The Eye of the Storm—The Transformation of Our World

Unusual times we are in—confusing—and misunderstood—we look for answers wherever we can find them. I offer a perspective you can adopt or reject in this blog. I find it gives me peace, hope and an outlook at our new beginnings as a global, national and personal capacity for growth and expansion.

I am in the Northwest for a visit. I grew up here. I enjoy the energy of the mountains, lakes, Puget Sound and forests as a reprieve from the tropical hot intense energy of South Florida; not good or bad, just different.

This year I chose to drive. I needed the solitude and an absence and break from the constant fear I felt from so many. An energy I cannot get behind. I also decided to camp my way here. It was the decision to make a simple connection back to the earth and to myself. Although, along the way, I had conversations with a number of others also escaping from the oppression of the news and fearful continuing messages pounding away designed to “keep us inline.” They too needed a break. I shared my perspective—and it seemed to bring some relief— common sense to the chaos we are in presently. A perspective not many had considered—so I share it with you today.

What if—just what if . . . we are in the midst of a “reboot”? What if this started over 30 years ago? What if we all agreed that we were going to the next step in our evolution as a human race? And, what if in order to do this we needed to clean house? And all those things that have been hidden behind the metaphorical closed doors, are now coming to the Light? We have been in the Procession of the Equinoxes. Procession in Latin means to “move forward.” So, the Procession of the Equinoxes means we are moving forward out of one older energy and into another, new.  (Seen as kind of a wobble in space and predicted by the ancients.) This new energy is a place humanity has never been before while on the earth and of course is a different part of space. It is sending us new “data” fed to the grids, based on intent and is birthing our higher consciousness or thinking. This new information is one of more benevolence, tolerance and respect: it is more loving and compassionate. We are moving into a mindset where we will finally begin to stop the abuses of Mother Earth and each other. Yes, it will take a while—but like the saying goes—by the ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, “A journey of a thousand miles starts beneath one’s feet.” 

We chose to be here. We are boots on the ground. We are in the test of energy. And we are being watched and are affecting the entire Universe(s) and cosmic sea. We are part of the divine creative source and along the way—we will begin to recognize our magnificence. What if . . . the souls who are leaving during this COVID event are also being reset and will be right back? We are eternal and forever—in both directions—not just one. I believe they will be recalibrated, revitalized, renewed and reset to the new vibration of the earth plane. What if they have chosen this for the greater good—for the whole?  Like passing the baton in a relay race, only in a circle of time? What if the fires, storms, and quakes as of late are part of this shift in consciousness, and will bring new perspective and priorities for what’s next in our lives? There is unrest, but it moves energy and creates change. What if this time is about asking critical questions and question all we thought to be true is true? Asking what we’ve been taught, or what we believe? Could it be bigger? Grander? And better than we ever imagined? Can it ultimately bring more joy? What if these times are to awaken the shepherd in all of us? What if these times are about taking our power back? What if these trying times leads us to our divine and magnificent roots? What if this is the greatest shift of Humanities existence so far? Can we imagine the possibilities of where we can go? 

How about a simple “YES? Our future and our reality are unfolding before our eyes. We participate every day. Remember you are Cosmos creating its own creative field and its own future with all you think, do and say—everyday. All correctly aligns and works with precision. What is your “What if?” Make it a good one! ❤️

Dreamy Watery Float

Water is life. It represents a symbolic element we identify as emotion; those ever changing, fluid, feeling energies within us all. Water has no fixed shape, yielding to outside influence.  It is a metaphor for the Universal Cosmic Sea from whence we came and are a part of as our multi-dimensional and deeply hidden state—our subconscious, our history—and our future evolution. Water also represents the feminine divine.  Could it be that water stands for as Pamela Eakins writes, realization, Illumination, Alignment and Contemplation?

Eons ago in the land known as Lemuria babies were born underwater, and came up to a group of women singing. We are over 70% water—and without it—we perish quickly. It is part of our cellular structure and the core of our beingness. And, so it seems, that water represents and affects us much more than when we turn the tap at the kitchen sink or shower, or even flow with the tides and pull of the moon. Water is living and alive. Frozen, it reveals messages in it’s crystalline form as Dr. Emoto discovered.

Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to experience a “float tank” and it’s like time stood still for 90 minutes. I must confess, except for a bit of water in my ears, the ability to float in darkness and silence gave me another perspective and a few moments solitude and peace—a refreshing rejuvenation from the hustle of the south Florida traffic during “season,” and everything else that comes with the plethora of out of town visitors. 

We have been forever fascinated by the sea. Our evolution has been tied to water, and we are surrounded by mystical stories of mermaids, whales, dolphins, great storms and survival.  Stories and songs of fishermen and their tales—their love—as the mistress of the sea. What and why does this emotional matrix of water touch us all? It is unique for each of us, as the souls we are. It is something we are innately drawn to. Look no further than the beach. 

Here’s a space where we are free to indulge in our deepest thoughts. Relax and allow our muscles to rest; to allow the stresses to be washed away. And to be in an “ungrounded” state; our feet are not tethered to the polarities and magnetics of the Earth. While we float in the dense salt water, we can allow ourselves to feel our magnificence. We can allow our worries and anxiety to dissipate. We can feel compassion for ourselves. WE can feel pure love and joy. Our consciousness is contained in the floating vessel and doesn’t necessarily need to be grounded.  So talk to Matt and take a Float 8, the “no gravity, no light, no sound experience”.

“We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.”

Jacques Cousteau


Cathy S-R Center Gardens

About Cathrine Silver

Cathrine Silver, HC, AADP, is a Certified Holistic Health Coach in private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida. She works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding disease, relationships, spirituality, and loss. Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be the heroes in their own lives, becoming fully responsible for their own happiness, joy and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Hypnosis, Biological Decoding and Grief Counseling. She is the author of the book, Riding the Light Beam: How Any Woman Can Find the Hero (Website) (Blog) (email)

Cathy Silver Holistic Healing (Facebook)

Rewriting Our Future

That sounds impossible —-even the title makes no sense—the future hasn’t happened yet, right? Maybe we live here with the capacity of many “future potentials” which exist just beyond our conscious awareness? There are many signs and indicators that says this is so. Science just believes what it sees—and then if it proves different—there is disbelief by many, just ask Dr. Bruce Lipton or Alfred Wegener. So, why wait for science to catch up?

We are creatures of habit. That serves us well sometimes and sometimes not so much. We have tremendous imagination to create new inventions and new innovations when we are open to new ideas and new ways of being; the Universe is always conspiring to help us succeed, but so often we stay stuck, resisting and refusing to let go. How’s that working for you?

I remember reading a story about a pair of slippers. The gentleman had been given a new pair for Christmas—and in spite of the beauty of the new pair he was given—he refused to wear them—insisting that the old holy thread bare ones were just fine.  I think he said his toes fit well!  A silly story, but how often do we refuse to slip “them” on and enjoy the feel of something new and toss the old ones out because they are no longer useful? Ideas and beliefs are that way too. Fear keeps us stuck in our past.

We can’t imagine a new future until we are ready to let go of what isn’t working. Relationships, jobs, and even our health fall into this category. Our lives give us challenges and ways to grow, but too many times, we do the same things over and over and then wonder—-how do I dig myself out—when we’re looking up at the light from the bottom of the well? It’s important in our daily lives, not just in philosophical meanderings on someone’s blog.  If travel is done in a multidimensional state, it is almost instantaneous. If we are multidimensional beings (of light)—then at some level, we have that ability as well. What better place than in our thoughts? We do it in our dreams every night.

Consciously, some have more access to it than others, but everyone has this ability.  Yet, just like our gentleman with the slippers—we have to believe this is so and throw away the old story. Are you ready for a new one? Or at least v.2.0?

What if this gentleman who received the new slippers—decides to walk next door—in his NEW slippers to thank his neighbor for receiving his package from UPS—which on this day required a signature? As he rings her doorbell—he realizes she has company—her sister is visiting. And, in the course of this exchange—meets the new Love of his life. By opening up to new things—even before they happen— changed his future. Letting go of our old story is necessary for healing too! “Ya, can’t sit there and whine”.

