likely GMO.

2) If PLU code on fruits, vegetables starts with an “8,” avoid such produce. When shopping for fruits and vegetables, your first choice will want to be those labeled with a five-digit PLU that begins with a “9,” which indicates that it is certified organic. Produce items containing a four-digit PLU are considered “conventional,” which means they are not technically GMO, but may still contain pesticides and other toxic residues. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has created a helpful shopping guide for picking out safe produce. Produce items you will want to specifically and always avoid are those bearing a five-digit PLU beginning with the number “8,” as these are GMOs. The vast majority of non-organic papaya, as well as several varieties of non-organic zucchini and squash are also of GM origin, so you will want to specifically purchase organic varieties of these foods as well. Genetic manipulators are also now working on a GM apple that does not turn brown, so watch out for any apple that stays unnaturally white when sliced or bruised.

3) Unless added sugar is specifically identified as “cane,” it likely comes from GM sugar beets. At least 90 percent of the sugar beet crop grown in the U.S. is of GM origin, which means if any food product contains “sugar” or some other sugar derivative like glucose or sucrose, it is more than likely a GMO. Always look for “cane sugar,” or preferably “evaporated cane juice,” in order to avoid GM sugar. Raw agave nectar, pure stevia extract, and xylitol are also safe, non-GMO sugar and sugar substitutes.

4) If it contains artificial sweetener, it likely contains GMOs. The popular artificial sugar substitute aspartame, which goes by the trade names Equal, NutraSweet and AminoSweet, is produced using GM bacterial strains of E. coli, which means it, too, is a GMO. Anything containing aspartame is a no-no when it comes to food, and this useful Natural News infographic will help you discern many of the common food products that contain aspartame.

5) Watch out for ambiguous additives like xanthan gum, citric acid, maltodextrin, and other common GMO offenders. Many common food texturizing agents, flavor enhancers, thickeners, sweeteners, and fortifiers are also derived from GMOs. Some of the more common offenders include ingredients like xanthan gum, citric acid, maltodextrin, lactic acid, dextrose, caramel color, baking powder, malt syrup, modified food starch, mono and diglycerides, sorbitol, stearic acid, and triglycerides. The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) has created a helpful list of “invisible GM ingredients” that you can reference while shopping.

6) Avoid any dairy products that are non-organic, or that do not contain a “No rBGH” label. Unless a dairy product is specifically labeled as being certified organic, or as not containing the artificial growth hormone rBGH, which is sometimes labeled as rBST, it likely contains GMOs. Short for recombinant bovine growth hormone, rBGH is created using GMO E. coli just like aspartame, and is used in conventional cattle unless otherwise labeled. This means that all non-organic yogurt, cheese, butter, milk, and ice cream that does not specifically bear a “No rBGH” label of some sort is likely made with GMOs. Non-organic dairy cows are also likely fed GM feed, which means your best bet is to stick only with certified organic or non-GMO dairy products at all times. The Non-GMO Project has also developed a certification program by which food manufacturers can uniformly label food products not made with GMOs. Many food products now bear the Non-GMO Project “Verified” label, which will help give you peace of mind that the food you are buying is clean, safe, and free of GMOs. You can learn more about the Non-GMO project by visiting:

Organic Grapefruit
Organic Grapefruit

Blueberries . . . so much more than the color blue!

Blueberry-watermelon SmoothieOne of my favorite things growing up was fresh homegrown blueberries. I especially loved finding the large, plump, juicy blueberries, and eating them one by one right off the bush in the backyard; there is nothing better and somehow they always signaled the ending of summer and the return to school.  —Somewhere around the first part of August the blueberry bushes gave way to bountiful luscious berries. That was many years ago and I do not live in the Northwest anymore but blueberries from the Northwest have flooded the stores and not only brought back those memories, but still remain one of my favorite berries!

What I didn’t know then, but share with you now, are blueberries also support the lung, spleen and stomach meridians. They are a cooling food and one that helps clear out toxins. Blueberries are the best source for anthocyanidin (compounds which protect blood vessels against cholesterol buildup)  and antioxidants that help slow and prevent cell deterioration.  They also support eye function and help protect against age-related macular degeneration. They help with both constipation and diarrhea and are therapeutic for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and peptic ulcers. They have both antiviral and bacteria-fighting capabilities and are useful in countering urinary tract infections. Blueberries are a great source of vitamin C and fiber.
Truly American, blueberries are a native American plant related to azaleas, rhododendrons, huckleberries (another favorite) and cranberries. I still love to eat them plain– right out of the plastic container now—for dessert or make fresh muffins for a Sunday morning treat.  They are also a great addition to smoothies.
For a delicious Summer Smoothie try this Blueberry-watermelon twist:
1 cup watermelon chunks
1 cup blueberries
1/3-1/2 cup yogurt (I use the non-dairy So Delicious made with coconut brand)
2 Tsp. raw organic pumpkin seeds
Place in your vitamin to combine ~ Enjoy!