If we are multidimensional beings influenced by our multidimensional DNA, we could also assume we are always picking up these signals which may come in the form of electromagnetic waves. (Just ask an astrologer of the influences of space planetary configurations called trines, conjunctions and squares—as well as retrogrades and eclipses and thousands more!) That means we are always receiving messages—but because this is the “planet of free choice,” we have to give our intention to receive–and not resist this new upgrade—otherwise—the old software continues to run—and probably not well—until it eventually just crashes and dies.

So, the bigger question is, what timeline and future potential are you choosing? Which train are you choosing to ride? We all get to rewrite our future using the Quantum (invisible to our 5 senses) Ink. Think of it like using a black light—the writing is there ready to be seen, lived, viewed and used—we just need to believe that the light is already on. We must turn our head to see the writing and acknowledge that it’s there.

Can you see that you are so much bigger than you see in the mirror? Do you know and believe that there is a much better potential timeline waiting in the ethers for you? Are you able to see that vision? How can your story be seen as a soul visiting earth for your growth and expansion? How can your experiences cause you to love more? (including yourself) How can you see the magnificence in yourself and others?  How can the biggest challenges teach and heal you?  Even looking at them as teaching experiences changes our experience if we allow it. Maybe it’s finally time to connect with that deep invisible multidimensional part of your DNA—and begin to rewrite your future? Are you ready to wear your new slippers? What will your imagination, upgrade and quantum slippers create for your earthy future? Tell only the story you can tell!



Frogs and Other Wildlife—Way Beyond Our Conscious Understanding and Our Connection to the Earth

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“Mankind has not woven the web of life.  We are but one thread within it.  Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.  All things are bound together.  All things connect.”                       ~ Chief Seattle       

Several weeks ago, while out tending to my plants around my patio and pool—I peered closely into two plastic containers that had been just the right size replacements for an old ornate planter which I bought second hand from my neighbor across the street. Fast forward ten years and after the last hurricane, now sat waiting for me to reposition them again into the iron holder. But, I had not been diligent enough and an unassuming frog had laid her eggs after one of our torrential rains of South Florida’s hot, humid and tropical rain-filled summer.

I instantly became a nurturing guardian to this surprising batch of now-tiny polliwogs. I have been feeding them romaine lettuce each morning and earlier in the week I peeked over closely to check on the rapidly growing amphibians. To my utter surprise, a tiny frog suddenly appeared and gazed back at me “fingers” gripped to the edge of the orange plastic container that had become her make-shift pond and nursery.

What had been the message? I was definitely enjoying the connection. It had been decades since I had seen the jell-like eggs and polliwogs in the large construction puddle behind our house when our neighbor, Mr. Neuman, was working on his home. They had also been visible in the pond and cattails that grew near the Barns where we kept the horses—and every now and then, my brother and I would wander down to take a look during some of our outdoor adventures together.

But why now? What was this message and connection that had reappeared so suddenly in my yard? I knew the ancient peoples, and the indigenous cultures, including our own Native Americans, understood this connection more deeply; they were wise. They also understood our connection to the earth—and the messages contained in their symbols and stories and celebrated the Oneness and its meaning. I certainly was aware of the abuses—the grab and take all that had recently permeated the United States attitude at levels of destruction and abuse of our home—the planet earth. And, the disrespectful desire to pummel all that stood in the way of this broken attitude of money and power—but I hardly believed that was their message to me.

I consulted a wiser source than myself; the book, Spirits of the Earth began: “Frogs are good signs. The Frog is a doctor and a healer, seer, and fortune-teller. Frog is a messenger of rain, and the power of the frog can bring rain and water if one knows how to use its power.” Animal Speak confirmed and added, “Its voice is said to call forth the rains. And they are linked with the lore of fairies and elves. Ted Andrews also wrote that “frogs are tuned keenly to sound—and the sensitivity to sound should be developed by frog people.” (Was I a Frog people?) The last sentence  caught my attention, “Their taste in music will probably not run mainstream, but they can learn to use their voice to stir the emotions and to call for the rains or change the climatic conditions of their own lives.”

I found this interesting as it fell right along my chosen profession at this time—Holistic Health Counselor. I felt I had found my niche as a biological decoder, grief counselor and spiritual teacher.  I was also interested in a unique sound healing—quantum codes of sorts. Was Chief Seattle correct? Did all things connect together?  It was certainly part of my belief system—and for all intents and purposes “hopped right into my yard” showing me again the true connection we have with Mother Nature and our Earth at a very personal level. The micro and the macro intertwined as One.

What symbols, or messages have shown up for you? Are you missing something right in front of you? And, what is the story and how does it apply to you? Working the Cosmic puzzle daily can be fun. What new beliefs are you now opening to?

For more information on biological decoding, grief counseling or channeling, please visit


The Sword and the Stone(s) – 2018 Update

IMG_8076 (1)This story sounds like a fairy tale and so is aptly named. And, like all good fairy tales, it begins with once upon a time.  It starts in Glastonbury, England—where the legend of King Arthur, The Knights of the Round Table and fair maidens lived—and like all galactic tales of long ago and far away, become real—just like the velveteen rabbit when infused with love and belief which circulates amongst many and brings life to days gone by, because there is truth in all things.  But this tale goes much further back in time—to what some consider a mythical island or lost continent known as Lemuria—the land of Mu. To some it truly is a fable, although to the Lemurians, and their descendants, very much real and alive—and part of our modern human lineage which took root more than 100,000 years ago and more so than many could possibly realize or for some, accept. And so, we begin, 26,000 years ago.

Once upon a time in the Land known as Lemuria,  a beautiful island  filled with lush gardens,  gorgeous flowers and abundance.  Now on the Island, there lived a great priest and scientist whose name was Yawee.  Unlike most inhabitants, who lived near the sea, Yawee lived high atop the mountain—the highest mountain on earth at the time.  The temperature was very cold and the air extremely thin, but he had ancient knowledge from his Star Mother which kept him warm for he was atop a big volcano. Runners would deliver necessary food and supplies, and special rocks provided the oxygen necessary, so he could do his work in the temple. He lived a very long time and brought extraordinary gifts to that civilization and to our civilization even this very day.  Back then, he was a good-natured soul with special powers. He was respected by all. When he materialized and was glimpsed by the Lemurians on those rare occasions during rejuvenation ceremonies, for the great teachers on the Island, it brought great joy to all who saw him.

There are many that believe time is a circle, but our lives are too short to realize or see this circle of time here on Earth—but alas it is true.  And, so we enter the present of 2018. Now, records upon the earth get lost and even our eternal records that we carry as humanity have been dormant—or asleep—yet they are awakening slowly. That invisible seed inside that looks for things that cannot be explained will amplify and enable even further our vast storage of multidimensional remembrance, and the time we lived and visited on the magical continent of Mu.  And since everyone of us is forever and eternal, those memories reside in perfection and harmony—waiting for the vibration and consciousness to rise and for the gifts they will bring.

In any fairytale, there is always a darkness and evil. And in this tale, we acknowledge humanity  brought it upon ourselves as the planet of free choice—our choice in consciousness, but hark, we have entered into the Grand Awakening. And there are those who are able to turn such alchemy into gold—the precious magnificence within and the Light of the Creator from the Great Central Sun.  As with all hero’s stories, there is struggle and ultimate triumph over such external threats. That is because we are able to find the strength inside ourselves and the greatest power of all—Love. We are battling the dark and the Light is winning.   The great Yawee had many tools at his disposal, and one of the tools was a sacred stone called Cintamani or Dragon Stone. Legend has it that it came to us from the Star System Sirius millions of years ago—bits reaching earth after a Galactic super-wave exploded—sending these gifts and their power to enhance the Light during this time when the gates open.

An old Tibetan prophecy passed down to us through the millennium proclaimed in a very regal declaration that “the king of the world will emerge with his army from his subterranean realms to defeat the forces of darkness and usher the coming of the Golden age.”  And, these stones, as legend has claimed, contain the highest vibration of all stones known; and valued as such. They are powerful and of pure Light and Yawee knew of their energy, and he knew they could not be misused . . . and so the time of darkness came and descended upon the planet.  It lasted for many thousands of years until the time and energy of vibration began to rise, causing the hidden Dragon Stones to be revealed.

Many secrets were held too, and kept safe until the Procession of the Equinox which would first awaken the old souls—the army of Light—everywhere upon the planet. For they too were hidden in their being—their knowledge, power and magnificence concealed within the depths of their Akashic records; and like blossoms on a tree, began to open one by one.  Yawee’s army sang tones of remembrance and the Light became stronger and more active.