OR . . .for a special treat fresh hot muffins!Blueberry Muffins - fresh and hot from the oven
Blueberry Muffins out of Grandma Rose’s Book of Sinfully Delicious snacks, nibbles, noshes and other delights, Portland Oregon
5 cups flour (2 ½)

1 cup sweet butter (1/2), room temperature,

4 cups fresh blueberries (2)

1 ½ cups sugar (3/4)

1 tsp. salt (1/2)

5 extra-large eggs (2)

1 T. baking powder (1 ½ tsp.)

2 cups sour cream (1)

2 tsp. baking soda (1)
Preheat oven to 425˚F. Grease standard-size muffin tins. Sift the flour and put 1 cup of it over the blueberries. To the balance of the flour, add salt and baking powder.In a large bowl, cream the butter and add the sugar and eggs, one at a time, beating after each egg. Gradually stir in the remaining flour and the sour cream, to which you have added the baking soda. Don’t beat the muffin batter at this point, simply stir. Fold in the blueberries. Put a heaping tablespoon of batter into each muffin cup. Bake at 425˚F. for 20 minutes. Reduce heat to 375˚F.f and bake until the muffins feel solid and are golden brown, for about 20 minutes more.

Cathy’s notes: I usually make half of this recipe. It has been one of my favorites over the years.  Amounts are shown in (parentheses) to the right. Half recipe makes approx. 18 muffins. Also, I bake these muffins at 350˚F. for about 20 minutes. They are delicious—especially now that the blueberries are in season. The muffins shown in the picture, I substituted spelt flour instead of all-purpose to make them gluten free, and used a Turbinado sugar which gives them a darker heartier muffin, but one that is nevertheless very tasty!

Watermelon—Good for more than just Picnics!

Fresh ripe and delicious

Cooling refreshing summer ripe watermelon

I am more apt to think of Watermelon at picnics or seed spitting contests at camp or a lively family reunion or used to entertain the kids.  But, watermelon is a great addition to our diet—especially as the weather gets warm and we enjoy our summer days. Their high water content makes them good refreshments on the hot days as it is considered an “cold” food and one that treats the bladder, heart and stomach meridians.

Who knew, watermelons are native to Africa, and were considered a valuable and portable source of water for desert situations and when natural water supplies were contaminated. Watermelons were cultivated in Egypt and India as far back as 2500 B.C. as evidenced in ancient hieroglyphics.

Watermelon contains Vitamins A and C, iron, and potassium.  Surprisingly, the red watery fruit has only half the sugar of an apple, but often times tastes much sweeter because sugar is its main taste-producing element—the rest of course—water!

Watermelon relieves thirst, mental depression, and edema and it induces urination.  It is a good source of lycopene and is great for one’s vision.

Add watermelons to salad, salsa or juice them. Watermelon is refreshing and nourishing any day. Try to make it a regular part of your diet, especially while in season.  Check out the Watermelon Cooler and smoothie.  But most of all indulge–and smile as you enjoy a summertime fruit that not only tastes good, but is good for you!

Watermelon Cooler

1 2-inch slice of watermelon

1/2 cup of fresh organic strawberries

1/4 fresh fennel bulb

1 lemon

mint for garnish

Using your juicer, process watermelon, strawberries, fennel and lemon.  Stir and pour into a glass.  Adjust ingredients accordingly to the number being served! This recipe serves one.

Watermelon Smoothie

1 cup watermelon chunks

1 cup organic blueberries

1 cup SO Delicious coconut yogurt

2 tbsp. raw pumpkin seeds

Put all ingredients into Vitamix and process.

Enjoy, be well and relax!

  •   Every part of the watermelon, including the seeds and the rind is edible.
  •  Watermelons are ideal for the health as they do not contain any fat or cholesterol and are high in fiber content.
  •  Over 1200 varieties of watermelon are grown in approximately 100 countries across the world.
  •   Watermelons are very fragile and cannot be harvested with the help of machines. Instead they are carefully tossed by workers on a relay that runs between the fields and the truck.

Florian enjoying fresh summer watermelon!