And in the great awakening the stones came back to the original keeper—a man still known as Yawee by so many.  He recognized the stones and the energy they contained.  The stones were multidimensional and held much information—and their revelation was a remembrance of joy and celebration, because they had also waited “frozen in time”; they rejoiced at the tones sung too.  And, let the information ring. And, this Wizard knew the battle over darkness would prevail—the time had come; nothing would ever be the same!

And, as they were nudged by the invisible keepers, now was the time when the stones would awaken too, after all it was a test of energy on the Earth.  The Stones would connect to the crystalline grid—and portals of knowing and quantum time capsules put here as gifts of potential from our seed parents 400+ light years away and 200,000 years ago for this very “moment” in time.  They are still here today, protecting us as interdimensional protective Parents in our infancy upon this earth.

Perhaps, you too have heard of the Great Awakening as a Lightworker on the planet—the seeds that were sown centuries ago, but here now, as the way-showers—as the warriors of light—leading humanity into the new consciousness and the new paradigm unfolding before our eyes.  Angelic forces, divine pieces of the creative source and boots on the ground, using their light to disrupt the darkness, who we know prefers to hide and do their destruction through intimation, fear and control.

Yawee, leads us all in the Light Language and tones directly channeled to him through his ancient Pleiadian Mother, and assisted by the Magnetic Master, we are guided as these tones of this ancient language fill the room and filter out to the multiverses and galaxies in a magical multi-dimensional way. And the stones?

They were there to amplify the energy connecting to the crystalline, magnetic and Gaia grids—just like the philosopher’s stone symbolizing the alchemy and humanity’s enlightenment of the Magnum Opus or “Great Work.”  The stone of darkness past—the sword—the magic inside each human and the 24 pairs of chromosomes and our DNA all from the stars—and the sword—peace on Earth unfolding before our eyes.

This is the hero’s journey within us all—the tools given to us right on time—and 26,000 years later they have come back to Yawee to help amplify and strengthen the old souls’ mission as we awaken—strengthened by our inner guidance, here to change outdated belief systems, and once again return to the Garden of Eden and a metaphor for life on Earth.

That’s what happens, when we realize we each have God inside—and yes, we all can be wizards of Light!  This tale will continue to unfold for it is not yet finished—but the magic has only just begun, and this fifth Civilization will one day go on and seed another—just the way it has been for billions of years before—and we will one day look back and mark this as a new beginning—as we each pull the sword from the stone today during this extraordinary and exceptional turing point which began in 2012.

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What Is Reality?

IMG_7887So, this month, I want to share a story—a true story—that happened to me—and maybe you too? I believe reality is so much bigger than we know, and it is slowly beginning to reveal its true nature to us.  Are you open?  Does this story offer a different picture of who we are—and from this vantage point allow us to ask the question, “What is the true nature of our reality?”  Is it only a construct in our minds? Are we in our very own Holodeck?  (A place of virtual reality in the StarTrek series.)  In the series, the holodeck is often used to recreate familiar places, participate in interactive stories, and to practice a variety of sports and skills. Could it not be as “fictional” as we think? Or is our current reality only build around our present memes—the collective conscious belief of our current, very limited potential, as we exist in this moment? Or, is reality in our current 3D model—and by its very nature always changing, to what’s next? Is this a glimpse into what is coming? Perhaps it is?  I’ll let you decide for yourself.

I was visiting a friend of mine.  The summer before I had spent a few extra days of summer on the Olympic Peninsula, as I had several years in a row. There was always something magical—serene, untroubled and tranquil at Brad’s house in the wood.  In my wanderings, I had come across some nice ceramic bowls which I thought would be an upgrade from the several blue zip-lock bowls on the shelves of the Sequim retreat—a place filled with solitude and peace.

So, I thought, it was unusual the following morning after my arrival this time, when I went to prepare breakfast—that all 9 bowls had disappeared.  (An odd number, but they were from the thrift store—and sometimes things come in odd numbers there; probably a set of 12 that someone had donated.)  I asked, had he seen them?  Yes, Brad remembered them—but commented—he hadn’t noticed them in a few months.  After a thorough investigation separately, our search—revealed no bowls.  How odd I thought—the plates were there from two summers before—and nothing else seemed to be out of place; my memory perused any new possibilities.  I looked up and asked Brad—would anyone have thrown them in the trash?  My mind had slipped into the petty scenario that someone had not been pleased with the addition of the bowls—or my presence in Sequim.  However, Brad looked at me directly and answered, “No.”  “That stuff doesn’t happen here,” he added.  “Ok”, I said, “I just had to ask.”  My logical left brain was diligently trying to sort out some explanation for their disappearance.  I reached for the blue plastic disposable bowls without saying anything else about the curiosity at hand; they would work just fine.

Brad had a few projects, he was working on outside after breakfast, and I offered to run the vacuum upstairs, inside.  The house wasn’t horrible—but seemed like it was time to ‘get a layer off,’  a quick freshening up. The house  always had a treehouse feel to me—and without it being anyone’s permanent house on a daily basis—served as a weekend get-a-way for which I was grateful for.

I set about to tidy the living room and kitchen which sat up high in the trees.  I was quite present, and in a cheerful mood. In spite of the coolness, the sun had graced us with it’s beauty and brightness today, I thought to myself while I—attended to the vacuum,  determined—to get the mighty machine cleaned out, so it could preform it’s household duty.  After three attempts the hoover was happily doing its job.  I moved the two coffee tables—and used the hose to suck up the wood dross around the tile which held the wood burning stove.  I folded the canvas wood carrier and carefully laid it on the faded plywood box.  I set the marigold-colored dustpan next to the wall—and lifted the drum stool—with its black pocked naugahyde seat and its bright chrome tripod legs—over to the large black tripod in the corner which held the Peavey speaker.  “How cute I thought to myself—the small tripod nestled into the big tripod.”  I finished with the vacuum and looked around surveying my work.  Everything looked good—and I went downstairs to see if Brad needed any help with his current and ongoing projects; a rhetorical question for any homeowner; the answer was “yes”.

Several hours later—with the rain falling heavily—and the sky darkening further—we retreated upstairs to throw potatoes in the oven—and headed into town for a RedBox movie rental and a few more groceries for the house.  I set the timer on my phone for an hour and off we drove to the nearby Safeway.

It had been a splendid evening—Dinner was a delicious fish with fresh asparagus and our oven baked potatoes with fixin’s of butter and sour cream; it had been a long time since I had indulged in a loaded baked spud.  I enjoyed every bite.

With a gentle coaxing and a glass of wine—Brad seemingly was the only one who could get me to sing.  He was one who had taken Karaoke to a seriously serious level—and with no one watching or critiquing—felt at ease enough to just have fun.  There were several songs that just lent themselves to our—or my level and aptitude and we were having a good time. We had found the lyrics on the computer—and had watched a couple of the artists on YouTube—even tuning into Darrell’s house.   Now, Brad grabbed his drum sticks and walked over to the drum set which sat behind the couch—handing me one of his sticks—I tap—tapped—tapped on the edge of the drum closest to me, and then pointed to the corner—and said, “grab the drum stool”.  He turned—and I said, “Where did it go?”  It was there this afternoon when I vacuumed, because I picked it up and moved it into a third quadrant of the large black tripod stand which stood in the corner holding the speaker.

Now, would be the time for the creepy music—because there was no stool—anywhere.  We looked in every corner, and every closet.  Brad wondered had someone been in the house?  Possible—except the house was locked—and because I had set the timer for the baked potatoes knew that we had been gone only about 45 minutes.  I didn’t have a sense that anyone else had been in  the house—and if so—why would someone take a drum stool seat—and leave everything else?  From a logical viewpoint—that didn’t make any sense either.

We looked downstairs.  Not in the guest bedrooms. Not in the laundry room or bathroom. Not in the garage.  The stool had vanished—along with the bowls—and the only link was me.  I could feel Brad was a bit freaked out on the inside, but to his credit—he was calm on the outside.

I thought about this a thousand times since then.  I am not afraid, but instead makes me question reality and its changing nature and how often we write things off that we don’t understand.   But, this was too tangible and I couldn’t write it off. Over the years—I have had other things “disappear” but never so quickly or obvious before my eyes.  I spoke to a few of my friends—they have had things disappear also—that make no logical sense.

So, is this a timeline jump?  Is it something to say to us—What is real?  It’s bigger.  Be open.  You don’t know, what you don’t know. Are there parts of our laws of physics that are missing?  I’ve heard there are two.  What have you had that “went missing” without any logical explanation—and perhaps made you wonder—what the heck is reality? My final question to myself was—if we can make stuff disappear—can, and are we learning to manipulate mass and reality that will be useful in the ascension trajectory humanity has chosen and be able to manifest what we need on demand?  And, is this why reality looks so different to everybody—because its all about perception and how open we are to what’s next?  And lastly, does it have to do with our rising consciousness?  I don’ have any of these answers—but look forward to what’s next—and as Paul Harvey used to say . . .  Stay tuned for . . . the rest of the story—page 2—when it appears outside of our linear timeline, coming to a place near you!

“Time Machine”

They say time is a circle—not a straight line.  It’s just that we don’t live long enough life cycles to remember from one life to another and to tie our expressions to our bigger, grander purpose; or who we really are. My Mother used to say, if you wait long enough it will be back in style.  Everything that is old becomes new again—and when I see things that are “new” it reminds me of my Grandmothers era or another place “in time.”  We know styles come and go in cycles.  What about the illusion of “time and space”?

This past summer I returned to Texas to pick up my car—a 1970 MGB that I bought in college—on a 5,000 mile road trip that took me through Washington, Oregon, California, New Mexico, into Texas and through El Paso, Austin and on east to Nacdogches and then back west through Utah to my childhood stomping grounds.  Our voyage across the country was a circle.  But if we had kept going?  Is the road in back of me the same one as the road in front of me or us? A huge cosmic circle?

Later, while cleaning the car I came across all sorts of little reminders which transported me back in time.  (Familiarity or déjà vu?) I found several U of W parking gate tickets, non-digital and an old map.  I found a rusted can of WD-40.  I found a favorite ceramic coffee mug—and a few pens.  All the little trinkets which propelled me back almost four decades when the car was first placed in storage. Time Machine . . . I thought.  The past had come back, into the NOW. It was the past. It was about the present too.  And, was it about the future as well?  A metaphor for our lives?

Our minds are vast and complicated with little understanding of the bigger system in which we live.  Sure, our 3D world was acknowledged and important, but like memories and feelings and consciousness—what lay outside of our physical world that could transport us to places unknown—likes dreams—and visions—and psychic knowing—or even astral travel?  Were we connected like the computer to an invisible human wifi?  What lays outside our physical world today, that is unaccepted—or not yet understood?  And, if we really are interdimensional beings, what insights and potentials do we create for ourselves based on our choices or our thoughts?  Unlike our paper geographical maps like I found in the car, was ours more of a personal individual energy map guided by our intuition and light language magnetic codes and intentions?

If we listen to our invisible guidance, are we able to jump timelines?  And, based on our choices, can our future be rewritten?  What about our past? I know when I stand at the center of my life in stillness, I realize that I create everything.  I can and do create “what’s next.”  But, just like the car—I must clean out and rid my being of unresolved things, and beliefs and be willing to move the needle from the old groove to make room for what is coming. Just like the location of the car—towed to its new locale which I was able to move physically creating new options—I choose the same for my life.  I believe that we are multidimensional with one foot in this dimension and another bigger part in a world I cannot see, but influences me everyday. If in fact, we have multidimensional DNA—then at some point, we have all been down this road before.  Influenced by this unknown, but “remembered past” called wisdom stored in our akashic lineage, living today in the now—and moving forward like the road circled before us.

I, for one, move forward with excitement with this unlimited possibility as I co-create and manifest my personal world and help with the global unfolding— which I choose to live in joy and happiness, without fear.

With the holiday season upon us—I extend this wish for you to.  To drop and heal what doesn’t serve you or me anymore—creating the road ahead of us and allowing the unfolding with integrity, and truth and love, full of compassion for everyone.  It is the time machine in us all—ready to be written or re-written and given as a starting point to shine our light of what is to come.

Happy Holidays—and Happy Travels!

“Realize that there are many things in the world for which no cause shall be found; not because it does not exist, but because we know too little to find it.”                                     ~Diana Gabaldon, Voyager

